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The Fall of Saint Andrew's (Part 2)

Posted on Mon May 22nd, 2023 @ 2:38am by Survivor Alonzo Blazevic & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor René Rouen

1,558 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church, Millinocket, Maine
Timeline: 26 AUG 2010 - 08:30 p.m.

Inside the Church

It was a holding action at best and Hale knew that; the civilians, those that were able to, had retreated, leaving only the dead in front of him. "Fall back," he yelled out. "Fall back!"

Meanwhile, Outside (The Other Side of the Fight)

The noise drew attention, as it often does, and from the side streets, stragglers lured by the promise of a meal, temporary surcease from endless hunger, turned and started walking. One alone joined by another ... and then a third ... and a fourth ...

Victoire angled her steering wheel just enough that she'd miss the building and held it steady, looking to the doors and firing into the head of one of the dead that was angling for the defenders that held a line inside them but were slowly being overwhelmed and she held her horn, hoping to drag attention to the lumbering beast that was her armada and buy a moments relief for those defenders as she carved a pathway to the front doors. When she neared them she rolled her window down enough that she could be heard and ceased her horn blowing as she rolled to a stop.

"Any of you that wanna get outta here in one piece, jump in but make it quick; this break isn't gonna last!"

Inside the Church

When everyone that could had gotten out, Hale left the sanctuary to the dead. Their attention focused on crumpled bodies, Hale slipped out the side door. He took a minute to brace a chair underneath the knob; wouldn't last but at this point, anything that slowed them down was a plus. And that was how he left; if he found a door that closed, he braced it shut with whatever he could, and kept moving, eventually coming around to the front of the building. He moved toward Victoire and said, "I know of a place. Pull your vehicle out onto the street behind my Jeep."

Hake turned toward the crowd, his gaze going to the pastor of the church, the teenagers, and then to rest, a bit longer, on Alonzo. "We're going to take you someplace safe," he said. "Everybody climb in and make it quick. We don't have long."

Rene paused for half a heartbeat and changed direction to follow Hale. He grabbed Vienna's hand and pulled her along with him. Nothing against Alonzo, but he felt Vienna would be safer with a soldier then some guy who he didn't know well enough. He called out to Father Dominic. "Monsignor Dominic we're going to ride with the soldier."

Father Dominic sighed and shoved Jordan and Courtney towards Alonzo's group.

Well then... choose death thought Alonzo. He could see the appeal of going with some sort of soldier, but personally he felt it was a mistake. They always overlooked and underestimated a reporter.

Courtney simply did as instructed. Seeing the group making a dash for the cars and escape the Crazies was her only concern at the moment.

Jordan hefted a broken chair leg and looked to Alonzo. "Lead on dude."

"Alonzo," he stated. He was not about to just be 'dude' to anyone.

Vienna followed on with René, she had no doubt her parents would want them to stay together, but it wasn’t just her parents she wasn’t going anywhere without René.

The nine seats in Victoire's Armada and the five in his jeep started to fill up as people scrambled for safety. Standing on the driver's side, and ready to jump in, Hale kept watch until everyone was safely loaded aboard a vehicle. The church bells had drawn them and they were still coming; in ones and twos and threes, they were coming. "The church is lost," Hale said to no one in particular and then, raising his voice, called out, "let's go."

On The Road

The location had been scouted by someone else and the route information provided to the entire police force as well as those, like himself, who were helping out. So he knew the route which was basically a straight shot out Millinocket Lake Road; getting away from the church, getting these people to safety was number one on his list of things to do.

Phone connections had been spotty all day but he got lucky and Andy, who was home with his family, answered on the first ring. "Yeah," he said and there was a wealth of exhaustion in his voice. "What's up?"

"Wanted you to know that Saint Andrew's is overrun," Hale said as he turned from Hill Street onto Katahdin Avenue. "The priest held a church service and when he rang the church bells, well ... you know. We got the survivors away and I'm taking them out to Twin Pines. Given what's happened, I think its a good idea if we check the other shelters as well."

"Who's we," Andy asked. There was a rustle of cloth in the background and Hale figured the cop was getting dressed.

"Me and Victoire," Hale said, "and one other but I don't know her name. We'll take them all out there and get them settled in for the night. We'll need to post guards but if you want, I can come back in. Help with the sweep."

"Stay there for now," Andy said. "I'll report in to the station and then let you know where things stand. With luck you can get something to eat and maybe grab ten minutes of sleep."

"Yeah," Hale said though privately, he figured he'd get about as much as Andy was going to get which was none at all. "Talk to you soon."

Andy hung up and Hale's gaze took in the journalist in the seat beside him and the three in the back. "We're going to a place outside of town. Some place safe for the night."

"Safe," repeated Alonzo. He did not even know if such a place existed. Not now.

René looked back at the church as they pulled away and wondered. How many had made it out? How many hadn't? He gave thought to an even more disturbing question. How many of those who hadn't made it out...eventually would. He glanced at Vienna and Ethan. "You both okay?"

From his spot on the end by the window, Ethan looked over at Rene. "No bites," he said because okay wasn't a word that applied to him any more, or at least wouldn't for some time to come. Somewhere between school and the decision to sneak out, to hang with his friends, he had fallen into a horror movie. Everything had changed. He was an orphan and on the run from dead people. The crush he once had on the pretty girl from school, seated next to him in the back of the soldier's Jeep, seemed like it belonged in another lifetime. The only priorities he had at the moment were sticking with Alonzo and trying not to get eaten or let him get eaten.

Vienna nodded as she looked towards René, “I’m good, no harm done. It’s just...all so crazy! It’s like we’ve suddenly been thrown into some massive horror movie. It’s scary.”

René glanced in the rear view mirror to meet eyes with Hale as he drove. He had questions, but thought it better to wait until they and the others arrived at the new haven of safety...if there truly was such a thing.

Hale met Rene's glance before glancing back to make sure the Victoire was following. "Won't be long now," he said. "This place is outside of town, more remote, and it was shut down a couple of days ago. The police checked it this morning. No one's there."

Vienna sighed. “I’m guessing it was the bells, that drew all those zombies to the church. At least that gives us a chance, if we stay quiet then we should be safer...hopefully!”

"Yes," Hale said, "loud noises attract them. About half-way through our first shift, the police officer I was paired with stopped using his sirens for just that reason."

René shook his head. He was still having an issue with believing that the dead could come back to life and start devouring the living. He was going to need a means to protect Vienna and himself. "Sir, we need to arm ourselves. Your pistol may be adequate for the moment, but every time you fire it more of...these Soulless creatures will start to hunt us. I have excellent fencing skills. If I could get my hands on an actual sword...."

"Let's get settled at Twin Pines," Hale said, "and then, we can talk about all of this over some food. Weapons, how best to defend yourselves, all that." He took his gaze off the road long enough to look at Rene in the rear view and then returned his attention to the road and the first sign for NEOC. "I understand your concerns, I do. We'll get things sorted, I promise."

Alonzo had his own thoughts on weapons and tactics, not that he was an expert on any of this, but when chasing leads and doing investigative journalism, sometimes your mind goes places. "Twin Pines. Sounds cozy."

"Yes, it does," Hale murmured. "Yes, it does."


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