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Confidences Over a Colander

Posted on Wed Jan 17th, 2024 @ 5:57am by Survivor Alonzo Blazevic

1,919 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Stratton/Blazevic/Thompson Quarters
Timeline: 29 August 2010 - 09:00 p.m.

Growing up off-grid had prepared Hale for any number of contingencies but shopping? That wasn't one of them and to say that he didn't enjoy the experience was an understatement. Shopping when no one was entirely certain where their next meal was coming from leant a viciousness to the experience that rivaled a sale on the day after Thanksgiving or worse, Christmas Eve. While he had been joking before they left, he ended up interposing his body so that the 'opposing forces' tended to bounce off him rather than plow into Alonzo or Ethan frequently.

He was polite. Ma'am and Sir came out of his mouth frequently as he fended off aggressive shoppers. Polite but firm. Immovable. And entirely, profoundly glad when Alonzo had announced that the list was complete. Checkout was just a matter of signing out with the quartermaster where they were told that they would be eligible to shop again in five days and to keep the bags.

Once away, they walked back together. Because Alonzo was going to do the cooking, Hale automatically took on the role of beast of burden and dishwasher; Ethan, following Hale's lead, also carried bags. And while the mood was lighter, Hale kept his gaze on the surroundings. Head on the swivel. Nothing would happen to these two as long as he was able; that thought had settled into the core of his being, wrapped around his heart, and accepted.

At the House

You never exactly knew when the little things in life would pay off. Those annoying home economics classes Alonzo took In middle school that were already being phased out when he was young had started to come in handy. His dad being a mechanic and his mother a chef and restaurateur was adding up significantly. His time as a culinary arts student made him m0re than comfortable in the kitchen.

The trip had been a fruitful one and Alonzo was glad that Hale had been there to be a defensive line and keep the crazies at bay. Tonight's meal was not overly fancy but if conditions continued for much longer, Alonzo knew that Chicken and broccoli Alfredo with a chopped salad was going to be a luxury even if tonight's broccoli came from a frozen bag. How much longer are chickens going to be available he pondered as he set the table and returned to the kitchen to finish things up.

Ethan was off doing whatever it was orphaned teenage boys did during what some were calling 'the Zombie Apocalypse' which being an avid reader of comics and being into horror as a genre, Alonzo couldn't blame them. "Hey, Hale," Alonzo called out to the Army Major. He had just seen him walk by a few minutes ago.

When the officer surfaced from his previous whereabouts, Alonzo smiled. "Thank you for the help today. Would you mind holding the colander so I can drain the water from the pasta? Dinner is just about ready" asked Alonzo with added information.

"Sure thing," Hale said as he picked up the colander and held it over the sink. It's nice, he thought, this … whatever this is … Maybe better than nice.

As Alonzo poured the previously boiling water gently as to avoid splashing his kitchen assistant, Alonzo thought about the past several days. He returned the pot to the burner and then fetched the colander full of pasta from Hale's hands. Alonzo took the colander from and was about to turn to head back to the burner to empty the pasta back into the empty pot.

He stopped mid turn. "So, I've been thinking..." he said and sat the colander of pasta down onto the counter. "About us" he added. Us Alonzo heard the word ricochet in his mind rattling about as he tried to process what exactly he was saying. What ushis mind countered, but he looked at Hale as the Major's lips parted to speak.

"Us," Hale said, his voice dropping instinctively lower, so that they wouldn't be overheard. There had never been a time when there weren't people about - four brothers, parents, his grandfather. College roommates. Soldiers. His squad. And while he spoke softly, there was a gentleness to his tone, that invited confidence. One word spoken as a question and breathed out on a hope, left hovering the air between them.

It was true there rarely was a time when people weren't around. For Alonzo it was two family businesses and a home where there was also someone wanting something or two Baltic blooded parents clashing over finances. He rarely had privacy. Now? Not even now. Ethan was out of sight for now but hardly out of mind. The teenager was somewhere, but for the moment that wasn't in their proximity.

Alonzo stepped closer towards Hale, practically chest to chest. "Yeah, us. You and me" the journalist elaborated. And Ethan obviously, but not about this he reminded himself that he did have a responsibility to be the teenager's de facto guardian. Alonzo put his arms around Hale's waistline and leaned inward bringing his mouth towards the Major Hale Stratton's.

Green Beret. Decorated. Fearless under fire. And for all that, his heartbeat picked up and he froze for the barest of seconds. He understood the battlefield. War. But this? It took a moment for his heart to catch up with his mind but it did. He smiled against Alonzo's lips while his own arms wrapped around the man's lean frame, settling into a warm embrace, drawing him closer. The kiss was hesitant at first, a question asked and answered, and in the response, passion flared.

A flare of passion that could have ignited the heart that had been simmering for a while, taking the kitchen ablaze, but the flare was quickly contained. Alonzo stepped back breaking the physical connection. He kissed me the journalist mused. He felt a natural draw to engage but wasn't sure how Hale would respond. He had that answer now.

The pitter patter of teenage footfalls nearby caused Alonzo to hold his ground. He looked at Hale, Alonzo clearly blushing a little. Ethan's arrival though changed the atmosphere.

"I am starving," proclaimed Ethan as he came into the kitchen. "What's for dinner," the teenager said, "and please, don't tell me its lukewarm something out of a can."

Alonzo sighed and picked up the colander. "Pasta. Chicken and broccoli Alfredo, and it will be ready in a minute. There's salad too. So, grab a beverage and take a seat at the table."

The teenager looked excited at the sound of food. "Neat. I love pasta, thanks, Mom," he added teasingly as he fetched a beverage and headed for a seat at the table.

Alonzo was not sure how he felt about being called mom by anyone let alone Ethan, but he didn't say anything about it. He just looked at Hale. "Talk after dinner?"

"Oh, you can count on that," Hale muttered under his breath as he grabbed a bottle of water and the salad and headed for the table himself.

"Another round of Horse after dinner," Ethan asked. "Best … where were we three out of five? Or would that be five out of seven now?"

"Meal, kitchen cleanup, and then maybe we do something indoors? Something the three of us can do? Unless," Hale said turning his attention to Alonzo, "you have some hidden basketball talent we don't know about?"

Alonzo dished up bowls of food and started bringing them over. He balanced three in one trip and looked at Hale. "I have several hidden talents, Mister Stratton. Stick around and you learn about them," teased Alonzo as he set the bowls in the three spots.

"Basketball isn't one of them I'm afraid" added Alonzo. "Not unless taking pictures during a game and interviewing players and coaches for the school newspaper counts."

"Like glue," Hale said, in a murmured aside to Alonzo, as he accepted one of the bowls and passed the other onto Ethan. "School newspaper, huh? What was that like? I was homeschooled until I went away to college."

"Vicious and cutthroat," quipped Alonzo. "It prepared me for a career in journalism. I mean look at what my hard work got me," said Alonzo gesturing to Ethan.

Ignoring the salad as the evil leafy greens that they were, Ethan plowed into the Alfredo. Between mouthfuls, he answered from his experience. "Don't look at me. I ran track and spent most of my time in the machine shop. One of the teachers, Mr. Bowder, was showing us basic automotive repairs, how engines worked and all. Spent my free time trying to convince him to do a motorcycle next. Newspapers were never my thing."

"Hey now," Alonzo fired back. "I did more than just take photos and write articles. I hot-wired a car or two in my day. Threw a punch every now and then, and I may have not been on any sports teams but I can be scrappy and resourceful."

"Scrappy," Ethan said, fork poised before his mouth, blue eyes twinkling, "like that little bitty dog on television?"

Alonzo nodded and swallowed a bite of food. "Exactly like the dog, but I'm not short. Still taller than you, beansprout. Speaking of which that salad isn't garnish, Mister" added the man wanting to make sure the salad greens were eaten. He understood the teen preferring the pasta. "Eat your vegetables and I'll bake you cookies later."

"Like eating grass," Ethan grumbled but, on the lure of cookies, he stabbed a bit of whatever it was and ate it with all the enthusiasm someone would bring to a bowl of stewed shoe leather. "My Mom," he hesitated over the word, images rushing to the forefront of his mind and just as quickly pushed back, "used to say that 'tall' practically galloped on both sides of the family. Bet I end up taller than both of you."

"What's the bet then," Hale said as he surveyed Ethan. "Coz' I'll keep track. Don't think I won't."

"Hmmm," Ethan said as he wolfed down the salad, more to get it over with than any real enjoyment, "let me see. If I win, I get one favor of my own choosing."

"Fair enough," Hale said, "but I get right of veto if it turns out to be dangerous or its something that Alonzo doesn't approve of."

Ethan considered for a moment, shoving away the emptied salad bowl with a grunt. "Okay … guess that's fair."

A deal with a teenage boy was practically a deal with Lucifer thought Alonzo. "How do you boys feel about chocolate chip cookies?" asked Alonzo. He had snagged a package of chocolate chips. A luxury item for sure, but why not spoil himself. He had kissed Hale. Surely, that warranted a victory batch of cookies.

He looked at their faces, in the soft illumination of the candles clustered on the table, and wanted to break out in a wide grin. The world was falling apart but right here, it felt as though it was coming together. Instead, he made a mental note to look for a measuring tape, filed under 'things I need to get for Ethan', and grinned wolfishly at Alonzo. "That would be amazing. So you know, I'd do anything, literally, for a fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie."

"Except," Ethan amended wisely, "eat more salad."

"Excepting that," Hale agreed solemnly.


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