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WTF Over: In the Aftermath

Posted on Mon May 15th, 2023 @ 7:52am by Hale Stratton & Alonzo Blazevic & Vienna Quinn & René Rouen

1,840 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Millinocket, Maine
Timeline: 26 AUG 2010 - 07:30 a.m.


While Hale and Alonzo talked off to the side, Andy oversaw the removal of the bodies then went outside to the squad car to report in where nosy teenagers couldn't overhear the conversation.

"People are weird," Alonzo said. "They would probably flock to the theaters right now if they could for a Zombie flick. What worries me is actually this whole reanimated thing. Can you say cult worshiping the reanimated because I can see it happening."

"Okay," Hale answered with a mock shudder, "that's a notion I didn't need in my head tonight."

Alonzo shrugged. "What can I say?" he said. "I appreciate my religious upbringing, but we're looking at the dead rising. We've seen people flock to less. One 'face' on a pancake and several people freak out."

"Or put it up for sale," Hale said. "Few years back, some woman sold a grilled cheese sandwich with the image of the Virgin Mary on it for $28,000. Don't buy it ... wouldn't buy it myself personally." Hale straightened and smiled, maybe the first genuine smile to cross his face since that first phone call from his team back at Fort Benning. "I have to get back to it. Thank you. Nice to talk about something other than corpses wanting to turn folks into happy meals."

"At least happy meals come with toys," replied Alonzo. "Go do whatever it is you need to. I'll just stay out of the way" added Alonzo.

"I'll check back," Hale said, "when there's time. Make sure that things are alright here. Be safe."


The teenagers had gathered in the main hall to talk amongst themselves. Ethan, standing near Vienna, waited for someone named Rene to show up since he had a 'plan'. As far as Ethan was concerned, the only plan he had was staying close to the reporter who was armed and out of a jail cell.

René went to the BHS group gathered in the corner after getting Father Dominic settled in a chair by the atrium door. He was still somewhat shaken by the sight up in the priest's office.

Vienna could only guess the worst must have happened, right now her only plan was to stick with René, he had proven himself good in a crisis and she trusted him the most.

"So," Ethan said as the silence lengthened. "What did you see up there? What's the plan?"

René glanced at the priest still sitting before turning to his fellow students. "Mrs. Turner and Madison and both dead. It appears as if Madison killed her sometime last night or early this morning. Madison's face was covered in blood and gore as if she had been eating the remains of Mrs. Turner."

Ethan nodded, one sharp jerk of the head, his face turning pale. Without another word, he walked away. At first, he thought of going in search of Alonzo, but his feet wouldn't go there. It felt as though his world was coming unglued, like nothing made sense anymore. And again, he saw his parents, the way they were that night.

“Ethan?” Vienna watched Ethan go, she needed to stay with the others and not go disappearing. “Ethan! Come back!”

The words trailed after him but he kept moving. Away. Away from the kid who talked about ... just away. Far away from the high school kids who had only noticed him when his name hit the papers. Away from the ugly truth just thrown at him. Away.

René watched Ethan walk away for a moment. He had seen the young man at on the bus, sitting in the back with noone sitting with him. He turned back to the others. "We need to decide what we are going to do and how we will accomplish that. One more thing to consider. I overheard the men upstairs telling Father Dominic that there were other instances of these cannibalistic attacks. We may want to find a way to protect ourselves."

“What way?” Vienna gave René a surprised look. “It’s not like the police are going to let us carry around any weapons. Besides I’m good with a bow, but that’s about it, mine is at dad’s hunting lodge."

René shrugged. He honestly had no idea at the moment. His fencing and Ren Faire gear had arrived Saturday and Vienna's father had locked away the rapier and epee in the gun cabinet. The two practice foils were stashed in his room closet at the Quinn home. "We'll figure something out."

Jordan sighed. "Vienna is right. Nobody is going to sell us weapons."

Courtney simply shook her head. "Do any of you have half a brain. We don't go out and buy weapons. We go buy sports and camping equipment."

René glanced at Courtney for a moment before nodding. "She has a point. Plus, if they don't open the the roads back up, we may have to walk back to Bangor. That's going to be a few days walking at least."

Vienna nodded. “That’s not a problem for me, I’m used to it. Dad takes me on hunting & camping trips quite often, he was talking about taking us next weekend...” she paused obviously worried about her family.

René placed a hand on Vienna's shoulder. He even managed a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about your family. Ask Father Dominic if you can call them. He let all the kids call home last night."

Vienna nodded. “I guess there’s no harm in trying“ she smiled warmly at René. “Thank you for looking out for me René."

René placed a hand on Vienna's shoulder. "Of course mon amie." He put his hand back at his side and turned to Jordan and Courtney. "We keep listening to the news. We talk to anyone in authority. We find out for ourselves what is going on. We meet on the front steps at 8:30 tonight and compare notes. Then we make a plan. Tomorrow we will put the plan into motion.


He went outside. Saw the soldier and the cop conversing by a cruiser, saw the EMTs loading the bodies and ignored it all. He found a spot to sit under a tree, sliding down the trunk till his butt hit the ground, knees drawn up, and just stared at the ground while the tears welled up inside of him. Eaten? Is that what happened to them? That carnage? And just like that, between one thought and the next, Ethan just shut down.

Having looked all over for Ethan, Alonzo made his way outside and scanned the area with his eyes. He saw the EMTs. He saw what they were doing. Then, he saw the tree and followed it down to see Ethan hack against the trunk and slunk down.

Alonzo walked cautiously and quiet towards the tree and took a seat next to Ethan and pulled the teenager against his chest. "You shouldn't be out here. You didn't need to see this," explained Alonzo. He wished Ethan would have stayed inside.

Held close, listening to the sound of the reporter's heartbeat, Ethan fought his way back. "It was Rene," he muttered. "He came back and was saying how Madison ... she ..." He shook his head slightly but didn't move. "She ... ate ... her teacher?"

Alonzo had a choice to make. He could either alter what he said to Ethan or he could give Ethan the facts as Alonzo knew them. He opted to go with the more factual route. "It wasn't Madison anywhere," Alonzo replied.

"But yes," added Alonzo. "It would seem that was what happened. I'm sorry, Ethan. Have you ever heard about Horsehair worms in biology?"

"No," Ethan said quietly as he drew back enough to look at Alonzo. "What's that?"

Alonzo took a deep breath. How do I put this thought the journalist. "A parasite that takes over a host insect. It causes the insect to do something like drown itself. It takes them over just like something took over Madison. It wasn't her anymore, not really."

"And ... that's what happened to Uncle Harry back at the house," Ethan asked. He was sitting on his own again, tears drying on his cheeks, as he thought about what Alonzo was telling him. If that's true, he thought, then maybe he's still the good guy I remember. "A parasite that took over his brain made him ... do that to my parents?"

"We don't know enough about whatever is happening to people to say it's a parasite or not. If it is a virus or if it something else," Alonzo explained though now he knew who attacked Ethan's parents. "What we do know is Madison wouldn't have done that. Your uncle Harry wouldn't have done that. So, think of it like the parasite...these people aren't acting like themselves anymore and I don't think they have control over it." Alonzo was hopeful that would get across to Ethan.

"Do you think," Ethan said, his gaze dropping to his jeans as though fascinated by the felled seam, "that ... Madison ... could have been stopped? Convinced not to ..." he shuddered delicately "... eat her teacher? If someone were there, I mean?"

"You couldn't have done anything to save them, Ethan. I know that's difficult to hear, but you could not have stopped him" replied Alonzo. "You did what they would have wanted. You got yourself to safety."

He nodded, one sharp jerk of the head, while he held back the flood of emotions that stormed through his body. "I snuck out," he whispered. "Got home just in time to see Uncle Harry ... well, you know. Felt bad about that like if I had been there ... called 911 or something ... maybe they'd have still been alive."

Alonzo had a lot he wanted to say but did not. "Ethan, it usually takes five minutes or more for police to arrive. If you called, it would have been too late and others would have likely been at risk. You did the right thing and escaped. I'm sorry you saw what happened, but you aren't alone."

"Yeah," Ethan said, the sound drawn out like a sigh and there was acceptance threaded through the sound. "If I had been there. Maybe I'd have been dead too." And I don't want to die. Maybe I did ... but I don't now. He glanced up at Alonzo. "Not quite ready to say I'm lucky yet but thanks. I guess I've been worried that I failed them, you know? That I could have done ... something." He took in a steadying breath. "I don't think that now. Thank you."

"You did what they would have wanted. They would be happy to know you made it out safely and that you are here" replied Alonzo. "You're welcome. Anytime you feel like talking or you just need someone to sit and sulk with, I'm going to be close by."

Ethan nodded and the first hesitant try at a smile lightened for a moment the sad and serious teen's visage.


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