Preparations (Part 2)
Posted on Thu Jul 18th, 2024 @ 2:03am by Survivor Timothy Cotton & Survivor Joshua MacCallan & Survivor Kimberley Hathaway
2,412 words; about a 12 minute read
Winter is Coming
Location: Revere Truckstop Off I-95
Timeline: September 6, 2010 - 3:45 p.m.
Slender and petite with nearly waist-length red hair, Lydia was dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved pullover. Her smile was shy but genuine as she reached out her hand to T.J. "Pleasure to meet you," she said. "I'm an artist from New York originally. Was heading for Canada because I had this wild idea that whatever happened only happened here."
TJ smiled back at her. "A pleasure ma'am. I was born in Macon, Georgia but I've been to New York. An incredible place. You say your an artist? I think that is so neat. Maybe you can show me your work sometime later." He paused an considered what she said about going to Canada. "Why do you think that is a crazy idea? You just may be right. I hope you have gas or plan on taking that tanker with you."
"I have a van," Lydia said. "Kind of like an apartment on wheels? I was already living in it part-time before the ... well before. Been lucky so far. Finding enough gas to keep moving. Eventually luck runs out, I guess, but not today. You know? Not today." She smiled. "Remind me after dinner and I'll bring out a couple of my sketchbooks to show you ... if you're really interested that is. Coz' you don't have to be if you're trying to be polite."
TJ smiled, "I am really interested and I would love to see your work. I can't draw worth a lick, so I appreciate and admire those who can."
Kimberly watched the interaction and calmly went to Josh's side. "Any sign of the Walkers?"
"No, but we should look to fill the cars as soon as possible tomorrow morning, just in case." Josh replied softly. He looked at TJ, "We have means of transport here, if you wish to join us. we are not going to Boston however."
TJ shifted his attention to Josh, "I see. Well, I was headed to Boston then make my way to Maine and the rumored safe haven there. Where were you all headed? If you don't mind me asking."
Lydia studied Josh for a moment and then shook her head. "If there's a safe haven in Maine, then its worth pursuing. If nothing else, it gets me one step closer to Canada."
TJ looked at Lydia, thinking he may have an ally in this conversation. "Good way to look at it Lydia and has you pointed out it is one step closer to Canada. This safe haven is summered to be at the medical facility in Augusta Maine. But I'm the newbie here. You all have been together before I showed up."
"Not for long," Lydia said. "We're all getting to know each other and Kimberley here, has some truly excellent leftovers we can all share for dinner tonight. Eh, Kimberley?"
Kimberly nodded. "Yes there should be enough." She went to the backdoor and slipped out silently to get the pot of soup that was being kept warm in the fire pit.
Josh considered their words. "They just bombed Boston and who knows which other cities, How do we know that safe place is still safe?" He asked.
"We don't." TJ answered. "However, as Lydia said it gets her closer and you to Canada. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Plus, Augusta isn't a big city, not near on the scale of Boston. It probably has less than twenty thousand people living there despite being the state capital. I doubt they would waste o bomb on it." TJ repied.
Josh was not convinced but he had a feeling that Lydia was already convinced. Which was very strange. Before he could speak again, Kimberly came back in with a pot.
Kimberly placed the pot down and shoved the door closed. "Its getting dark" she said. "We need to lock down..."
Josh moved to the door behind her. "Did you hear something? See something?" He hefted the baseball bat as he began to barricade the door.
"I got a really bad feeling while out there. It was eerily quiet out there. No birds, nothing." Kimberly said. She looked at TJ. "Do you have a sleeping bag?"
TJ shook his head. "No ma'am. I don't need one. I can just find a corner to lie down in." He looked at the baseball bat in Josh's hand. "Is that the only weapon you have to defend the three of you?"
Kimberly shook her head. That would not do. She did have an extra sleeping bag, so she placed the pot on the table and said “Get plates, lets eat before it gets too dark, then I will get you a sleeping bag,”
Josh shook his head at the question. "No, I have a gun but I do not use it as sound attracts them"
"Get it." TJ answered. "If there are walkers out there or coming this way, they've already been attracted. Is there a way up to roof of the diner? I'm a sniper. I can take them out before they get too close."
Kim had been heading for the garage. “I think there is access in the store room in the kitchen.” She said.
Josh went to the garage to get his hand gun from his bike.
As Josh went to get his gun, TJ stayed with the women. "Can either of you fire a hand gun? I have a pistol in my rucksack." He said as he would go and see if Kim was right about access to the roof once Josh had returned.
"No," Lydia said, shuddering lightly. "Tried to take lessons once upon a time but ... didn't work out so well. Studied anatomy at art school so I know exactly how much damage a bullet can do." She shook her head slowly. "Wasn't possible after that." What she wanted, more than anything else, was time alone. She promised herself as she waited that she'd retreat to the van when it was safe to do so. Time to think. Decide for herself what she wanted to do.
TJ could see and hear Lydia's reluctance to use a firearm. "Okay Lydia. I'm not going to force you to use one. However, a firearm is only a tool like a hammer or shovel. It depends on whose hands it in and their intent."
"I don't have one and I can't guarantee I'll hit what I'm aiming at," Lydia said. "But if it comes to it, if there's no other choice and I mean my feet are somehow glued to the floor and I can't run far and fast then alright. I'll try."
Kimberly placed her froe on the counter. "This is my weapon." she said softly. She went into the garage as Josh came back out with his hand gun.
Kimberly came back out with a sleeping bag for TJ.
Josh placed the gun on the counter. Tt was a M9 Beretta (Beretta 92FS). "I have some training with it. My brother-in-law taught me but i am not that good with it."
TJ nodded, "It is okay. You have one and know how to use it. He looked to Kim. "Kim? What about you? Can you use a hand gun?"
"No" Came the response. "I have spent my life as a housewife before I lost my children to the virus and my husband to another woman." She picked up the froe. She placed it in her belt.
TJ nodded and walked and silently walked over to his rucksack. Opening it, he pulled out a BerettaM9 standard sidearm for marines. It had a fifteen-round clip. He tucked the pistol into his belt. "I think it would be a good idea to eat while we can."
Lydia nodded though she was far from hungry. Nerves and all. She set the table while Kimberley brought out the leftovers. The bread had gone moldy so it was that and water to drink. She filled individual glasses and put a large pitcher on the table as well.
TJ pulled out a chair and sat down. He was quiet. He felt like he had raised the tension in the room by asking both women if they knew how to use a handgun. He hadn't meant to make them uneasy, but he didn't want to see them dead either.
After placing a small battery operated lantern on the table between them,and turning it on Kimberly served the soup into 4 bowls and then with a small smile pulled out a bag of croutons. "Found these in my stash." She said and passed them around. She looked at Josh. "The covered trailer... we can fit more stuff in it. If we can find more cans to fill with fuel.."
"There are barrels we could look at." Both Kimberly and Joshua were trying to fill the quiet to distract Lydia and keep everything as calm as possible. Night was falling rapidly outside so they were soon to be going about with torches where possible.
TJ took few of the croutons and passed them on. "You'll need the barrels to be clean as to not contaminate the fuel. You will also need a siphon hose or a way to get the fuel from the barrels into your vehicles." He said quietly.
Lydia, who would have chosen about half of what she was given, ate without speaking. So much of how the world worked was a mystery to her. Who would have ever thought she'd be sitting at a table contemplating how to get gas out of a tanker truck or an underground storage tank. Different skill set. She could make paint from the proper ingredients and had done so for an art project in school. She could learn this. Maybe not weapons so easily but the rest, she could learn. She had to.
"There isn't that sort of thing here at the truck stop," Lydia said. "But we could always stop, once we're moving again, that is. We could always stop some place that might have them ... where would you get siphon hoses?"
TJ smiled at her, "You can use a garden hose if you have to." He answered. "As to where you can get one, A hardware store, or Lowes, Home Depot would have them. Should also get one to siphon water." He added. "Makes the job much easier."
Lydia nodded in understanding and concentrated to getting a bit of food in before leaving (running) to the sanctuary that was her van.
Josh looked up. "The tanker was pretty full from the sounds. We were going to fill up the vehicles using one of the handles off of the pumps out the front. We could take one of those maybe." He then went back to his food.
TJ nodded, "Sure, that works. I just didn't want you to get caught unprepared in getting the gas from the barrels to your vehicles or in this case from the tanker." He replied with a smile.
Privately, Lydia wasn't sure how any of it worked but had finished what she could and pushed the rest away. "I'm going to turn in," she said. "See you all in the morning." She rose smoothly from her seat, her smile shy and hesitant, but her steps were firm enough as she stepped back and moved around the table.
Josh watched her go, sadness in his eyes. he knew perfectly well what was happening within her. Everything was starting to pile on. "Sleep well Lydia." He said to her back.
Kimberly finished her meal and began cleaning up. It was a habit. She needed things to be cleaned up before she could sleep.
TJ stood up from the table, "Good night, Lydia." He said simply but honestly as he watched her exit the room.
Lydia walked out of the diner, through the shop, and into the garage. Once she was inside her van and the side door was closed and locked, she took a deep breath or tried to. It felt as though her whole body were trembling. She changed into her favorite pajamas and slid beneath the blankets, curling up with her face toward the rear doors, toward the collage of pictures she kept there. With her hand over her mouth, her eyes filled with tears and Lydia wept silently, her slender body shaking.
After Lydia had left, TJ looked at Josh and Kim. "Is Lydia alright? I hope I didn't say anything to upset her when I asked her about using a gun." His tone indicating his concern for her.
Josh keeping his vow to keep her secrets, said "She has been through a lot, It is difficult for her right now. Even without the end of the world she would be struggling."
TJ nodded slowly, understanding the situation a little better with Lydia. "I see and I'm sorry. Will she be alright?" TJ was concerned he had seen people, other marines overwhelmed and struggling to cope. and it ended badly. he didn't want to happen to Lydia even though they had just met.
"I am not sure. I hope so. She has come a long way." Josh replied. Helping Kimberly clean up as he spoke. "She is pushing stuff away. I think if we can find a safe place it might help her more."
TJ sat there listening to Josh as he gave a brief explanation. "Would it be, or do you think it would be alright if I went out and talked to her? I'd like to help." He finished his gaze shifting between Josh and Kim.
Josh shrugged. "I tried to help and almost got bearspray in my face. But I wont stop you. She has been through a massive trauma so please do not make it worse."
Kimberly nodded and collected the lantern. "I want to do a few more supply sweeps in the store so I will get started on that." She said and headed off.
Josh pulled out his flashlight and turned it on. "I'll keep watch"
TJ took in all Josh was saying. "I have no intention of making it worse for Lydia. If I sense resistance from her, I'll back off and leave her and the situation alone." He glanced at Kim, "If you need my help call out." With that he got up and headed for the garage.
Once in the garage, TJ approached the camper van slowly, he didn't want to scare, startle Lydia. Reaching the van, he knocked on the side, "Lydia. It's TJ, Can I talk to you?"