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On the Road

Posted on Sun Feb 2nd, 2025 @ 3:38am by Survivor Mackenzie Ellis & Survivor Jackson Dalton

2,007 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Settling In
Location: Various
Timeline: September 4th 2010 - 2 days until collapse

September 4th 2010 - 2 days until collapse

They had driven until dusk on their first day heading towards their old home town of Savannah. They had loose plans to get home, gather the family they could and head for the Coast and try and find a safe haven.

Mackenzie woke first from what had been a fitful sleep in their caravan. They had pulled off the main road and down into a small wooded area, hiding their caravan and the truck behind the trees, with Jackson making sure that neither could be seen from the road. They had eaten a light meal both not that hungry. But now as dawn broke Mac put the coffee on, determined to make two flasks for the drive and she set about making sandwiches for their day while the coffee brewed. She checked the outside temperature and sighed. It was still warm enough during the days but it was getting colder in the nights.

Jackson woke as the smell of coffee filtered through his nostrils he rolled over for a moment reaching for Mackenzie, as he came awake and the reality of the situation settled he sighed and sat up. He slowly slipped from the bed, moved behind Mackenzie and slid his arms around her, hugging her gently. “Morning baby.” He whispered before he slid away and grabbed breakfast.

Once he finished his breakfast Jackson redressed and cleaned himself up as best he could in the camper before he slowly opened the door and slipped out to check on the truck, before slipping back to the camper.

“Is the Truck ok?” Mackenzie asked as she packed the cooler they would use to carry their food for the day. She had used reusable containers to keep the food fresh. She was now in jeans and a long sleeved shirt with hiking boots on her feet.

Jackson nodded. “Yeah she's good to go, and there are none of those well whatever the hell they say are around so we should be good to go. How are you?”

“Am going ok. Lunch is packed and extra coffee brewed.” Mac replied. She gathered her jacket. “We should get going right?”

Jackson sighed and let his shoulders settle. “Yeah we'll take it easy and if you can keep navigating me so we avoid large cities we should be good.” He said as he cracked the door to the Caravan open again.

Mackenzie made sure everything was turned off except for their fridge which was on a solar battery. She then grabbed the cooler and followed him out of the van.

Once they slipped into the truck and were off, silence filled the cabin. Though the scenery was beautiful with its undisturbed nature and the seasonal changes a veil seemed to be laid overtop of it all. Even as the world went to shit It still turned as if nothing was wrong.

What seemed like hours later, but was probably no more than 30 minutes to an hour they passed their first abandoned vehicle. Though Jackson couldn’t say how long it had been there.

Mackenzie studied the vehicle as they drove past it. “Why do I feel this will be the first of many?” she asked softly.

Jackson sighed. “Probably because it is. How are we doing on the map?”

“So far we are going ok... but we may need to turn off this road soon.”

Jackson didn't take his eyes from the road as he went around a pot hole. “OK you tell me when and we will. We're a team, you point me in the direction and I will get us there.”

Mackenzie nodded and kept an eye on the road atlas in her lap. When the time came she gave the direction and they moved onto a lesser used road. It was well shaded by trees and Mac tensed as they drove as she watched the shadows.

As they continued to drive Jackson eyes darted everywhere. His eyes darted towards the lake even though he couldn't see it. Every so often they would pass by a walker or two. Jackson wouldn't speed up, but he watched as they heard the engine and tires would follow them for a few hundred feet before they seemed to stop or another louder sound.

The car slowed as they came to two unabandoned looking cars positioned across the road in such a way they blocked the road leaving just about no space to get past them on the road. Jackson could see bodies like on the ground on the road. “Mac, I need you to get down ok babe.”

Mackenzie unclicked her seatbelt and slid down into the footwell in the front seat. She looked at Jackson and raised an eyebrow. “What do you think?”

Jackson frowned, and steered the truck towards the rear of one of the vehicles. “I'm not sure, so just stay…” he stopped as the first shot rang out. “Damnit.” He groused as he accelerated and ducked down slightly. As he did anything, a bullet hit The windshield where Mac would have been. Jackson floored it at that and swung around the blockade, surprised that the caravan hadn't rolled.

Mac kept her head down and pushed against the seat so she didn’t fall over. She clenched her eyes closed. “Are you hit?” she asked as the truck accelerated.

Jackson didn't respond at first concentrating on the road and not losing control of the vehicle, and then focusing on putting distance between themselves and that road block. After a few more minutes had passed he exhaled briefly. “I think I am fine love, but I need you on the map now cause we are going to need a place to hide.”

She nodded and scrambled back into her seat. She put her seeatbelt back on and pulled out the map. “4 miles” She said. “Take the next left.”

Jackson took the next left, kept checking the rear-view and side mirrors, but in the back of his mind he kept expecting to see the vehicles at that blockade appear. “I need as many turns that get us away from these guys and on a different road as possible babe.” he said as his foot tensed on the gas pedal.

“Next right, then through the crossroad and the next left after that.” Mackenzie said. “But this is taking us out of the way we need to go...”

“I know.” He said as he made the turn. “Those vehicles looked to be in good condition its safe to say that they could be trying to follow us….”

Mackenzie nodded and began to map their pathway away. They ended up going west for several hours taking different roads before Mackenzie gave directions to a truckstop. Which was empty. “Pull in behind the roadhouse.” She suggested, “Out of sight of the road”

Jackson carefully pulled the truck and trailer in behind the roadhouse. “OK, we may be here until nightfall.” He said frustrated.

“We could stay the night if needed.” Mac looked around. They were out of view and there was a high fence behind the roadhouse that blocked view from another road.

“We could, but they could also be searching for us.” He sighed. “I am sorry Mac I don't have an answer this time. I want to get us out of her, but yeah this area seems quiet for now. Let's raid the place and see what we get and hopefully I will have a plan then.”

Mac unbuckled her seatbelt and slid from the cab of the truck and headed towards the backdoor of the roadhouse. She paused and listened at the door, trying to hear if there was anything inside. After a moment she pushed the door open slowly. Nothing made a sound. Slowly she crept inside. It was lit by skylights for the most part. But it was devoid of life, dead or alive.

Jackson followed his pistol in hand approaching the door cautiously. “I wish you wouldn't do that.” He groused at her. “You need to be more cautious especially now.”

Mackenzie rolled her eyes but let him pass her. “we might be able to get a shower here.” She said softly.

Jackson sighed at the eye roll, but smirked at the shower comment. “Together?”

“Have you not watched horror films?” She smirked back. “But we could look at getting water and fuel.”

“Not my thing, besides you always wanted the romantic comedies. We could look at getting those things yes.” he replied with a smile. “Besides we can lock the doors.”

Mac merely smiled and headed towards the fridges. Power was still on for now so she figured they should grab what snacks and food they could and store it in their own freezer and fridge in the caravan. “Did you lock it behind us?”

Jackson nodded. “Yes. Look, let's get that shower and then we'll be Scavengers.”

“I didn’t bring anything with me to do that. I will scavenge first.” Mackenzie replied as she looked inside the fridge without opening the door. She was not going to risk opening the fridge unless the power went out suddenly.

Jackson shook his head. “I’m sure we can find what we need love.” he replied to her back as she was already starting to search the place. He slowly started searching as well, cautious of what could be around any corner.

Mackenzie grabbed a few shopping bags and began stuffing them with microwavable meals.As she searched she pulled out her cellphone. She stared. “Jackson! A message from my dad. We must have Cell reception here.” She scrolled it. “They are at what is called the Alexandria Safe Zone in Virginia. They got out of Georgia. Dad says they are safe and your family too.”

Jackson smiled. “Good.” he said as he pulled a map off of the shelf, and looked at it. He frowned after a moment. “That will take some doing to get to given what we have seen.” he sighed.

Mac nodded. “Maybe we should look for a closer Safe zone? And then see if we can go from there? I mean... it's bad out there. We may need to find others and join up with them.”

Jackson nodded. “That is probably the best bet.” he said as he grabbed some bodywash and shampoo. “I found stuff to wash up.”

Mac shot him a grin as she pulled snack foods off of the shelves. She grabbed chocolates and more into bags. “There are several slabs of bottled water here. We should grab whatever we can take.”

He nodded again. “Yeah how about we organise everything, then shower let off some steam and then we can load up the truck.”

Mac nodded. “I saw some flashlights and batteries over there near some fishing equipment. Ice fishing stuff as well. Guess there must be places around here for that.”

“Yeah must be a lake or something nearby, probably and idea to take it this way we can continue feeding ourselves. Find anything else?”

“Not yet.” Mac replied. “I am trying not to grab everything in sight. But then I think about how long it might be before we find stuff like this again...”

“I know.” Jackson said going through the automotive parts section. “Just remember we do need to destress as well.”

She nodded but her mind was still focusing on the fact that they may not make their way to safety in time. “Ok I will start stacking stuff by the backdoor.” She began to carry the bags across to the door. She moved keeping low as she did not know if anyone was outside and wanted to make sure she was not spotted.

Jackson followed suit quickly grabbing things they would need, and keeping out of line of sight from the windows. Where he could he would slide or roll things to Mac to make things easier.

After they had gathered all they could and needed, Mac and Jackson headed to the shower area, carefully opening doors just in case.



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