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A Game of Chess (Back Post, August 25th of 2010)

Posted on Mon Jul 10th, 2023 @ 8:51pm by

918 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Blue Ox Saloon
Timeline: 8-25-2010, 2200 hrs

Sherry looked at Nicole. "Travis is a good guy. He rarely flirts with any of the women customers and he treats all the waitresses here like they're his baby sister. That being said, if you're not comfortable with him flirting, just say so. He will just go back to being a friendly and courteous bartender." She slung her purse strap over her shoulder as Travis returned. "Be good T. See you tomorrow afternoon."

Nicole smiled. "Thank you. I'll keep that in mind" though Travis' flirting didn't bother her. In fact it was sort of the opposite. She took another sip of her drink.

Travis walked Sherry to the door and waited to make sure she got to her car alright. He returned to the bar once Sherry had pulled out of the parking lot. "Well looks like it's just you and me." He reached under the counter and pulled out a cardboard game box. "Up for a game of chess?"

"That depends. What happens if I win?" she smirk deviously.

Travis chuckled. "Well how about if you get to drink for free until closing time.

Nicole laughed. "Deal. But what happens if I lose?"

Travis gave Nicole a warm smile. "Well, if I win.... You allow me to buy your drinks until closing and walk you back to your hotel. Deal?" He extended his right hand across the bar to seal the bet.

She reached over and grabbed his hand and shook it. "Deal" though for her it wouldn't be bad a ending to the game either way.

Travis set up the board. He paused to take a sip of coffee before facing Nicole. "You are the guest. So your choice, white or black?"

Nicole thought for a moment and then went with her gut. "I'll take black" she took a sip of her drink.

Travis shifted the board and nudged a white pawn to E4. He glanced up at Nicole across the bar. "So what brings the Navy's most beautiful Engineman Second Class to Millinocket?" I doubt it is our small town charm."

She smiled and swept her hair back a little bit. She moved a black pawn to A4. "My father was an Engineering Duty Officer who was stationed at Bath Iron Works. I'm supposed to be in the middle of a transfer to RTC Great Lakes. I thought that start my trip over in Bath and also catch the Trails End Festival. The initial plan was to stay here for a few days and then continue on. But that seems like that is changing with everything going on."

Travis took a deep breath and let it out slowly as a smile creeped to his face. He had to admit that Nicole was a definite step up from most, if not all, of the locals. Beauty, brains and a tenacity that he could admire. "Well, I am off tomorrow. You let me know when you are free and I would love to be your private tour guide. Concert tomorrow night is supposed to have Five for Fighting as a headliner. If you’re interested?"

Nicole smirked. "Little forward, aren't we?" she teased.

Travis smiled as he leaned forward on the back of the bar. "Worst case, you say no. Best case, you say yes and we have a fun time at the concert. Never know until you ask."

"I'd actually love for you to be my tour guide. I'd be interested" she said more sincerely.

Travis flashed an even bigger smile. He held out a hand,palm up.

Nicole extended her hand and accepted his hand.

Travis gently kissed her knuckle as he moved another piece on the chess board. "Concert is at 21 hundred. Perhaps we meet before then to get something to eat and maybe a drink."

She blushed slightly. "Where were you thinking?" she asked as she moved a knight into a strategic position.

Travis countered her knight move with a king's side castle maneuver. ""Old Man Tucker runs a barbeque stand every year by the statue in the park. He made it into the final five on Master Chef two years ago. I’ll spring for the brats and the beers on one condition. Win or lose you let me walk you back to your hotel." He gestured at her drink. "You up for one more?"

Nicole smiled as she moved a pawn in an attempt to block the castle maneuver. "Deal. I think I'll take one last one." She was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. She had a high tolerance so this would be her last drink.

Travis made a move on the board before setting out to fix Nicole one more Sex on the Beach. He wandered back over several times to make another move. He returned with her fresh drink and set it in front of her. He took a look at the board before moving a rook piece and looking up at her with a grin. "Checkmate."

"Damn, you're good" she mirrored his grin before taking a sip of her drink. "I guess I gotta step up my game."

Travis looked at her intensely and smiled charmingly. "That I am, but I do play chess a couple of times a week. Have been ever since I was ten." He gestured. Not quite at the board and yet not quite at her either. "I am also sure you got game too hun. Maybe not in chess, but certainly in other areas."

Nicole smirked. "Damn straight."


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