
The Journey Continues

Posted on Fri Mar 7th, 2025 @ 5:14am by Survivor Timothy Cotton

562 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Settling In
Location: On the road to Boston
Timeline: Current

OOC: A back, back post before TJ met up with Josh, Kimberly and Lydia

TJ had left Medfield and was on the road to Boston. He was on foot, the cars he had seen abandoned were out of gas or had been wrecked to be undriveable. He hadn't even seen a bicycle. So, he continued on using good old Pat and Joe otherwise known as his feet. He kept a steady pace; one he could easily maintain without worrying about tiring himself out.

The road was devoid of any human traffic but was littered with wrecked and abandoned cars. He didn't waste any time thinking of what happened to the car's occupants. He had been walking for a couple of hours now at a good steady pace. The last road sign he had seen had said Boston 16 miles, so he still had a healthy trek ahead of him. As walked his thoughts drifted to his parents. Were they okay? Were they alive? If so, where were they? Questions with no answers. Then his thoughts moved to Kelly, was she alive? He stopped and shook his head, of course she was alive he berated himself. The woman was wired for survival but as with his parents he desperately wanted to find her. He found thinking about Kelly and his parents helped him feel connected that he was still a part of a family, still had relationships he cared a great deal about and wanted to hold on to. As he walked, he wondered if anyone had an idea or theory on how the dead were able to reanimate and come back as undead with the overriding need for in living human food. Has he thought on the matter, he realized it didn't matter. The undead were here now and either you dealt with it, or you died. It was that simple.

His walked continued and he only stopped to take a sip of water or a bite of his candy bar. or to find a place to relieve himself. Even with no one around he was modest about being seen. As he walked, he saw signs indicating a truck stop several miles ahead, with a restaurant. That meant he could possibly find a car or motorcycle to use to speed his trip to Boston. It also meant the possibility of food, real food and not snacks that he had been surviving on. It also meant there was a chance he could meet up with other survivors and that thought made him cautious. Would they be welcoming or hostile? Either way he wasn't there to make trouble. All he wanted was some food and hopefully a ride. Then he would be on his way

Another road sign mentioning the truck stop, just a few miles ahead. He walked on, one foot in front of the other. His eyes constantly sweeping the surroundings for any sign of the undead or human predators looking to bounce on a lone individual. As he came over a rise, he saw it, A large free-standing sign announcing the truck stop was at the next exit. As he drew closer, he could see a camper, a truck with a trailer and another vehicle. Maybe he could hotwire one and use it to get to Boston which would hopefully get him one step closer to finding reuniting with Kelly.



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