Posted on Tue Jul 11th, 2023 @ 11:28pm by Survivor Calista Sutton & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor René Rouen
740 words; about a 4 minute read
Bangor or Bust
Location: Trout Mountain Cabin, Twin Pines at NEOC, Millinocket, ME
Timeline: 27 August 2010 - 07:00 a.m.
Inside the Cabin/Kitchen
Hale came out of the bedroom he shared with Alonzo and smiled as the scent of coffee hit him. He grinned cheerfully at the sight of Vic making coffee in a metal can on the stove. "Note to self," he said as he approached, "make sure we take a lot of coffee with us on the road." He paused for a second in mock consideration. "Now there's a question. Do you think the convenience stores will be open? Coz' I always thought that if anything survived an apocalypse, it would be those joints."
Vic turned around to look at Hale and chuckled. "I guess we will just have to see whether they've survived this far or not... I suspect that we might begin to see raiding and an increase in crime amongst survivors soon though."
The smiled dropped from his face as he went about pouring himself a cup and then retreating to a window to keep watch.
Inside the Cabin/Common Area/Short While Later
Rene opened the door for Vienna and followed her in. He spotted one of two later arrivals from last night. "Bonjour mademoiselle. I didn't have a chance to introduce myself last night before we all went to bed. I am René Rouen."
Kara stood, leaning against the side of the cabin as she looked at the group that had gathered. They all looked a bit worse for wear, but they'd have been much worse off elsewhere.
“I’m Vienna Quinn” Vienna smiled warmly at Kara. “Welcome to the group.”
"All things considered, happy to be here," Kara replied with a somewhat forced chuckle. "Have you been here long?"
René shook his head as he poured a small cup of coffee. "Not really. We arrived at the cabin not long before you and your companion arrived. Prior to that we were sheltered at Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church."
Vienna offered a polite smile. “René has been staying with my family as an exchange student, we arrived here together.”
Father Pryde stood at a table with his effects, his firearm, knife and a few medical necessities, bandages, and the like. The priest opened his canteen and spilled a few drops of water on his right index finger and flicked the water droplets on the gear which rested in front of him as he whispered a prayer to himself.
Vic leaned out of the door to the infirmary as she was prepping it for basic check-ups and smiled. "We met very briefly but I did not want to keep you all with your late arrival. You can call me Doc or Vic, I'll be the one trying to ensure everybody stays healthy"
Jordan yawned as he stepped out of the boys bedroom. He smelled the aroma of strong coffee and made a beeline for the stove. He took one sip of the cup he poured and his eyes popped open wide. "Wow that's really strong. Who do I thank?"
Nicole strolled into the common area quietly and groggily. Some caffeine in her system would help her much. It was a long past few days. Nothing she couldn't handle in certain aspects given she was used to spending long hours between sleeps, every once and a while days, but regardless the past few days had taken a slight toll on her. She quietly entered the kitchen and also poured herself a cup of coffee before excusing herself to the common area. She found a seat by a window and took a sip of her coffee. Hopefully that would snap her out of her morning state.
Katahdin Inn
The pain wasn't too bad now that she had been through the worse of it in the middle of the night. However, anxiety was eating away at Calista as she worried about everything that had gone down, how things went down and where they were going to end up going. She wasn't sure what was on the horizon. The news was intermittently coming through which didn't help settle her nerves at all.
She felt terrible. She left a message for Savannah's mother in the middle of the night hoping that she would call back but she hadn't. Both Killian and herself had tried their parents, and both their parents either didn't connect or went to voicemail.
FOSED: Finest Organic Suspension Ever Devised (Thanks go to Sim Central for this one!)