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Young Love, Strong Coffee, and Plans

Posted on Tue Jun 27th, 2023 @ 9:55pm by Survivor Alonzo Blazevic & Survivor Calista Sutton & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor Killian Sutton & Survivor René Rouen

1,667 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Trout Mountain Cabin, Twin Pines at NEOC, Millinocket, ME
Timeline: 27 August 2010 - 06:30 a.m.


René walked quietly with Vienna to the pier. He wondered what she wanted to talk about, but held his questions. He glanced about every few seconds for movement and would sniff the wind for traces of stench associated with the Soulless. He wanted no surprises jumping out at them.

Vienna walked just as quietly until she was sure the area was safe, pausing she offered a smile. “I’m sorry I just needed to talk to you without everyone there listening in.” She paused for a moment. “René I want to be able to say to people that you and I are, well that we’re... together.”

René looked out over the lake as he contemplated her statement for a moment before responding. It was becoming more and more difficult for him to hide his affection for Vienna as well. He wanted to be able to take her in his arms and kiss her, but he wanted the blessing of her parents first. "I would like that too, but we agreed to speak with your parents first. I know you are concerned about Courtney, but I promise you. I have no interest in her that way."

Vienna nodded. “I know, I’m sorry if I sound like I’m trying to rush into anything.” She looked out across the lake. “I haven’t been able to contact my parents, I don’t know if they’ve just been evacuated, or if something else has happened. Right now you’re all I’ve got!”

Rene wrapped his arms around Vienna. He wanted to protect her from all the bad that was happening at the moment. "We're going to get you home. Find your parents and if they aren't there, we'll go find your brother. I will be by your side all the way."

Vienna nodded as she wrapped her arms around René, he made her feel safe, and that everything would be alright as long as he was with her. “What if they’re not alright? What if they’ve been hurt? Or worse!?”

René wasn't sure what would happen if that were the case. He would do whatever was needed to protect Vienna. "Have hope. That's really all we can do at the moment."

Vienna nodded. “I will, my parents and brother know how to look after themselves, if they’ll go anywhere they might head to our hunting cabin it’s in a pretty quiet wooded area.”

"We will find them and figure out what to do after that." Rene then did something that surprised even himself. He gave Vienna a kiss.

Vienna was just as surprised but that didn’t stop her from returning René’s kiss. She blushed as they momentarily stood looking at each other in silence.

It took René nearly a minute to finally find his voice. "Uh. I think that...", he wanted to say 'was incredible', however, what came out of his mouth was "...we should get back before Capitan Stratton sends out a search party for us."

Vienna nodded. “Err...yes, of course...” She gently reached out her hand and took hold of René’s. “Can I hold your hand if only for now?”

René smiled as he raised her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. "Bien sûr." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze as he lowered it back to his side. He laced his fingers with hers as they started back to the lodge.

Vienna smiled, she had no doubt in her mind if they got back to her parents that they’d approve of René being her boyfriend. She also knew she’d get the age old ‘adult’ talk about consent and sexual relations. That was something she wouldn’t be rushing into, she wasn’t eighteen for a little while yet.

Rene felt happy, despite all that was going on, as they walked to the cabin hand in hand. He really wasn't sure what to expect in the coming days. He just knew that they would face it together.

[Inside the Cabin]

Vic fished in her pack and pulled out an old, beaten up but large tin can that had obviously seen some heavy use and she took it into the kitchen, filling it with water and thanking the gods that she was able to still before pulling some instant coffee from one of the cabinets and brewing up some military grade coffee on the stove.

Dominic gave Vic an appreciative smile as he stepped into the kitchen. "Not a big fan of instant coffee, but any port in a storm I suppose."

Courtney came down the stairs with an unhappy, to say the least, expression. She looked at the pot of coffee and turned to Victoire with a haughty tone. "Tell me at least you have some mocha creamer if not some cappuccino ready"

Vic shook her head and gave a curt smile. "Unfortunately its Navy Grade Coffee; if I stuck a spoon in it I'm sure it would start to dissolve... it'll wake ya up and keep you standing but black is about the only way it comes unless you can find some sugar around here." As she spoke she poured herself a cup; taking a careful sip as it was still freshly hot and then she gave a soft sigh of relief.

Courtney shook her head. She could not stand the taste of regular coffee. How anyone could drink something that bitter was beyond her. "Hard pass."

Dominic made himself a cup. He took a sip and nodded. "Your a woman of many talents Doctor Oloffson." He looked at Courtney and saw Jordan walking out of the bedroom which gave him a reminder. "Doctor, I am going to head into town once I am done with this cup. Could you inform Captain Stratton that I am going to talk to the mayor about the students and find out if he has made arrangements with the governor regarding getting them home safely."

Vic leaned against the counter with her own cup and thought for a moment before answering "I could drive you in if you'd like; my Armada was reinforced by a friend I made in the motor pool and she'll survive better if trouble arises... besides; somebody should see about gathering some extra fuel for our vehicles"

Dominic shook his head. "I appreciate the offer, but I have my own car. I will also need to check on the teenagers staying with some of my parishioners so I could be quite a while."

Courtney pondered things for a moment. She really needed time away from Vienna and René. She couldn't figure out how he could want Vienna when she had all but told him that she wanted him. "Father Dominic. Would you mind if I joined you. Perhaps I could be of help."

Dominic glanced at Courtney. He had no problem with her accompanying him into town. He gave the young woman a nod. "I don't have a problem with it."

Looked to Courtney herself and then to Dominic. "Please just make me the promise that the two of you will not attempt to fight any of the risen if you encounter them; just get outta there, okay?"

Dominic, for his part nodded. He didn't have it in him this early in the morning to argue that the only person to have risen was the Lord Christ. He still believed the Problem was people infected. "Will do." He turned to Courtney. "If you are ready?"

Courtney nodded and started for the door. She was not in the mood to see Vienna and René.

Dominic watched as Courtney stalked off. He glanced at Victoire and shrugged. "We'll be back as soon as we can." He fished his car keys out of his pocket and followed Courtney outside. A few moments later a car engine started up and the sound receded as priest and princess went into town.

In Hale's Room

Hale smiled appreciatively at the scent of coffee wafting through the cabin. He'd managed a tepid shower and changed into clean clothes, jeans this time and a t-shirt emblazoned with the outline of a moose and the words "Fear the Moose" on it. It occurred to him as he pulled on his hiking boots that things were going to become problematic if the power stayed out. Clean clothes. Hot showers. He was used to doing without in the field but the civilians like Courtney? That could become problematic.

"We're going shopping today," Hale said as he looked over at Alonzo. "Get some training done."

Alonzo looked at Hale as if to say no shit but he quelled the thought of that. "I'll see what I can manage. There's a lot to learn and try to be prepared for."

[Katahdin Inn]

The Hotel for the most part was quiet at least for the Suttons. Calista finally moved to the bed once the screams and such for the night seemed to have staggered off. Most of the people had left the night before was what her husband had said, and she was fine with them staying behind for now. The middle of the night had been adventurous for sure, and exhausting by the time it was all said and done.

They have moved the bed up against the broken window in their room to protect themselves a bit better from any thing nefarious below that was still there.

"Is she still down there?" Calista asked quietly.

"Mmhmm," Killian replied as he peeked out the window another time. "I'm going to need to get you some supplies today; are you going to be okay to stay here by yourself?"

"I got a lamp, and will keep the door locked without you here," she commented. "You going to be okay?"

"As I can be, and will be. I'll leave when the store should open," he said looking at his watch, "in a couple hours."


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