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The Whole Gang

Posted on Sat Jul 27th, 2024 @ 6:14pm by Survivor Ragnar Jørgensen & Survivor Timothy Reynolds & Survivor René Rouen & Survivor Timothy Cotton & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Group Leader Serena Reynolds M.D. & Survivor Thea Matthews & Survivor Joshua MacCallan & Survivor Chloe Rouen & Survivor Kimberley Hathaway
Edited on on Sat Jul 27th, 2024 @ 6:15pm

2,130 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: The Road Ahead
Location: Quinn Hunting Cabin, Augusta, Maine
Timeline: September 7, 2010 - 9:30 a.m.

Serena looked out the windscreen as she pulled the Blazer up behind the truck Joshua was driving. She frowned as she took in the area and looked at Tim. "Its very quiet," she said softly.

Timothy looked tense as he returned his wife's look. "He better be alright," he said ominously. He gripped the shotgun a bit tighter and waited until Serena slowed enough to let him out.

As the convoy pulled up, Timothy saw the two bodies by the wood pile. He jumped out of the Blazer, as soon as Serena put it in park, and ran over to them. When he got close enough, he saw what and who they were. "Walkers, not anyone from our group!" He called out to Hale, then looked back at Serena, before running to the cabin. " ED! ALONZO! RENÉ! VIENNA!!"

As he reached the porch, the door opened and Edward stepped out. "Captain Reynolds," he said with a happy grin. "PJ is safe, he's inside with Miss Thea."

Hale pulled the vehicle, and that's what it was, a vehicle as in not his, to a stop, switched off the ignition and got out. The idea that something could have happened to P.J. or Alonzo, or really any of the others, sent a chill through him though he kept a lid on it. Instead, he took in the area. No signs of movement and better yet, no apparent damage to the property. He walked over to look at the bodies, teenagers both of them, and hoped that they were stragglers and not some sort of a vanguard.

"Come on in everyone," Hale said to those who were just emerging from their vehicles. "We'll all get acquainted, pass out water and maybe a quick meal, and then we can talk about what comes next."

Josh climbed out of the truck, parking it beside the Blazer as his sister climbed out of it. He looked at Serena. "PJ?" he asked with a grin.

Serena rolled her eyes. "Oh yes as soon as Tim and I get our hands on him." she said with a smile. She headed into the small cabin.

Josh followed her with a smile.

[Inside the Cabin]

Kimberly locked her car and slowly followed the group into the cabin. Inside there were several other people, including a pregnant woman, a teenager and a baby. All in all it was an eclectic group.

Serena thanked Thea warmly and took the 10 month old from her with a smile, hugging her son close.

TJ got out of the truck but didn't enter the cabin. He instead stayed close to the truck, rifle in his hands as his eyes swept the cabin and the surrounding area. for any sign of uninvited guests.

Chloé climbed out of the highlander and looked around curiously. She helped Henri out of the Vehicle and then they moved into the cabin. She looked around. "René!" She slid through the growing crowd to where her Brother sat, she threw her arms around him.

René was at a loss for words as Chloé hugged him. He hugged her back and spotted Henri enter. He couldn't help but feel a sense of joy at the sight of his family members. He pulled himself to his feet as Chloé finally released him. He slipped into his native French as he hugged his grandfather. is it you are both here?!"

Henri gestured to Chloé. "Ask your sister. It was her idea to come visit."

"Notre mère voulait que je fasse une tournée musicale mais cela aurait pris des mois et je ne voulais pas le faire. Alors j'ai demandé si je pouvais venir te rendre visite, et elle m'a permis à condition que quelqu'un m'accompagne. Alors j'ai demandé à grand-père," Chloé said in french.

Note: See below for a translation of what was said.

Ragnar followed behind the group, toting his duffel bag over his shoulder and holding the strap with a tight grip; his knuckles white. The hilt of his sword stuck up above his shoulder beneath the bulk of the duffel. He looked from person to person with a quiet, appraising gaze taking everything in but reserved his thoughts for himself.

Vienna couldn’t help but smile as she saw René with his sister, it was a lovely sight to behold.

Serena waved the newcomers into the Cabin, and introduced the rest of their group. Then when her brother plucked her son from her arms for 'Uncle time' she headed to the kitchen area to prepare food for everyone and began packing things up.

“Let me help you” Thea smiled warmly as she headed over to Serena. “I had fun with PJ. Thank you for trusting me to take care of him for you.”

[Outside the Cabin]

And while everyone went inside, Hale checked the load on his pistol, tucked it into the waistband of his jeans, at the small of his back, and did a few preliminary stretches. While the families got reacquainted, he was going to do a light run of the perimeter. Make sure that there wasn't anything else waiting to surprise the group.

TJ saw Hale come out of the cabin, saw him stretch and check his pistol. "Going for a run sir," he inquired politely already knowing the answer. "And would mind some company?"

"I don't mind," Hale said. Back on the base, he'd been training for the Hardrock, in between deployments and military training sessions. Since everything fell apart, he hadn't had much chance to run and he missed it dreadfully. So, this, he figured was a two bird, one stone kind of thing. Or maybe three birds. Checking for trouble. Running. Giving himself a bit of time to decompress in the only way he know how. Hard physical exercise. "Come on."

TJ nodded and slung his rifle across his back. The rifle was an extension of him. It was his American Express card. He never left home without it. "Very good sir and thank you. I could use a run myself. Been awhile since I last ran." He replied as he fell in beside Hale. "Ready when you are sir." He stated as his eyes swept the area ahead of them for any possible dangers. "All clear sir. No sign of walkers." He finished as he waited for Hale to start off.

"I know," Hale ground out and then took off. The wind carried with it no sound and he suspected, it was relatively safe but still, with all the civilians, it was better to check. He kept a brisk pace, threading through trees and over logs, as he worked a wide circle around the cabin.

"Sensing he may have upset Hale, Tj replied. "I meant no disrespect sir. I apologize if I upset you." He replied as he fell into step behind hale who set a brisk but sustainable pace through the woods surrounding the cabin as the pair weaved between trees and jumped over logs. It was invigorating and felt good.

"No worries," Hale said. About a mile out, halfway around the circular pattern, they came across a campsite. Cheap tent and two sleeping bags. Drug paraphernalia. Remains of a fire, gone cold. "Ah here we are." He crawled into the tent and, squatting, went through the backpacks where he found their wallets and ID. Kyle and Darren Schmidt. Brothers. Their bodies now lying in front of the Quinn cabin. "Local kids," he said softly. "What a waste."

TJ stayed back watching the surrounding woods for anything suspicious while Hale checked the tent and found two wallets, two brothers who were now dead back at the cabin. "Agreed sir, a terrible and tragic waste. I'm sure they probably were giddy coming up here, out in the woods just the two of them and their drugs, going to have a carefree time in a haze of drugs." He looked round the campsite for anything suspicious. "No other tracks sir." He stated, "Other than theirs heading in the direction of the cabin."

"We'll finish the circuit anyway but that's what I wanted to make sure of. That they weren't the tip of something much worse. Not that this was a good thing, far from it. Just not a thing that concerns our group's safety. C'mon, let's finish and get back."

TJ nodded at Hale's explanation. "Makes good sense sir. Check out your surroundings, make sure your perimeter is secure. Indeed it doesn't sir. Our group safety is paramount. We need to adopt the three musketeer's slogan: One for all, All for one." He nodded as he finished, "Ready when you are sir."

Hale finished the circuit with T.J. following and slowed as they approached the cabin again. "Go ahead in, get yourself something to eat," Hale said. "I'll be along in a few."

"I'll go in a bit, Sir. Not really hungry. So, If you don't mind, I'll stay out here and out of your way for a few more minutes," TJ continued. "I will go in and at least get something to drink."

Hale nodded and walked around the side of the cabin to where an old wooden picnic table sat. He climbed up, sitting on the table, his feet on the bench, and just relaxed. Being in the military, there were times when they all lived 'in each other's pockets' so to speak and he was comfortable around people he knew. With this group, they were all in various stages of being known, from Tim, who ranked at the top, all the way down to the newcomers, that he didn't know at all. What he missed, in the days since everything changed, was privacy. Seemed like there was always someone ... there ... and for the few minutes it would last, Hale just sat and savored being alone.

After a bit, Ethan came out looking, hands jammed deep into his pockets, and found Hale sitting alone. He walked up and plopped down next to Hale, resting his hands on his thighs. "Too many people in there," he said with a slight shudder. "And a lot of them seem to be related. All that 'good to see you stuff' was ... getting to me. I mean, I'm happy for them and all but I just want to duct tape all their mouths shut too, you know?"

"I'll get the duct tape," Hale said, grinning, as he turned to look at Ethan. "You saw your parents die ... horrifically and I have all this family in Alaska and it might as well be on the moon. Don't know if I'll ever see them again. It was okay when it was my choice, when they were just a flight or a phone call away, but now? It's different. And maybe you feel more alone than ever but you don't have to."

"No," Ethan asked. "You and Alonzo have been looking out for me but that's not the same as what they've got going in there, is it?"

"Better," Hale said. "We chose each other. The three of us, you, me, and Alonzo, are family now even if Alonzo seems to think that you're his private property some times. Whether you call yourself Thompson, Stratton or Blavevic, heaven help you, you're ours and we're keeping you."

Ethan blinked away a few tears and smiled shyly. "I'm not a kid but ... it's good ... to know I belong someone. Matters. Would it be alright if I called you Dad?"

Hale pulled Ethan into a tight hug and smiled over the top of his head. "How about Papa? Because Alonzo's going to want a title too, you know."

Ethan smiled around a warm feeling blossoming in his chest. "So, Alonzo is Dad and you're Papa and I ... have a family too. Hey," he said as he pulled back to look at Hale. "Maybe some day we can all go to Alaska and find the rest of your ... our ... family."

"I'd like that," Hale said. "One epic road trip and I got to say, kid, they're gonna love you just as much as I do. C'mon, let's go find Alonzo before I get in trouble ... again."

Translation: Notre mère voulait que je fasse une tournée musicale mais cela aurait pris des mois et je ne voulais pas le faire. Alors j'ai demandé si je pouvais venir te rendre visite, et elle m'a permis à condition que quelqu'un m'accompagne. Alors j'ai demandé à grand-père. - Our mother wanted me to do a music tour but it would have taken months and I didn't want to do it. So I asked if I could come visit you, and she let me as long as someone went with me. So I asked granddad.


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