Trip to the Bookstore
Posted on Mon Jul 29th, 2024 @ 3:31am by Survivor John ("Dodger") Smith & Survivor Amythyst
2,403 words; about a 12 minute read
The Road Ahead
Location: Strand Bookstore, Manhattan
Timeline: September 7, 2010 - 07:00 a.m.
While never on the same day or at the same time of day, one of the events permanently on the Infernals' calendar was "Bookstore Day'. Without television or computers, they'd become adept at finding ways to entertain themselves. For Dante, and nearly all of the Infernals, that included reading. There were bedtime stories for the younger ones, of course, but the older teens all got books of their own. Because the virus had eliminated the need for payment or theft, the majority of the group was enthusiastically working their way through the Harry Potter series.
Dante tried to make this as relaxed a day as possible. The Infernals got to go to the store, pick out their books, return the ones they didn't like and just have fun. Changing the schedule made their movements harder to track; going early reduced the likelihood of encountering trouble on the way. Today, like always, he had already been out once to check the route before they set out and they were all waiting when he returned. He gave them the 'all clear' and they were off. Bookstore Day was a go.
Dodger was in the Sci-Fi section of the bookstore. He was looking at some x-file novels and some Star Trek ones as well, trying to decide which one he wanted to take. After a few minutes, he sighed and took them both and making a mental note on the other novels that interested him. He had waited for Dante's signal of a clear before the Infernals moved to the bookstore. They were organized and moved as a unit, No one straggled behind. Once they reached the bookstore the Infernal spread like fire into all corners of the store looking for books that piqued their interest.
Amy slunk along the back of several buildings, glad that the alleyway was clear. She had to find somewhere, where she could at least spend the night, it was still early but she was scared if she didn't find somewhere soon, she would have to sleep in the alleys again. And if she was lucky and found a place where there was food... That was a dream. She edged along and her hand landed on the door handle. She prayed silently, her lips moving without sound as she tried the handle. Nothing. Sighing she moved to the next doorway, about 10 meters down the alley.
When she tried it, the door opened and she froze, the sound of movement within the building reaching her ears. It was not the shuffling sound that heralded the walkers though. She slowly, edged into the building and closed the door behind her, then she looked around. Shelves, holding boxes. Puzzled she continued walking in slowly.
Dodger was at the back of the store, looking for a game or games to take back home. It would be a great time filler. He looked for something for the little ones as well as something that the older ones like Dante and himself could play. He stopped in front on a section on magic, magic cards, a Ouija board. he picked the board up, figuring they could all get a laugh out of that. As he was going to show Dante, he heard something. The hair on the back of his head stood on end. His first reaction was danger!!!!!! "Dante," he called to the Infernal leader. "There's something else in here."
"Get everyone into the reading corner," Dante whispered to Dodger as he leapt to his feet. The reading corner was the most protected spot in the store with plenty of cover for the Infernals. While his friend did that, Dante found the baseball bat tucked away in one of the many caches he had all over the area and crept up on the intruder using the skills he'd honed back before the world fell apart.
Dodger moved instantly to carry out the order Dante issued. He moved quickly and stealthily to gather all the Infernals in the reading corner and keeping them quiet as well as assuring them everything was alright. This was just a precaution for everyone's good. Once he had everyone settled and assured, he went to check on Dante, to help if he needed it.
Peeking around the edge of bookshelf, he readied himself to spring and saw that it wasn't one of the 'adults' or even a gang member out of his territory, it was instead a girl all by herself. He stepped into the aisle, making himself clearly visible, as he said, "Mean you no harm. We're just here looking for books ... I'm Dante."
"A girl?!" Dodger's surprised voice sounded behind Dante's right shoulder. "What's she doing here? Who is she?" Dodger's voice wasn't accusing just curious.
When the first boy had come around the shelves, Amy had flattened herself against them. "Sorry, I will leave. I didn't know this was.. claimed.' She got out as she took a step back from the boy with the baseball bat. She knew better than to mess with gangs.
"Not claimed," Dante said with a gentle shake of his head. "I just bring them here for books. Which reminds me." He whistled sharply and the Infernals, who should have been guarded by Dodger, came out from their hiding places. They ranged in ages from six to fourteen and all of them had the look of the streets about them though they lacked the feral quality that most street kids had these days. Instead, they went back to laughing and joking amongst themselves while they hunted the shelves for books and stole curious glances at the new girl.
"You're safe," Dante said, "at least while we're here. There are a couple of gangs in this area but the bookstore is off limits so long as no one stays for very long."
"Got a name girl?" Dodger questioned. "And Dante is right, You're safe here. I'm Dodger. We're the Infernals," he stated proudly.
Amy studied the two of them. She was not sure she wanted to give her name to these boys. She pushed a strand of hair from her face, and said "I have a name," she replied. "If this is a bookstore.. do you know if there are any stores near by that may have food?" She focused on Dante, he seemed to be in charge.
"There's Westside, over on West 15th, maybe .... a mile away?" Dante ran a hand through his shaggy black hair and considered the problem from his own perspective. "Not entirely safe but manageable. I can give you directions if you'd like." He set the bat aside and walked over to his backpack where he pulled a couple of energy bars out of the front pocket. "You're welcome to these," Dante said with a slight shrug. "Some of the younger ones have trouble lasting between meals so I always carry a few with me. Just in case."
She was tempted, it was true. "As tempting as that is, I can't. It is for them." Amy replied softly. "Thank you though. I will look into West 15th."
"Why you being a hard case girl," Dodger asked. "Just trying to help you, give you something to eat." He looked over to Dante. "That store will be locked Dante. I can take Miss I got a name over there and unlock it and let get inside and get what she wants," he finished.
"Look, every Infernal eats on the regular and I carry plenty," Dante said as he pushed the bars into her hands. "First rule of the streets. Never turn down free food." He took in the look of her and though he gave no indication, he recognized the signs. Same ones displayed by every one of the Infernals when he found them. Hungry. Tired. More than a little scared.
"We can take you over there," Dante said. "Get you in there if that's what you want." He sighed. "Look, I understand caution. Better than most. Back before, I would have told you about a couple of churches I know that give out food to street kids. Not an option any more sad to say but that's how it is now."
Dante was a good judge of character for the most part. Had to be living on the streets if you wanted to stay clear of all the trouble waiting to find you. And while it had been a learned skill, bolstered by his natural caution and mistrust of the adult world, he had learned. He used that now in considering what to say next. Send her on her merry or offer sanctuary and, as he often did in these cases, he trusted his instincts.
"Still," Dante said, "I know a place you can stay. Safe. Get a good night's sleep without fear. And we'll even throw in a meal."
"Best offer you're going to get today or any day." Dodger spoke again. "Unless you just like being on your own. Dante is right, you can get a meal and a good night's sleep. No one is going to bother you."
Amy was very nervous about the whole thing. Some gangs out there expected payment in certain ways and she was not about to deal with that sort of thing. Being told no one would bother her did give her some relief. "Okay..." she said tentatively.
"I don't read minds," Dante said flatly. "You got a concern, speak your mind. I'm listening."
Amy took a shallow breath "I apologise." She got out. "I am not used to people being kind without strings," she admitted. "I am waiting for the shoe to drop."
"Fair enough. Certainly happens when you run into a gang," Dante said, nodding to himself. "And sometimes, the cost is high. But we aren't a gang. We're a family. One night's rest and a meal doesn't gain you entrance. Just a bit of safety. To become part of our family? That's something more and I'm picky about who let in."
Dodger stood beside Dante as he spoke to the girl whose name they still didn't know. it was Dante's place as leader to talk and explain what the Infernals were and what they were about, and Dodger would back him to the hilt. So, Dodger remained quiet and lent quiet support to Dante as they waited to see if the girl would accept their offer one night's stay and a meal.
"One night is fine" Amy said. "I understand, I was hoping to find a way off the island but I heard explosions from the bridges..."
"Bridges have all been detonated. This is yours and ours forever home now." Dodger stated bluntly. "Might as well accept it."
Amy flinched slightly. She wondered if there were boats still on this side of the river, but she gave a slight shrug. "Accepting things leads to apathy," she replied.
Dodger shook his head, "It isn't apathy to accept the fact that the bridges are gone. I want the Infernals to have the best they can, not curl up and die."
Amy raised her chin slightly. "Well that's your role. Mine right now is survival." She took a step back. Dante seemed to be ok, but the offsider was putting her off a bit.
Dodger clamped his mouth shut. He wasn't going to get into an argument. They were all in this together and his goal was for surviving and making, keeping the Infernals together.
"Getting a boat, getting out of the city, that's ... problematic," Dante said. "I've been researching it, working on some ideas. But you have to know, there are a lot of not-so-good people who are also working that angle. If that's where you going, I wish you luck coz' you're going need it. But my offer still stands. One night. Safe place to sleep and a hot meal. We go our separate ways in the morning."
Amy nodded. "That works for me." She held out her hand to shake his. "I am Amy."
"Okay, Amy," Dante said. "Let's go. Infernals! Time to go home." Backpacks, filled to various capacities were lifted and shrugged into place because they all took pride in being able to do their share. Dante stuffed his book choices (Endurance about the Shackleton expedition, In The Kingdom of Ice, and Undaunted Courage) into the worn backpack he carried on shopping days as well as a book of short stories designed for younger children and turned toward the rear door of the store. "We always go out the back and we lock up once we're done. It's one of the early warning signs that trouble's around."
Heads on the swivel, as the expression went, the Infernals moved along the quiet, less noticed route that would take them back to Track 61. The moving process had already begun and this, Dante figured, would be their last night underground. They slept in box cars, with doors that could close, in neatly made beds with pillows and blankets and plastic crates that functioned as end tables. There were flashlights and candles and worn rugs on the floor. No private rooms but that was by choice; they drew comfort from knowing they weren't alone. And, of course, a separate car that functioned as the bathroom requiring no one's favorite chore -- cleaning the composting toilets.
On this their last day, the Infernals were preparing something of a feast and while the kids, after stowing their books, started in on their chores, Dante showed Amy to one of the already made beds. "You can sleep here," he said, "gesturing toward one of the cots. "Lily left us last month so it's not being used. There will be food later."
"Thank you." She placed her bag on the bed and sat down. "Can I do anything to help?" She wanted at least to pay them back for the nights accommodation.
Dodger had locked the bookstore back nice and tight just like he always did. He then followed along with the other Infernals while they made their way to their underground home. One they were safely back they talked in excited low voices as they took their books and knapsacks, put them up and then got to work preparing their special dinner. Through all this Dodger was quiet. He put his books up and then returned to where Dante was talking to Amy.
"Sure," Dante said, gesturing for Dodger and Amy to join him. "C'mon."