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Preparations (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Jul 17th, 2024 @ 2:33pm by Survivor Timothy Cotton & Survivor Joshua MacCallan & Survivor Kimberley Hathaway
Edited on on Wed Jul 17th, 2024 @ 2:43pm

2,226 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Winter is Coming
Location: Revere Truckstop Off I-95
Timeline: September 6, 2010 - 3:45 p.m.

[After A Bit]

Lydia tied herself up, stowed the bear spray in its normal place, and exited the van, and, seeing they'd both left, headed back through the door that led into the restaurant and gift shop. Most of what they found would go into Kimberley's vehicle but she resolved to make sure that, along with water, she had what she needed to make a simple meal or two on her own and with that in mind, she started going through the convenience store and the restaurant store room to see what she could find.

inside the dinner, Josh and Kimberly were sorting out items into boxes they had found in the storeroom. Kimberly wrote the contents on each box, while Josh did a count on the jerry cans he had found. Kimberly looked up with a small smile as Lydia entered. She had lit one of the battery powered lanterns between the boxes. Dusk was on them. "Are you feeling better Lydia?" She asked concern in her tone.

"Better, thanks," Lydia said. Over the years, she had developed a practiced smile, warm enough to allay concerns, and more than able to mask what she was feeling. Spend time as a psycho's captive and you get good at hiding the truth from the world. They were strangers to her still and after what happened in the van, her guard was up. Way up.

Josh watched the interaction as he placed the last of the 6 cans by the door to the garage. Each jerry can held 5.3 gallons, so they had a nice stash. He wanted to find a way to carry more though.

"I'd like to fill me gas cans as well," Lydia said. "Can you show me how the pump works so I can fill them?"

"Sure" Josh said with a smile. "Have you ever seen TV shows where they had the old water pumps on farms? Its like that." He picked up two cans. "We should fill all the vehicle tanks with the fuel when we get the cans filled then, we can refill the cans."

He headed to the backdoor and slowly opened it to look around. Nothing out there. "Grab the bat please Lydia," he said pointing to the bat by the store doorway.

Lydia did as she was told and passed it over to him almost at once. The idea of being within bat's length of one of those things was more than she could manage at the moment though, she knew, the time was coming, when she was on her own again, that she would need to do so. For now, she handed the bat over and then followed him outside.

Once outdoors again, it wasn't hard to figure out the rest. She retrieved the emptied gas cans from her van and found the underground storage tanks that fed the gas pumps. She squatted down beside them and opened each one in turn. "Okay," she said, looking at Josh, "where's this pump?"

Joshua led the way, slowly, keeping an eye out. He was taking no chances. The pump was in a small lean-to like structure, just a few meters from where Joshua had built their fire. "In here." It was clear of Walkers, and open at both ends.

Arms full of gas cans, Lydia entered the structure, if you could call it that, and, following Josh's instructions, started filling the gas cans. It felt good, she thought, to be doing things again. Her time on the road, those short intervals, before the world fell apart had given her an appreciation for independence. The world had stolen her sense of safety or more accurately he had long before the virus but independence? Doing for herself? That she appreciated and maybe needed as a bulwark against the fear that crippled her sometimes. Less times, she reminded herself, than before. Less is good.

Before long, the gas cans were full and she was screwing the caps back into place. "Can we use this to fill the vehicles too," she asked.

"I have yet to find any sort of piping we can use but, The bowsers out front I think we can unhook the cords from there, it might work." Josh said even as he looked around carefully.

She didn't know what a bowser was but she was observant, it came with being an artist, and she followed his gaze, his line of sight, to the gas tanker out front. "Very large," Lydia said as her own gaze traveled to the pumps. "What about the pumps? Those are meant for a vehicle."

"yes but they run on electricity. We can attached the nozzle to the pipes on the truck and use it that way." Josh suggested.

"Kind of what I meant. Use the hose and nozzle, which fits. Do you think the truck actually has gas in it," Lydia asked.

"One way to find out." Josh said as he continued to look around. "Lets get these back into the Diner, then I will go and do some tapping on the truck to see if its full or empty."

The gas cans, much heavier when full, took two trips for Lydia to carry back and then two trips more to move them from the diner into the garage where her van was. Josh was busy with the tanker and well, she liked taking care of the van. Her home. That little bit of her old life left to her in all this insanity. Not complete yet but close. There was one thing more she wanted and when the time came, when she found one, she'd get it. Had a name all picked out. Once everything was stowed in the garage, which is what the underside of the bed, accessed through the rear doors, was typically called, she locked the rear door and headed back into the diner.

Kimberly was in the diner keeping watch now through the slats they had put up. She glanced at Lydia and gave a smile. "Hey," she said brightly. "I have finished sorting the items into boxes. We have a bit of food for the next few weeks by the look. And there is still left over soup as well to get us through the night."

"That's good," Lydia said. She took a step and then stopped, turning back toward Kimberley. "How did you keep it from going bad?"

"I sealed the pot after and left it in the coals. Covered it with metal panels. It kept it warm. I will bring it in before nightfall." Kimberly smiled.

"Interesting idea," Lydia answered, nodding her approval, "and we can always thin it out a bit with water if it gets too thick."

Kimberly nodded. "Very true." She said. "When Josh comes back in, We can barricade the backdoor and tomorrow we can look to leave.."


Meanwhile on the road, TJ was making his way toward the Truckstop and what he hoped was shelter along with finding something to eat. He had seen the sign for it a few miles back and he knew he was getting closer with each step he took.

As TJ drew closer he found a bike on the side of the road. he picked it up and examined it. It appeared to be in good shape. Maybe luck was on his side. He hopped on, tires were good and started once again towards the Truck stop and Boston.

Josh had just finished tapping the tanker when movement had him turning. He saw a man on a bicycle and frowned. What was going on? He stepped clear and kept his bat ready.

Seeing the man at the tanker, TJ headed for him, as he got closer, he saw the bat in the man's hand, so he stopped several feet away. His rifle still on his shoulder. "Easier way to check the tanker. Climb on top and open the storage container caps and peer in." he offered.

Josh eyed him cautiously. "Are you infected?" he asked warily. He had seen people being bitten getting infected. He was not risking himself or the women inside the diner.

TJ was tempted to joke but could see the man was serious and this was no laughing matter to begin with. "No. I am not." He replied simply but to the point.

"Where are you coming from?" Josh was really cautious. He needed to be. They all needed to be.

"Making my way toward Boston and then Maine. Heard there was a safe haven for the uninfected, as to where I'm coming from. NC. I'm Sergeant TJ Cotton, United States Marine."

A marine. Josh studied him. "If you are looking for fuel, there is a pump over there, takes from the underground tanks." He thought maybe the guy had a vehicle near by that needed filling.

TJ laughed easily. "Just found this a few miles back. Had a motorcycle but had to ditch it as it ran out of gas. I'm just looking to get to Boston and then up to Maine. "Is there any food left in the diner? I mean other than snacks?"

Josh considered his response. "Not much." he admitted. "My friends and I have been scavenging."

TJ nodded, Heard that, been doing a lot of that. "Well, I guess I should push on. Good luck to you and those with you. Maybe we'll see each other again."

Josh shook his head. "You cannot keep going on a bike" He said. "Wait here."

TJ smiled, "Think not? This bike is a godsend. It beats walking and I've done a lot of walking." He replied but didn't move when Josh told him to wait.

He headed back around to the back of the diner and entered the backdoor, closing it behind him. "Kimberly? Lydia?" He called out as he came into the diner and then found them. "Ladies, we have a situation, Nothing overly bad."

After the man had left, TJ got off the bike to stretch his legs, but he didn't move more than a few feet away as he stretched and worked the kinks out of his legs and back.

Lydia peeked out the window, watching the man work out, and turned back to Josh. "Doesn't look bit," she said. "You thinking about inviting him for supper?"

"He is alone, riding a pushbike, heading to Boston. I think he is going to end up killed" Josh replied.

Kimberly moved and looked through the window with Lydia. "Well, lets be honest, there is safety in numbers."

Josh nodded. "Lydia? What are your thoughts?"

"Let's invite him in," Lydia answered with a slight shrug. It was, for her, an endless internal war. Fighting against the mistrust and fear that he had left her with, being true to herself. Still, it had left her with an early warning system, a chill along the back of the neck, a frisson of fear that she always respected. Looking out the window, she felt none of that and decided to take a chance. If they were crafting a new reality, then let it be this -- pay it forward. The good they did, he could pass on to others. "We have plenty of leftovers. It's one meal, right? How bad can it be? Our stuff is all stowed away. He's welcome to take his share if he needs it."

TJ looked towards the diner unaware of the discussion about him. He thought of walking into the diner but didn't as he didn't want to lose what little bit of goodwill he may have built with the man. So, he continued to wait and as he did, he looked around the TruckStop, He looked at the diner, the tanker wondering if it still held any gas. He'd love to find a motorcycle as that would be an enormous help on his journey, but he was thankful for the bike.

Josh nodded at both women. "Ok but be on your guard for now." He said and headed out to the tanker.

He came out the backdoor and waved to TJ beckoning him over.

Seeing the man wave to him, TJ walked over. "What's up?" He asked.

"Come on in." Joshua said. "I have two friends inside." He added.

Josh nodded, "Thanks, I appreciate it." He took a few steps toward the diner and stopped. He looked at Josh. "You mind if I get my rucksack and bring it inside? it doesn't have to be with me. I just don't want to leave it outside. It contains my stuff." He explained.

"Grab it" Josh said. "I am Josh. Any weapons?"

"TJ" As he extended his hand. "Pistol in the rucksack along with knife and the rifle you see."

Josh shook his hand and then led the way inside and barricaded the door behind them. He led him into the diner proper, where the two women waited.

Kimberly stood by the counter, her hand on her belt where her froe was hooked. The older of the two women was watching the newcomer with cautious eyes.

Josh waved a hand. “This is Kimberly, and Lydia,” He indicated the older woman first then the younger one.

TJ extended his hand to first Kim and then Lydia. "Kim, Lydia it is nice to meet you both. I'm TJ Cotton. A sergeant in the United States Marines."


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