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A Happy Reunion

Posted on Sat Aug 3rd, 2024 @ 8:47pm by Survivor Kelly Cardona & Survivor Timothy Cotton

2,098 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: The Road Ahead
Location: Cabin
Timeline: September 7, 2010

TJ stayed outside for a few minutes, just thinking. He was worried about his parents and along that line he was worried about Kelly. She had gone home to see her parents as well as his to inform them of her and his intention to get married when the world went to hell. By the time he could get to Macon, the city was overrun with the undead. His parents were gone as were Kelly's. Both houses were empty and to make matters even worse there was no sign of Kelly. The one positive he could take out of this was her SUV was gone. So, hopefully she had gotten away and was headed here, to Maine.

He entered the cabin pushing the troubling thought aside and went into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. Exiting he stopped, his knees got weak, and his heart dropped into the pit of his stomach. Sitting on the couch, holding a bottle of water and staring vacantly into space was Kelly! He was stunned for a second before he yelled in a voice full of a mixture of joy and relief.

"KELLY!!!!!!!" He screamed as he rushed to her, his eyes full of happy tears wanting to hold her, to make sure she was real and not some fever dream he was having.

“TJ is that really you!?” Kelly hugged him in wide eyed disbelief, she never thought she’d see TJ again.

His reply was epic, he peppered Kelly's lips throat and neck with kisses. "It's really me sweetie." He replied when he took a break from kissing her. "This is a miracle; how did you get here?"

“I was looking for somewhere safe, I stumbled upon this place and they let me in” Kelly held tightly onto TJ’s hands. “When all this started I did what I could for the infected, but it spread too quickly...became too violent and unsafe to be around any patients, so I packed my bag and headed for safety.”

TJ nodded, his hand holding Kelly's tightly. " You are here now and safe. I met Josh, Lydia and Kimberley at a truck stop on I-95. I was headed for Boston but threw in with them, You have your SUV? How are you on supplies? What of your parents? Mine? Do you know anything Kelly?" He peppered her with questions as he was desperate for some news.

“Slow down...” Kelly moved to take a seat. “I don’t know about your parents, but mine are okay I think, last I saw they were packing up ready to shift bases. You know my dad ever the General, and mum was helping the wounded marines. I was supposed to be moving base too, but we were attacked by a mass of those...undead!”

TJ nodded, and moved to sit next to her, he took a breath and kissed her forehead. "Sorry Kel. Didn't mean to swamp you. Glad your parents are okay. I can't see mom and dad being caught off guard. So, until I know differently, I'm just going to think they are okay. " He gave her a smile his relief at seeing her was evident.

Kelly nodded. “My SUV isn’t far from here, a walk through the woods. I just wanted to get off the roads.” She sighed. “The world is going to hell TJ, there’s no way to stop it, this...disease there’s nothing that will cure it!”

"Good." TJ replied when Kelly said her SUV wasn't far from the cabin. "Don't blame you for wanting to get off the roads, no telling what you are going to run into. He squeezed her hand a little tighter. "Kelly, you can't think like that you're a nurse. You have to stay positive. Don't give in to despair. We have each other and let's hold onto that and take it one day at a time."

Kelly nodded. “I’m sorry TJ, it’s just that I’ve seen what happens when someone gets bitten...” she shook her head. “I know what my father would say, he’d tell me I’m a marine and I should be acting like one!” She took a deep breath. “Right we’re survivors and we have to stay that way. With you at my side I can do anything!”

TJ nodded sadly, "I know Kelly, I know. I've seen it too. It's horrible. No one deserves that. You are a marine a damn good one, but you are also a kind, caring and compassionate person. Hold on to that. Hold on to the fact that we’re survivors, and we have each other, and we'll make it."

Kelly nodded. “I know we will, and it’s not just us now it’s all the other survivors, we have to help them too. If I can put my expertise to use then that’s what I’ll do.”

"Kelly, that is the last thing I am worried about, you helping the others. I know you will do everything in your power and more to help these people just as I will and they will help us when we need it. Its that strength that will keep us united and strong." TJ answered confidently.

Kelly nodded. “At least here I can be of use, my nursing skills will come in useful, we have a pregnant woman amongst the group her baby is the generation we have to protect.”

"You will be a huge help, Kelly." TJ said in agreement and support. Your knowledge and compassion are going to help everyone here. You are vital to this generation and as you said the next."

“We’re all vital now TJ” Kelly offered a brief smile. “Those Who are healthy are key to the future population. That’s once this...disease, or whatever the hell it is, is cured.”

TJ nodded at Kelly's reply. "Well said Kelly and you are absolutely right. We are all vital now. We all have roles and positions to fill. If we're and future generations are going to survive." He looked into her eyes, "A cure will be found. I am confident of that. Sometimes a disease or illness's greatest strength is also its biggest weakness."

“That can be true, but not always” Kelly offered a smile. “This disease it reanimates a corpse, but leaves it devoid of personality, they simply thrive on the drive to eat. If you’re infected while alive, it overruns the body eventually killing you before reanimating you. It’s horrific! One of my colleagues saved my life, I turned my back for a second and was almost bitten.” She shook her head. “That was the day I found out how deadly they can be.”

TJ nodded. Kelly was the medical professional. She knew far more about diseases and illnesses than he did. "I have faith and confidence in you and the others Kelly. You will find a cure." He answered steadfastly.

“Right now that’s in the hands of whatever gods people believe in” Kelly offered a brief smile as she held onto TJ. “Right now I believe in you, as long as we’re together that’s all that matters.”

"True enough Kelly." He answered as his face split into a smile at what she said next. "I've always believed in you Kelly. Ever since high school and that belief has just grown as we've been together, and you are right. We hold on tightly to that and we will make it."

Kelly nodded. “I know we will TJ.”

TJ smiled, "Say, how far away is your SUV?" He asked innocently.

“It’s a few minutes walk, not too long.” Kelly gave TJ a curious look. “Any particular reason why?”

TJ smiled, "Yes." He said simply as he took Kelly's hand and pulled er up. "I left something in it." He added seeing her curious look.

“Okay then, let’s go and get it.” Kelly smiled. “I’ll let the others know we won’t be long.”

~ Several minutes cautious walk later ~

Kelly pointed to her SUV from the edge of the tree line. “It’s there..” she kept her voice down to barely a whisper just incase of any not so dead being nearby.

TJ nodded, "Okay." He whispered as they headed for Kelly's 2009 Pathfinder. "This shouldn't take long." He said as they reached the SUV and he quietly opened the back door and rummaged around the seats until he found what he wanted. He put it in his pocket and again shut the back door quietly. "Okay, let's get back to the cabin." He grinned at her.

~ Back at the cabin ~

Arriving back at the cabin Kelly gave TJ a curious look as they sat on the porch. “Just what did you have hidden in my SUV?”

TJ grinned at her, "It's my SUV too Kelly." He bantered. "Curious, are we? Okay close your eyes and I will show you."

Kelly grinned before closing her eyes.

Taking a moment, TJ just looked at Kelly. He had loved her ever since they were in high school together and that love had bloomed and grown over the years. Kelly was his best friend and confidant. He'd be lost without her. She was smart and attractive, feminine and soft, caring and compassionate. but also, tough when she had to be. He fished the small velvet box out of his pocket, "Put your hands out please Kelly. But keep your eyes closed."

“Okay” Kelly smiled as she put her hands out ready to take whatever it was TJ had for her.

TJ took his hand with the box in it and place it in Kellys. "Keep those eyes shut." He teased. Then he quietly opened the box, so Kelly could see the emerald cut diamond engagement ring, flanked by two smaller diamonds. He started talking as he took her hand in his and placed the ring on her finger. "I love you, Kelly. I've loved you ever since high school and that love has just grown deeper and stronger through the years. I can't imagine going through life without you being at my side. You're my best friend, confidant and partner. I want us to spend the rest of our lives together. However long that may be in this crazy world. What I'm asking is, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" He paused for a moment, "Okay, open your eyes and don't scream."

Kelly opened her eyes, standing there speechless for a few moments the tears twinkling in her eyes said it all. “I... YES!” She nodded her head. “Most definitely Yes!!” She looked at the ring adorning her finger before throwing herself at TJ showering him with kisses.

TJ beamed at Kelly and her answer. he returned her kisses with equal passion. When their kisses ended. TJ continued to hold Kelly's hand. "You've made me very happy Kelly and I'll have you know this isn't how I planned to ask you. I planned on a nice romantic dinner just the two of us at Gullio's with candlelight, a bottle of wine and dinner out of this world. I guess you're just going to have to take a rain check, but I will make it up to you I promise."

“I know, and you don’t have to” Kelly smiled. “We can’t make any promises right now because none of us knows what tomorrow might bring. Let’s just enjoy what we have every day.” She gave him another kiss before motioning inside. “Let’s get inside with the others, we can celebrate tonight if we can get some time alone.”

" Everything you said is right Kelly and I know I don't have to." TJ replied, " But I want to, and you deserve it. Some day you will have your candlelight, romantic dinner. i promise because I am confident, we will make it." He smiled at her statement. "Kelly Cardona, I do love the way you think. I certainly do."

Kelly nodded. “As I do you TJ” she smiled as she headed for the door. “I guess I need to show I can be a productive member of this group now, it’ll give me a chance to keep my skills up-to-date anyway.”

TJ shook his head, "You don't have anything to prove Kelly. I know what you can do and what you are capable of. But yes it will keep your skills up to date and sharp.”

Nodding Kelly took TJ’s hand as she lead both of them back inside the cabin.


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