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Aphrodite (Or Just a Girl from Bath - Backpost to August 25th)

Posted on Mon Jul 10th, 2023 @ 8:51pm by
Edited on on Mon Aug 7th, 2023 @ 12:32pm

1,462 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Streets of Millinocket
Timeline: August 25, 2010 - 10:30 p.m.

Travis looked at her intensely and smiled charmingly. "That I am, but I do play chess a couple of times a week. Have been ever since I was ten." He gestured. Not quite at the board and yet not quite at her either. "I am also sure you got game too hun. Maybe not in chess, but certainly in other areas."

Nicole smirked. "Damn straight."

Travis gestured at her drink. "You finish up your drink before anyone else walks in. I'll close up early and get you back to your hotel. Sound good?"

"Sounds good" she replied as she took another sip of her drink, which was now nearly gone.

Travis turned and began counting down his till. He was actually happy to be closing a little early. "So, which hotel are you staying at? If you don't mind me asking?"

"It's the small inn just up the street" she trailed off. The effects of the alcohol were starting to get to her a little bit despite her high tolerance. She pushed the remainder of her drink forward so she wasn't tempted to drink anymore. "I'm sorry. I'm just starting to feel the effects but I don't want to get too drunk."

Travis took the glass that had very little remaining and put it in the sink. He ran some hot water and then swiped the inside with a soap filled cleaning wand. He quickly rinsed the glass and set it in the rack to dry. He quickly finished his register report and closed down. He was gone for about a minute to secure his drawer in the office and return to Nicole, this time on the same side of the bar as her. "Ready?"

Nicole smiled. "As I'll ever be."

Travis gestured to the door with one hand as he offered up the other to help her from the stool. She had put back nearly five drinks in the last hour and the first two had been doubles.

Nicole accepted the hand and carefully stood up off of the stood. She was still aware enough while others would be blacked out in her position. She had built up a high tolerance over the years but even what she had tonight was a little much for her.

Travis chuckled as he helped Nicole to her feet. He dropped his hand back to his side. "Gotta say. You can certainly hold your liquor Sailor. I was half expecting to have to carry you to the hotel. We can take my car if you don’t feel like walking."

She nodded a thanks and then looked at Travis. "I'm honestly good for either. But I'm concerned about your way back to your car if we walk. With everything going on and all."

Travis shrugged as they made their way to the door. "All good dear lady. I may not be a sergeant anymore, but I will always be a marine. Besides, you should never get into a car with a man you don't know." He paused at the door as they exited to lock up. "Besides, it's a two minute walk, but only a twenty second drive and would love to spend the extra minute and forty seconds with a beautiful and charming lady."

Nicole blushed before leveling her reaction to a light smile. "Fair enough. I guess I'm willing to walk the extra mile and a half with a Marine" she chuckled.

Travis offered up an arm for Nicole to hold on to as they started to walk. He knew that despite her high tolerance for alcohol, five drinks in the space of a little over an hour was going to effect her coordination to some degree. "So what does a fair maiden such as yourself do for fun?

She accepted his arm but kept her eyes to the path ahead. "Surprisingly not much. My rate is a busy one so when I'm not working in the engine room on ships I'm typically wrenching on my own car or going outside. That is, when I'm not on deployment" she smiled.

Travis kept a slow and steady pace as they started walking. It was a cool evening, but not uncomfortable so. He pointed to a statue across the town square. "That's where I suggested we meet unless you would prefer I pick you up at the hotel tomorrow. Parking may be a problem though."

"I'm cool with meeting you in the park" she said honestly as she looked in the direction of the town square and then in front of her. Realistically she was good with either option anyway.

Travis smiled. "Sounds like a plan then." He was quiet for a moment as they walked. "I'm really glad you walked in tonight. It was fun spending time with you."

Nicole returned the smile. "I'm glad I walked in too. I had fun too."

Travis' smile grew as he walk. A moment later they arrived at the motel parking lot. "Which unit are you in?"

"Room 219" she smiled. She had a hunch of an idea of where this was going.

Travis eyed the numbers on the doors and spotted Room 219 on the second tier near the stairs at the far end of the parking lot. He glanced at Nicole and returned her smile with one of his own. He was unsure of what was going to happen once they reached her door. He was going to follow her lead on that. His arm slipped around her waist as they took the stairs, partly for his desire to partially embrace her, but mostly to keep her steady for the stairs climb after all her drinks.

Travis turned to Nicole as they reached her door. "Thank you for the privilege and honor of escorting the loveliest of visitors to our town's Trail's End Festival this year."

"You're certainly welcome" she smiled as she looked up at him. "I never thought I'd say this, but it was honor being escorted by an attractive Marine" she smirked, hoping that the joke she made wouldn't ruffle too many feathers.

Travis smiled at her compliment. He still had one hand about her waist. He really wanted to kiss Nicole at the moment. He just wasn't sure if he should. He reached with his free hand to take hers and held it gently. He looked into her eyes. The proverbial ball was in her court so to speak.

She returned the look into his eyes to which she was getting lost in. A few seconds went by and she grew closer into Travis' embrace and with her free hand she pulled the Bartender closer to the point where her lips met his. Nicole felt frozen in the moment. And while she had just met Travis, he was certainly something to her.

Travis kissed her. Soft and sweet, but one that slowly deepened as the seconds passed. All he could think about was that first kiss. He had embraced her close as the kiss deepened. Their bodies pressed together when the kiss ended. "Oh my God! If I don't go now. I'm not going to be able to."

"You don't have to go..." Nicole trailed off, not wanting to leave his embrace.

Travis kissed Nicole again. This time with more passion and desire. His hands slid down to her behind and gently squeezing as he pulled her even closer. He was going to make sure she had a night she would never forget.

Nicole returned the kiss with the same desire and passion. She left one arm around Travis while she used the other to fiddle the room key out of her pocket. She fiddled with the door knob and eventually kicked the door open.

Travis grabbed the Do Not Disturb sign and slipped it on the outside of the door as he continued the intense kiss. He hoisted Nicole up as he kicked the door shut. He then carried her to the bed. He spent the next hour making it all about her and it was a good three hours before an intense night of lovemaking exhausted both of them.

The night for Nicole was amazing. She met a nice guy and had an amazing night with him. She experienced every part of Travis before the climax of events. It was amazing. After that she fell into Travis' arms after being exhausted from the action. (Too much?)

Travis held her close as she collapsed atop his chest. He gave her a soft kiss as he stared up into her eyes. "You are...amazing doesn't even come close to describing what happened. You wouldn't happen to be Aphrodite descended down from Mount Olympus would you?"

"No..." she chuckled as she curled up against him. "I'm just a girl from Bath" she said softly.


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