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Home Sweet Home

Posted on Wed Jan 3rd, 2024 @ 5:23am by Survivor Alonzo Blazevic

2,010 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Near Hayford Park, Bangor, Maine
Timeline: 29 August - 7:00 p.m.

The house had been home to a recently deceased family for well over 35 years though its history went all the way back to its construction in 1920. A concrete walkway led up to the porch. Fully furnished with two bedrooms sharing one bathroom and a master suite with a private bath, there was hardwood flooring throughout, built-in bookcases on the first floor, crowded with books, and an oversized fireplace.

Hale noticed as he walked with Alonzo and Ethan, following the directions given to them by the Lieutenant, the military patrols and the small crowds of people, most sharing similar shocked and panicky looks, and, most importantly, the absence of the not quite dead. It felt … safe enough … and the idea of being off duty, if only for a few hours, was welcome.

"Don't think this means you get to slack off," Alonzo commented to Ethan as the trio walked the walkway up towards the porch. "I'm responsible for you now. If that means I have to teach you then I will, and I'm sure Hale can help in areas that I'm not so good, but composition work for English classes? That's right up my alley" explained Alonzo.

"And science," Ethan said, his hope rising suddenly. Something he could work on, get involved in, do ... he had a hunger for that. Schoolwork was one way to satisfy the need. "Don't forget science."

Alonzo looked towards Hale. "So, home sweet home?" he had said it a bit teasingly as they had never resided at this place before but for all purposes, this was going to become home at least for the time being. "How dependable is it?" asked Alonzo trying to open up conversation with Hale about something relatable. It wasn't that Alonzo did not feel safe, but any sense of safety could lull one into being in danger. Safe was subjective.

"For now," Hale said as he dropped his bag on the floor near the door, "I'd say we're safe. I'll know more when I get to headquarters tomorrow."

The journalist would have grabbed a digital recorder if he had one within reach, but that did not stop him from grabbing the nearest household item he could and holding it towards Hale. "Major Stratton, do you care to go on record about that, Sir? You bravely used the 'S' word to describe the situation here" Alonzo Blazevic teased the army officer, and did so with a playful smirk.

Alonzo tossed the item aside and looked at Hale with more sincerity this time. "Hey, if you say it's safe, then it has to at least appear to be. I trust you. You've kept Ethan and I alive this long. I just hope it stays safe" noted Alonzo as he was well aware looks could be deceiving.

His normally serious mien lightened, watching Alonzo using a shepherd figurine as a microphone, as he considered his answer. "Long form then," he said laughing. "Barricades around the perimeter with manned checkpoints will keep out the ones who are attracted by noise and light. I noticed at least two foot patrols moving through the zone as we were walking over here. We'll sleep on the second floor and if anyone breaks in, guaranteed I'll hear it and respond. So ... safe enough to relax and enjoy the evening." He paused to look around. "My promotion isn't good for much these days but it did get us a fireplace. How about I get a fire going and you hunt for something you can cook because ... you know me and cooking ..."

"You are definitely better at the hunting and gathering rather than the actual preparing and cooking of things" quipped Alonzo who had the fortune of shadowing his mother in the kitchen and then a bit in her restaurant to know a thing or two, and that little bit of time studying culinary arts came to be beneficial after all. He looked at Hale and gave a simple nod. "So, does this place come stocked with food? Is there like a commissary?"

The answer did not really matter much to Alonzo except for understanding what this place really had to offer and what it did not. Nevertheless, he knew damn well that it was unlikely that he would be working his way towards a Michelin star anytime soon. "I'll take the Beef Wellington off the menu."

"Had that once on a layover in England. It's good," Hale said. "They said it would be stocked with towels, soap and coffee." He shrugged, grinning cheerfully. "You know ... basics ..."

Alonzo smiled and knew what basics meant. "Oh well then, coffee. That's a luxury and I will be happy even if it is instant" stated the journalist though coffee was not an appropriate dinner. "Basics you said? Why do I have a nagging suspicion that if I open a cabinet that I'm going to be greeted with the red and white Campbell's label and a ton of cans?"

"Oh, I hope not," Hale said. "How about we go check out the supplies. If there's anything missing, then we can always walk over and visit their warehouse ..." He paused for a moment, his expression softening with memories. "You know, like normal people. Grocery shopping, dinner at home ..."

"...and basketball," Ethan said as he came in through the backdoor with a basketball in hand. "There's a hoop on the garage."

"Oh look at you making yourself at home," Alonzo commented looking at Ethan. "No bouncing that inside. Make use of the driveway and the hoop on the garage. I'm sure Hale would be happy to shoot hoops with you when he can, perhaps that will be how we get some of your physical education in" added Alonzo.

His eyes went to Hale. "Let's have a look at the supplies and if I think we need anything, I'll write it down. We can raid the warehouse...I mean visit the warehouse and get anything else that we may need."

"So, we have a plan then," Hale said, his grin turning boyish as he eyed the basketball, "I'll work on Ethan's ... education ... while you work on the shopping list." He turned toward Ethan who made a fist bump with his free hand. "Come and get us when you're ready ... we'll all go."

Laughing the two headed for the back door. "You know Horse," Ethan called out as he dribbled the basketball, displaying a bit of skill with ball handling, as he watched Hale. "Probably too city for someone who grew up around moose and reindeer, eh?"

"Oh, it's like that, is it," Hale said, laughing. "You're on."

"I think you might have some competition there, Major" Alonzo commented as he saw and heard something from Ethan that he had not since meeting the kid, comfort and playfulness. Maybe just maybe there was still hope for some normalcy after all of this? "I'll make the list and check it twice. You work on seeing who's washing dishes later, loser gets clean up."

"We'll share cleanup," Hale called back. He turned toward Ethan, grinning cheerfully, "Probably best you learn that now. There's always cleanup to do, especially in the kitchen." He picked up the ball and managed to get it spinning on his fingertip for a brief moment. "Always pays to keep the cook happy."

"Dibbs on drying," Ethan said as he tapped the ball out of Hale's grip and dribbled toward the net. They got down to playing in earnest then. Ethan was fast and had played more recently while Hale had height and considerably more stamina. Amid trash talk and laughter and some negotiation on the rules, they managed three games and were starting on the fourth having gone from best out of three to best out of five, when they saw Alonzo come out the back door.

"I was wrong," proclaimed Alonzo as he looked at his two guys, Hale and the younger Ethan. "Strike the red and white cans. This isn't a Campbell's place, but they sure stocked us up on Progesso soup" explained the journalist turned Suzie Homemaker. He had taken time to inventory what they had and made a bit of a shopping list.

He reached out towards Ethan to hand the written list. "Grocery list for you two" explained Alonzo. Though he handed Ethan the list, his focus shifted to Hale. "Just a few things that would be helpful to have if we can get our hands on them. I tried to think about things I could be versatile with."

"We'll continue this later," Hale said to Ethan as he tossed him the ball. "For now, let's find a basin of water, rinse off, and go do some shopping." The last was said with little enthusiasm; he had never been much for that but the smile he turned on Alonzo was genuine. Shopping might not interest him but there were things that did. "Just give us a minute."

Together, they went inside. There were jugs of water in the bathrooms and the sink had a stopper so it could be poured in. They took turns getting cleaned up and were downstairs again in a few minutes.

"You sure that you can handle this shopping excursion?" Alonzo asked Hale. He had personally watched the man dispose of reanimated corpses, the walking dead as though he had no hesitation. Hale was strong and he was brave, but even Alonzo knew the guy had to have limitations. He couldn't exactly see Hale in normal life pushing a shopping cart around down the aisles of a store with a smile on his face.

Stepping closer towards Hale, Alonzo proceeded to address the matter. "It could be dangerous. This... Zombie apocalypse for lack of a better term, it's going to make Black Friday shopping look tame."

Hale paused mid-step on the stairs as a 'deer-in-the-headights' look stole across his features. "Yeah," he murmured and then raised his index finger. "Just a sec." He took the stairs back up two at a time, found what he was looking for in the front of his backpack, and then came back down as quickly as he went up. Once he reached the bottom, he drew on a pair of dark sunglasses and adopted the whole chill bodyguard persona that was as natural to him as breathing. "How about this? I intimidate the hell out of the pushy ones," he pulled the sunglasses down slightly, laughing as he did so, "and you do the shopping?"

Seeing Hale in the sunglasses did something for Alonzo that he tried his best to avoid and he did not want to think about too long. "You look," Alonzo took a deep breath and gathered his thoughts and filtered his words. "Like the perfect body guard to intimidate the pushy ones" added Alonzo.

He wanted to say something to Hale but it could wait when things calmed down a. It and when Ethan was asleep which Alonzo hoped would be early tonight after shooting hoops with Hale.

"Excellent, Hale answered as he turned toward Ethan. "And you," he said, "will do what you do best which is ..."

"" Ethan answered.

"Run," Hale repeated with a nod of his head. "Your job is to run ahead, slip in, and pick up whatever Alonzo tells you to get. And if you get stopped, look contrite and signal so that one of us can run interference." He turns back toward Alonzo. "How's that for a plan of action?"

"Oh I love it when a plan comes together," quipped Alonzo. He did like how Ethan and Hale got along with one another, and how he and Hale were too. Everything was giving him a family dynamic. "I think you are a great planner."

"Tactics and strategy," Hale said, laughing, "who knew my training would come in handy for a shopping run, eh?" He gestured toward the door. "Come on, you two, let's get this over with."

Alonzo playfully saluted the man. "Yes Sir, Major," said the journalist with a quick smirk. "We'll be quick and get through this shopping stuff quick."


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