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Harris Family - Night time panic

Posted on Mon Aug 12th, 2024 @ 2:59am by Survivor Carmen Harris & Survivor Myles Harris & Survivor Jack Harris

2,886 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: The Road Ahead
Location: Ravenwood Golf Club
Timeline: September 7th - Late afternoon

Carmen looked at the sign. Ravenwood Golf Club. It was outside Rochester New York and its parking lot was empty. She pulled the car into the parking lot and put the car into park. It was getting late in the afternoon. She rolled her shoulders and took a breath. She slumped in the drivers seat. “I think this is as far as we go tonight.” Carmen said to Jack in a soft tone, letting Myles sleep in the backseat with Daisy.

“I bet it will have toilets and showers in there. If there is a generator." Carmen considered. "If we can find a way to barricade in there, we might be able to spend the night. Food too, they do weddings.” She motioned to the sign again. She sorely wanted a shower. And to use a proper toilet.

Jack looked over the parking lot and the building itself. Though both of his eyes were blackened, the icepack had done its job of keeping the inflammation down. "I'll check it out," he said as he grabbed his bat. "You two stay in the car, keep the doors locked." He then got out and shut the door. When he heard it click locked behind him, he started towards the clubhouse, his eyes and ears open to any sign of danger.

Carmen watched from the front seat nervously. She looked around and saw nothing. That was a good sign but she knew there was always a possibility of someone inside the clubhouse.

Nearly ten minutes later, Jack waved the all clear. He indicated that Carmen should bring the car over to the small delivery/kitchen area. It had a privacy fence that could be closed and secured.

Carmen did as instructed and parked in the spot indicated. She then shook Myles awake and let Daisy out as Jack closed the gate.

Once he had the gate closed and locked, using his old bike lock, he moved back to his family. "The place is empty. Looks like it's between full operation seasons right now...or was, before the world ended." He opened the back of the wagon and pulled put the. Cooler that held the remaining raw meat that they had. "They've got a propane tank," he nodded to the large white tank with flammable warning placards on it. "We should be able to cook the rest of this before it goes rancid. We should see how well stocked their pantry is. Every little bit will help us down the road."

Myles came bouncing over. "What can I do to help?" He looked up at his big brother with hopeful eyes.

Looking down at his baby brother and grinned. "While Carmen and I offload some things, you and Daisy are on guard duty. Stay quiet unless you see or hear danger, then come tell us right away. Can you do that?"

The youngest Harris child stood tall and puffed out his chest, trying to look tough. "We got it! Come on Daisy!" He then led the faithful family dog towards the fence, and started watching through the slats.

Carmen nodded at the building. "Do you reckon that would also heat water?" She asked. She hoped so. Grabbing supplies and the sleeping bags and pillows, Carmen followed Jack into the building.

Jack shrugged. "Dunno. Also, don't know if the water is running. But, if it is, and the propane supply isn't attached to the water heater, we could always just boil water for baths." As they spoke, he led her into the kitchen, propping open the door, so they could hear Myles.

Carmen placed the sleeping bags by the door to the kitchen. "We should sleep in an office if there is one. Better defense just in case.. " Carmen mused.

Jack nodded in agreement. "I think the chef's office is over there." He pointed his chin towards a darkened room off on the opposite side of the kitchen. The door was open and there were plenty of windows, so they would be able to see if there was any danger.

Agreeing, Carmen went and put their sleeping bags in the office. Then she went out into the clubhouse and into the change rooms. She tested the taps. They worked. She turned on the hot tap, let it run. Then she grinned and turned it off. She ran back out to Jack.

"The pilot light must still work" she said to him. "We have hot water!" She was smiling. "Which means we can wash and get clean as well as use it to clean our dishes and such."

By the time Carmen had returned, Jack had already set up some pots and pans on the massive stove and had already started to lay out the various cuts of meat and raw food that they still had in their cooler. "Excellent!" He replied with a grin. "Though, we should enjoy it while we can. We have no idea if we will find a place like this. Don't even know if Grandma's and Grandpa's cabin is still standing." He looked over at the open door, and saw Myles still guarding the gate. "We should be careful what we say in front of him. He's too young to fully understand. I don't want him to worry unnecessarily. You remember how he got when he was five and dad got in that car accident."

Carmen nodded. "Yes I remember." She said. It had been a hard time, Myles had not spoken for weeks after their father had come home. "However he should come inside soon, lets not leave him out there where they can see him."

Jack nodded. "Yeah, it's getting dark out there. He walked to the door. "Myles, come on inside. It's getting dark out. Time to close the doors and lock everything down for the night."

"Okay, Jacky!" Myles said with a grin ad he turned away from the gate and hurried inside. "Come on, Daisy!"

The Golden Retriever bounded after the young boy, her tail wagging happily.

Once they were inside, Jack closed the door, then made sure it was securely locked. Turning back to Carmen and Myles, he said, "Myles, listen to Carmen, while I go double check the other doors and windows. Both of you stay in here until I get back, okay?"

Myles nodded to his big brother.

Carmen began to hum as she began rummaging through the box of clothes, she had brought in for Myles. "Hey Myles we can get showers here." She said brightly. "A nice hot shower sounds good right?"

Myles smiled brightly at his big sister. "I never thought I'd miss taking a shower!" He looked over at Daisy, who was grooming herself as she laid by his side. "Daisy too?"

Carmen smiled "oh yeah Daisy too." She knew that the dog also needed a bath if they were to breathe in the car. "Here is your towel and clothes. Once Jack says it's good, the bathrooms are that way. Take her with you."

Myles nodded happily to his big sister. Just their mother, he can remember her always looking out for him.

About ten minutes later, Jack returned. "Alright, everything is locked up tight. Go ahead a start your showers. I'll start cooking and prepping the food we have left."

Myles smiled at Jack, then looked down at Daisy. "Come on, girl!" He then hurried to where Carmen had directed him, the 4 year old Golden Retriever close on his heels.

Carmen watched him go then turned to Jack. "I will re-wrap his wrist when he gets back, but it does not seem as bad as I thought it was."

"Good," Jack replied as he nodded. "How about you? I know that you need...feminine things. How are you doing for supply?"

"Am good." She said with a smile. "Several months worth. Mom and I had a stockpile, for emergencies and such."

Nodding, relief on his face, Jack replied. "We should still see if we can find more. I want you to have as much stuff as you need, before it's all gone, and you need to figure out something else." He reached out and pulled his sister in for a hug. "I'm going to do everything I can to keep the both of you safe, Car."

Carmen hugged him back. "I know, I will help you, you know that." She assured him. "Come, let's get food cooked before Myles and Daisy get back. Then you can grab your shower and we can eat." She didn't mention that she had not showered yet either.

Jack held Carmen out at arm's reach and shook his head. "No, I'll get dinner going. You go take your shower too. I'll take mine after we eat and the three of you are safe and secure in the office." He gave he a look that stated he would take no disagreement from her in this matter.

Carmen gave a slight nod and headed to her things. She gathered her clothes and towel and headed for the women's showers without another word.

Jack watched her go, then got to work in the kitchen. They had had only a couple steaks and a pack of hot dogs left in their cooler. Grabbing a box of instant mash potatoes and elbow maccaroni and cheese, he seasoned up the steaks and set them to the side. Next, he decided to boil the hot dogs. Once the pots were warming up, he stole a peek into the walk in freezer and pantry. He had to pause when he saw the bounty that had been left behind.

There were three racks of pork chops, two full racks of beef ribs, three full chickens and even some frozen shrimp. In the pantry, there were enough can goods to hold them until they got to their grandparent's home in Wisconsin, provided they were careful.

He decided that the best thing to do, would be to cook all the meat, then cut it up for easier storage, and put it all back in the freezer until they were ready to leave. So, that in mind, he brought out all the meat, then closed the freezer, to keep it as cold as possible, since there was no power. He then got to work, moving about the kitchen, as if he had always worked there. His only goal...keeping them all alive for as long as possible.

Daisy bounded back in a short time later, her fur damp showing that Myles had dried her off after their shower. She sniffed around the kitchen then wandered out through the building, which Jack had secured.

A beat later, the youngest Harrias can bouncing in after the family dog. "What smells so yummy, Jack?"

Jack grinned as he looked over at his baby brother. "I found some good meat in the freezer here. I'm cooking it all up, to try to make it last longer for us. While I'm working here, go get your sleeping bag and pillow, set it up in the back of the office, then go ahead and feed Daisy her dinner."

"Okay!" Myles replied cheerfully, as he hurried to do as his big brother instructed. As he went about it, Daisy stayed right with him. Ever since their father had been hurt, she had become glued to his side. Wherever he went, she was always right there, at his left hip.

Carmen came back a short time later, having showered and washed her hair, she was dressed in jeans, a teeshirt under a long sleved shirt and sneakers. As she walked she platted her hair into two braids and tied them together. She looked up as she put her things away. "That smells good." She said to Jack.

Jack grinned to his little sister as he replied. "I hope it tastes as good as it smells. I'm using every cooking trick I've learned from mom, dad, even grandma and grandpa." He paused a brat, then continued. "While this is finishing up, why don't you go ahead and get your sleeping bag situated in the office. I want you in the middle of the room, with Myles in the corner behind you. I'll set mine up behind the door when we close it to go to sleep tonight."

Carmen nodded and finished packing her belongings away, with the exception of her towel, which, grabbing Myles's she hung them over chairs. Then she went and set up her sleeping bag.

As Carmen finished doing what Jack had asked of her, Myles finished setting up Daisy'food and water bowls, while she sat, patiently, for him to release her. "Good girl!" He praised her with a big smile. He then gave her the release command, when he said, "Go ahead, girl!"

Carmen came back a short moment later and stood beside Jack. "What can I do?"

Hearing her question, Jack checked their dinner. "Looks like things will be ready to serve shortly, why don't you and Myles get a place set for us to eat?"

Carmen nodded. "When will you go take your shower?" She asked. "We do not know how long we will have the ability to shower and cook."

Jack nodded. "I know. However, if it's a choice between having cooked food or a hot shower, I'll choose the cooked food every time. If you want, fill up one of those big pots with water and boil it. In fact, fill up as many as you can and boil it. Who know when we will have clean water again."

Carmen nodded. "I.. was thinking. " she began as she began to fill pots. "Do you think the grounds keeper would have had a...shotgun?"

Jack looked at his sister. "Why would they?" Though he started to have a similar question in his mind. While he could hit a deep center field homerun when they were back in school, a firearm of some kind would bolster his ability to protect them.

"Deer, bears.. they are around." Carmen said as she put the first pot on the stove.

Nodding as he thought about her words, Jack finally replied. "I'll go take a look when I go shower. In case they don't have one, we should take whatever we can from in here, to act as backup weapons to my bat and your field hockey stick."

"There are a ton of Golf Clubs." Carmen grinned.

Jack grinned and said, "Well, all I'd need would be a hockey mask, and I could be like Casey Jones, from the Ninja Turtles!"

"oh brother" his younger sister rolled her eyes with a smile. "Lets just pray we can fit them in the car."

He chuckled, then gave her a side hug. Finally. The little family sat down to eat what could be their last full meal for a while. Afterwards, Jack made his way to the men's locker room and quickly showered.

Once he was clean, he started a search for any weapons. In the locker room itself, he actually found a policeman's uniform, complete with gunbelt and a Beretta 9mm semiauto pistol, with one full magazine loaded, plus two more spares. There was also a bulletproof vest in the locker. He took the gun belt, weapon and vest, putting them on, to keep his hands free. Then he continued his search.

While Jack was off doing his scouting, Carmen set about boiling and cooling the water she could, she found several empty bottles and after sniffing them to make sure they were clean, filled them carefully with the boiled water. She made sure Myles was busy with Daisy and continued working.

A short while later, Jack found the office belonging to the club president. Inside, he found a large oak gun cabinet, which contained four shotguns. There was a 28 guage, s8ngle barrel, break action, a 12 gauge pump, and two 10 gauge, double-barrel break actions. In the drawer underneath, he found one box of twenty rounds for the 28, two boxes of twenty each for the 12 and two boxes of ten each for the 10. Remembering that he had found a canvas gym bag in the locker room, Jack hurried back tograb it. He then went back to the gun cabinet. After loading the pump, he packed the rest away in the bag, then, slung the three break actions across his back and carried the 12 gauge in his right hand, the bag in his left.

As it was getting late, he made his way back to the kitchen. As he did so, the lights finally went out, indicating that the back-up generator has finally run out of fuel.

When he got back to the kitchen, he saw Carmen had lit s couple candles. "You guys okay?" He asked as he moved over to them. He saw that they had been busy while he was gone.

Several bottles stood on the floor, open as the water cooled. Myles' wrist had been re-wrapped, and Carmen meanwhile was finishing the washing up.

Once she was done, and they had settled into the office area after Jack took Daisy out for one last toilet break, Carmen curled into her sleeping bag, between Jack and Myles and watched as her brothers settled down to sleep. Sleep was such a luxury.

The three children drifted off to sleep as darkness settled over the land.


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