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The Trip West: Arrival at The Gun Shop

Posted on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 3:58pm by Ethan Thompson & Hale Stratton & Alonzo Blazevic & René Rouen & Vienna Quinn & Timothy Reynolds & Ragnar Jørgensen & Timothy Cotton & Serena Reynolds M.D. & Edward Harrison Jr & Joshua MacCallan & Kelly Cardona

2,487 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: The Road Ahead
Location: Marv's Gun Shop, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Timeline: September 7, 2010 - 3:30 p.m.

The more people involved, the longer it takes to get organized; two hours as it turned out. And then, the two hour drive to Portsmouth, New Hampshire ended taking five what with all the blocked roads they ran across. At more than one point, Alonzo and Ethan poured over the maps and found small side roads and circuitous paths that got them headed in the right direction again. Finally, at nearly 3:30 in the afternoon, the group reached the outskirts of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. It was, in its heyday, a tourist destination on the Piscataqua River and home to Pease Air Force Base. The population, normally a little over 20,000 permanent residents but the numbers had swelled considerably when the base set up a FEMA Shelter. The not-dead-enough were everywhere, making the base too hazardous for the group to attempt.

Serena, who joined Ethan and Alonzo at one of their driving breaks, helped map out a route that would get them to the gun shop but keep them off the main roads. Wary, moving slowly, with the windows rolled up, the caravan made it to the empty parking lot of Marv's Gun Shop, Marv was a local who catered to the local hunters and, off season, made a good living doing weapon repairs and cleaning as well as running a small indoor range.

As the group began getting out of their vehicles, they could see bars on all the windows and the doors, back and front, were locked tight which Hale saw as a good sign. This, then, was their next objective. Raid the gun shop and get the weapons they would need to defend themselves as well as all the ammo they could carry.

Ragnar stepped out of the Highlander after parking it on the edges of their motorcade and he checked to see that their belongings were secure in the back before he drew the bastard sword from its scabbard across his back; the blade being hardened Damascus blackened to reduce sun and light glare off of it and sporting a wickedly sharp edge.

He took a few cautious steps forward and kept his blade at a guard-ready stance.

Thea watched as Ragnar stepped out, she knew she was safer in the vehicle until the area was pronounced safe. She wasn’t going to get anyone killed protecting her.

TJ and Kelly were in her SUV and as they pulled in the gun shop parking lot and stopped, he got out of the SUV, his rifle already up in his hands, To both cover the survivors and stop any walkers. He moved cautiously forward, waiting for Kelly.

Kelly stepped up alongside TJ, she was a military trained nurse and she’d seen what happened when people were infected. She also knew how to kill them, and she would without hesitation.

"No chances Kelly, we get what the group needs and what we need. Which is ammo and weapons. Not just firearms, bows and arrows, knives, machetes if they have any Anything. Survival food, you know? in those foil packs, self-life of twenty-five years," TJ stated.

Kelly nodded. “I know, I’m going to be on the lookout for medical supplies too, I’ll grab anything I see. Most stores and businesses have first aid kits.”

When the Reynolds' Chevy Blazer pulled up into the lot, Timothy positioned it such that they would not be boxed in, if a hasty withdrawal was required. He then shut down the engine and got out, pulling his Mossberg with him. He first checked on PJ, smiling when he saw that his son was sleeping peacefully, then he looked at his wife. "Stay with him, just in case. I'll go see what Hale has planned."

Serena nodded. "Good Luck" She said.

Once the Highlander was parked, Vienna stepped out pausing long enough to pick up her bow and quiver of arrows. She was used to hunting with them, and she could do it from a distance. She gave René a smile, “I guess it’s no good me suggesting you stay with the vehicle?”

René looked at Vienna and then to the vehicle Reynolds were riding in and sighed. He glanced at Roman too. He finally looked at Chloé and Henri before returning his gaze to Vienna. "I had best stay with the vehicle. If Doctor Reynolds saw me moving around she would probably tell me I will be sedated. Grand-pere would probably agree with her."

Henri nodded. "He's right." He turned to Chloé. "Stay with your brother. We'll come get you if we need help."

Chloé gave a nod from where she was sitting in the back, silent since they had left.

Henri nodded to Vienna with a small gesture towards where Hale and several of the others were gathering. "Shall we?"

Vienna nodded, pausing long enough to give René a smile before looking to Henri. “Let’s go.”

René returned Vienna’s smile with one of his own. He watched as she walked with Henri to join the group forming up near Hale. He turned to Chloé after a few seconds and noticed her expression. "Qu'est-ce que tu cherches? (Translation What is that look for?)

Chloé gave a shrug. "Nothing." She replied in English. She had a lot to say but she knew now was not the time or place.

Roman, who was used to the active, nonstop live of a resident, parked the ambulance with his front facing the street and hopped out immediately, happy to stretch his legs and do ... something. Being on bad terms with his parents for so long had kindled a strongly independent nature, fanned and grown through college, medical school and then his residency. Being a student for so long made him someone who was good at figuring things out, learning what was needed. And given all of that , he walked over to where Hale and Tim were standing; even after a couple of hours, he understood who was going to call the shots so that was the place where he would get his own instructions.

Josh pulled the truck with the bike in the tray alongside the Blazer and climbed out to stand between them on the passenger side so he could speak with his sister. He watched as the ambulance driven by Roman pulled in and then followed by the SUV of Kimberly and Lydia's Van. "We have a lot of people here," he said to his sister through the window.

Serena nodded. "Yes but its a good group from what i can see."

Kimberly stayed in her SUV, watching the surroundings. She didn't want to get out just in case.

Hale parked so that the vehicle was in line with the building next door, so that it wouldn't be noticed immediately coming down the street, but kept its front facing the street for an easy getaway. "You and Ethan stay here," Hale said quietly. "And I want you to stay in the driver's seat. Just in case."

"Sure," Alonzo replied. Getaway driver he thought to himself. This was how he was supposed to be useful to the group. He'd have to learn patience and to sit still.

He watched as Hale walked away and left he and Ethan. "You, me, and the road?" Alonzo teased the teenager. "We could escape these people and make a break for it."

"True," Ethan said as he leaned forward between the seats, "but ... I'm thinking you'd miss him before long. I mean .." Ethan grinned cheerfully ".. who needs a gun when you can point him at the problem, eh?"

"That may be true, but I don't want to be dependent on someone else to defend me" Alonzo said with some playfulness yet underlying sincerity. "I'm sure you probably feel a bit of the same."

"Be nice," Ethan said. "The two things I want are motorcycle lessons, because that's a good way to get in and get, more maneuverability and ll and some kind of a weapon. Not that Hale and them don't do great but they be everywhere and I don't want to get eaten." He shuddered as an image of his parents that last morning as he came down the stairs. "Not ever."

Hale walked over to Tim and nodded toward the building. "Not the biggest place but less likely to be picked over or ransacked. They'll have a more limited inventory but I'm thinking we'll get what we need. You, me, T.J. and the big guy ... what was his name again?"

"Edward." He turned at looked over at the man's truck, waving him over. He then looked back at Hale. "I say we we take everything we can carry. Even if there's things like ammo for guns we don't have, we can still strip the ammo for the components to make ammo we can use. He'll, I'd say take the shelving too. It'll come in handy when we start to build."

Hale chuckled. "Not him, the new guy. Anyway, I don't agree. We have a long way to go and who knows if we'll find all the gas we need to get there. I'm find with taking as much ammo as we can carry and weapons. That's important for our safety. But shelving? There's a small town that we'll hit near to the road that leads up to my land." He grinned at his friend. "You can strip those stores bare, okay? It'll be a lot closer to 'home'."

Henri joined the group by Hale's vehicle and stood patiently for the man to issue instructions for the group.

Ragnar kept his eyes peeled and his head on a swivel as he listened to their surroundings; something kept telling him that there was yet trouble to be had but he was loathe to give an indication to that effect until he knew what it was that he was picking up on. After a moment longer of silence he shook his head, keeping his blade ready and looked toward Hale and Timothy then took quick but silent steps toward them, always keeping himself angled so that the bulk of his back was facing the vehicles.

"Me, T.J. and Tim will go in first," Hale said. "Make sure it's clear. This is not an empty the store out mission. We get the weapons, all the ammo we can carry, and get out of here before we attract too much attention. There are a lot of the not-dead-enough wandering these streets to cause problems if we're noticed. So, stay quiet. The rest of you remain in the cars. Make sure someone is in the driver's seat in case you have to take off. And it it all goes bad, then you take off and wait for us at the gas station on the other side of Portsmouth. I have it marked on all the maps. Everyone clear?"

TJ listened as Hale laid out the plan for entering the gun shop and getting weapons and ammo. It was clear and concise. The emphasis on getting in and getting out as quickly and quietly as possible. When Hale finished, he answered, "Clear sir."

“Understood Sir” Kelly nodded to Hale. In military terms he was her superior officer, in current terms he was also leader of the group. She gave TJ a nod and a smile, she knew he could take care of himself.

Vienna nodded her understanding as she kept a watch for anything undead that may appear.

TJ caught Kelly's nod and smile and he responded with a short nod and a wink. He knew Kelly was fully capable of taking care of herself and he pitied anyone who tried to tangle with her.

Ragnar listened and nodded his head, seeing no reason to speak and add additional sound to the air, falling into step just behind Hale on the approach to the storefront.

Tim nodded silently, agreeing to the plan. He looked over at Serena, and saw that she had moved to sit behind the wheel. He truly hoped that, once they reached Wisconsin, and settled in, things would be a bit safer. Of course, as they were basically back in the preindustrialized age, it would take many generations to overcome close to where they were, prewildfire.

"Alright then let's get this done," Hale said as he started walking toward the gun shop.

As Hale started walking toward the gun shop, TJ took up a position on Hale's left. His rifle was already in his hands as he matched Hale's steps as they cautiously drew closer to the gun shop entrance. His eyes alert as they swept the area for anything unusual.

Vienna followed on behind bow in hand. She’d wait until signs of trouble to draw an arrow, having been taught by her father to never draw an arrow until it was needed for safeties sake. She looked around for any sign of the soulless, no matter what happened they had to avoid making any noise.

Seeing the locks on the doors, Edward spoke up. "Major Sutton, Sir, I have some tools in my truck that'll make quick and quiet work of those locks."

Ragnar stepped forward, flipping his sword into his offhand and pulling a heavy smiths hammer off his belt with a wedged face and motioned for everyone to back up and clear away from the door. “Don’t bother; I’ve got it and this will be faster and easier.” He lined up in line with the locks and took a couple of practice swings before swinging his arm up high and dropping it hard on the first of the locks, letting momentum, gravity, and the weight of the hammers head do the work as the shaft of the lock shattered near where it joined the bulk of the body and it hung there loosely from the door while he lined up for the next one.

"That works. Nicely done." TJ said with quiet approval.

[Meanwhile, Outside in the Vehicles]

Serena, sitting in the driver's seat leaned out the window to speak softly with Josh. “Josh... what happened with Dad?”

Josh reached out and took her hand. “Dead. He was getting sick... so he...ate the handgun, you know the one he kept in his study?”

Serena closed her eyes and nodded as she took a breath. The plus was that he would not rise again. “And Jasmine?” She asked, mentioning his wife.

“We were... separated...” he looked at Serena. “Yes you were right. It was bound to happen. She went back to Brooklyn to be with her parents and I got word they died.”

His sister touched his face with her spare hand as she squeezed the hand holding hers. “Oh Josh...”

He shrugged. “It is what it is. We were no longer in love anyway.” 

The siblings fell silent as they waited for the all clear for others to help strip the store. 


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