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Leaving the Gas and Go

Posted on Mon Jul 22nd, 2024 @ 3:33am by Survivor Timothy Cotton & Survivor Joshua MacCallan & Survivor Kimberley Hathaway

1,068 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Winter is Coming
Location: Revere Truckstop off I-95
Timeline: September 8, 2010 6:15 a.m.

"That's a hard question," Lydia answered. "I ... I don't want to live in fear. Spent too much time that way and ... we aren't going to make it on our own, are we? Not long-term. Cautious but friendly? Trust our instincts?"

TJ was quiet. He was the new guy to the group. They had taken him in and he had no doubt there were discussions about him. Still, he thought this was a decision best left for Josh, Lydia and Kimberley to decide as they were the core group. If asked he would give his opinion but he would not offer one as it felt wrong after just being accepted.

Josh nodded as Lydia spoke. "Yes, that will do for now." He said. "Kimberly, get your SUV ready, I think the Van is ready."

They moved the next vehicle into place, and Kimberly double checked the diner and shop for anything else they may have missed. She brought out two cases of bottled water and placed one in the van with Lydia and one in the truck where TJ and Josh would be. "I have a ton of these in the covered trailer." She said.

"Thanks, Kimberly," Lydia said cheerfully. She grabbed the bottle and took it into the back, put it in the fridge, and returned to the driver's seat. "Here's hoping there's something good waiting in Augusta, eh?"

As they moved to fill Kimberley's SUV, TJ asked Josh, "Have you brought any quarts of oil with you? You don't want your engines to seize up because they didn't have oil."

"Nothing like that here," Lydia said. "It's more a convenience store and diner than a full-on mechanic."

TJ frowned at the news Lydia gave him. "I suggest that if we come across a service station or even a dealership and it looks safe, we stop and get some oil, anti-freeze. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it."

Kimberly looked at him as she finished securing the trailer, "My car had a service 2 weeks ago. It should be fine for a bit."

Lydia chewed on her lower lip, honestly uncertain what the right path would be. Being prepared for all eventualities had its benefits but to her way of thinking, it also made them a bigger target. Theft-worthy. "Maybe we get some distance first," she said at last. "That safe haven is only about two hours away. Let's try that first and if that doesn't work, well then, we'll talk it about then. Fair?"

TJ nodded, "It wasn't an order, Kimberley. It was only a suggestion. We can get to our destination and look around there if we need to." TJ said easily. He glanced at Lydia, "I am perfectly fine with your suggestion Lydia."

The tank filled, Kimberly pulled the SUV forward for Josh to move the 2010 Chevrolet Silverado - 2009 Kawasaki Vulcan 1700 Nomad in the tray with a teardrop camper in tow, into position.

Josh climbed out of the drivers seat and opened the gas cap. "The gage says half full" He said to TJ.

TJ nodded and proceeded to place the nozzle into the Silverado's gas tank. "Should only take a couple of minutes to get you full as well." he told Josh.

Josh looked at Kimberly. "You want to take point?" he asked her.

Kimberly nodded. "Yes I can do that."

TJ was quiet as he finished filling the Silverado. He placed the gas cap back on it and tightened it down. "You are full and ready to go." He told Josh as he prepared to pull the hose and take with them.

"You mean we" Kimberly said as Josh nodded.

Josh looked at Lydia. "If you drive between Kimberly and Us we should be able to all keep pace."

TJ looked at Kimberely and nodded, "Yes, you are right Kimberley, I meant we and thank you." He said gratefully as his gaze moved from Kimberley to Josh to Lydia. "Thank you" He repeated.

Josh looked around. "Okay so everything is secure." he said. "We should head off, if we want to get there."

He headed to the truck.

Kimberly climbed into the SUV.

TJ watched Kimberly and Josh walk back to their respective vehicles. He smiled at Lydia. "Time to go, be safe. If you need to stop, signal us either by hand signals or flash your lights and we'll stop."

Lydia, who had been watching Josh and Kimberly move to their vehicles, smiled at T.J. "I like to drive," Lydia said with a slight shrug. "Probably the only part about living in New York that I didn't like. Subways and walking everywhere." She paused, head canted to one side, looking up. "No, that's not right. I liked that too. Lots of changes to observe people. To practice. That's good to. Okay. Enough of that. Ready when you are."

She climbed in and started the van, settling into place. With the windows open, she pulled her hair back into a ponytail using one of the bands she kept for just that reason, and while she waited for her turn to pull out, took a long sip of tea. Still hot, thank goodness.

Kimberly pulled out first slowly, cautiously as she did so, heading back the way she had come not two days before.

Lydia, after checking for oncoming traffic (because you never know, do you?), pulled out after Kimberly and settled in for the two hour drive to the hospital. She did a lot of thinking when she drove and sometimes, none at all. Sometimes, she just slipped into the moment. Pushed everything to the side which is what she did now. Life had changed so much. Too much. And she hadn't quite adjusted to the new reality. "Let's just hope," she said to the angel that hung off her rear view mirror, "that he got bit on the first day." The idea of Lucien shambling around New York, rotting, had more than a little appeal.

Josh waved to TJ, "Come on" he encouraged.

Tj nodded and jogged to the Silverado. Opening the door, he put his rucksack and rifle behind the seat before sitting down in the passenger seat. He looked over at Josh. "Ready when you are."

Josh started the truck and put it into gear. He pulled out behind Lydia, keeping a safe distance between the van and the truck.


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