The Fall of Bangor (Part 2)
Posted on Mon Feb 5th, 2024 @ 5:40pm by Survivor Alonzo Blazevic & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor René Rouen & Survivor Reuben Baptiste
Edited on on Mon Feb 5th, 2024 @ 5:40pm
1,544 words; about a 8 minute read
Bangor or Bust
Location: Stratton/Blavevic/Thompson Quarters, Safe Zone, Bangor, Maine
Timeline: 4 September 2010 - 06:00 p.m.
He opened the door and smiled as he saw Vic and Jasper standing outside. "Come on," he said. "Dinner's nearly ready." He led her into the living room and made the introductions. "Vic, this is Reuben. You already know Alonzo and Ethan is upstairs somewhere." One side of his lips quirked upward. "But he'll be down as soon as food hits the table. Guaranteed."
Reuben stood and looked at Vic, "Hello, pleasure to meet you." he said as he put his arm out to shake her hand.
Vic took Reuben’s hand and shook it with a firm grip, appraising him briefly and when she released and looked to Hale briefly; nodding before returning her gaze to Reuben. “One of us, huh?” At the same time Jasper sniffed Reuben’s dog briefly before falling into a spot at her side.
Kenny remained motionless as Jasper came and sniffed him. Kenny was wearing his vest and therefore he was working for his master. Reuben reciprocated the firm handshake and smiled, "You can say that. I know not to mess with the Navy divers that teach the combat diver course; that was one crazy course."
Hale waited while the introductions were made and then started again. "As I was saying to Reuben, Bangor is going to fall. Not a question of whether it will happen but when. And my guess will be soon. We're near to being overrun now as it is. Danforth said to pass the world along. Tomorrow night at the latest. After that, it's not going to be safe here."
“And what are the chances of us getting a good, sturdy Deuce to get our people and the couple that are joining us from the looks of it out and somewhere that is safe?” Vic inquired.
"I wouldn't count on it," Hale said. "The roads out are impassable. Remember how it was on the way in? We had to leave our vehicles? It's only gotten worse." He paused a moment. "Whatever happens after this, we'll be completely on our own. And, when I say, we, I'm not saying you two have to come with me. You make your own decisions."
Looking at the major Reuben replied "I'm willing to travel with you, but first I would like to see if I can find my friend. If I cannot within a reasonable amount of time then I will roll with you, provide my services to all and do my utmost to protect those who travel with us. I might suggest using a riverine E and E. I have found there are less infected."
"That's good. I'll include you and your friend then." Hale paused a second. "There have been some desertions. More than a few. Even before Danforth let us know and really, that's part of the reason why Bangor isn't going hold." He sighed softly. "Seems like folks are choosing to save themselves and their loved ones at the cost of everyone else."
Alonzo had taken that and looked around. There were people here he knew fairly well, some he knew better. He just only trusted Hale and Ethan. "I can't say I blame them" he confessed. "I'm just disappointed in the lack of humanity."
[Just Outside]
Meanwhile Vienna had finally been torn away from her mother’s side by René as they headed over to join the other survivors for dinner. Vienna’s mother had insisted her daughter was to go and eat. “I still can’t believe mum’s alive!” Vienna’s smile practically shone as she walked up to the door with René.
René was genuinely happy for Vienna. "It was very fortunate." Finding Deanna Quinn alive after the visit to the Quinn home had been fortunate. Though events over the last week had made René a bit unsettled. Every day there were fewer and fewer soldiers in the Safe Zone. He was not sure what was going on, but figured Hale might know. He decided to pay the U.S. Army officer an impromptu visit and get answers. He stepped up to the door and knocked.
[Back Inside]
Alonzo's reaction to the knocking was to look at Hale. "Who else did you invite?" He asked. The reanimated deceased were not known for politely knocking.
"No one," Hale said quietly. "Maybe it's a runner from Danforth." Once again, he got up and headed to the front door, expecting a runner, but instead, found Vienna and Rene standing out front. More than a little surprised, he smiled a welcome. "Good evening. What brings you two my way?"
Rene stood on the porch. He gave a nod to Hale. "Bonsoir monsieur. Vienna overheard Mademoiselle Olaffson saying to a medic you had invited her over. When Vienna told me I...well I have a few concerns I wanted to speak with you about...about the safe zone."
Hale nodded. "I was out scouting most of the day," he said. He stepped back and gestured for the two teenagers to enter. "Please, come in. I'll do my best to answer whatever questions you have."
“Thank you” Vienna smiled warmly as she stepped inside with René. Now she’d found her mother alive she was back to being her more usual self.
Renè followed after Vienna and gave another nod. "Merci." He glanced at Vic, Alonzo and a man he didn't recognize. "Bonsoir dame et messieurs."
"Frenchie," Alonzo replied. "I was not expecting you" he added and flashed a smile to Vienna.
"Reuben," Hale said, "This is Rene and this is Vienna. They travelled with us down from Millinocket a while back."
"So Rene," Hale said as he gestured for the two to find a seat. "You said you had questions?"
Renè was quiet for a moment as he thought best how to ask his first question. "Commandant (title for a Major in the French Army) Stratton, I have been noticing fewer and fewer soldiers at the check points into the Safe Zone and there is a significant decrease in roving patrols. Would you know anything about the reasons for this?"
Hale sighed. "Desertions. World's falling apart and not everyone can …" he shrugged lightly …"handle it. The zone here is attracting more and more of the not-dead-enough and well, they just … ran. Truth is, with the way the forces are now, the zone isn't going hold. It's not going to be safe for much longer."
Alonzo piped up. "I cannot blame them for fleeing. It's run or become a chew toy for those things" he commented. "If it's going as bad as you say, none of us should be here too long."
René wasn't entirely convinced that desertions were the entire answer for what he had witnessed. Especially when two hours ago he had spotted vehicles being fueled and staged at a parking lot just outside the high school. "I think it's more than just deserters. I think the army is preparing to abandon Bangor all together. Rumors has it that a large...herd of the Soulless are on the outskirts of the city to the South."
"You asked," Hale said quietly, "why there is less of a presence than before. Fewer guards. Less patrols. And that's why. Well that and those we've lost trying to help the newcomers get to safety." He found a seat next to Alonzo. "The sorta-dead are attracted to sound and light. It was inevitable, I guess, that they would be drawn here and yes, there are a lot of them. You're wrong about the military abandoning the city though. The vehicles are going to be used to help the most vulnerable escape Bangor while they still can. The official word is going out tomorrow. Everyone needs to leave. He figures we have maybe three days before they get through our defenses."
"That sounds delightful," Alonzo commented with a hefty helping of sarcasm. "That rarely goes well in the films and television series, just saying."
Hale grinned, shaking his head, and the smile faded as he thought about the days to come. "I've spent most of my time outside the walls on scouting missions and I think I know a way out. We travel light, move quietly, I think we can get back to where we left the vehicles. Not a guarantee but I think it's possible."
"You, me, the boy and some guns" Alonzo said quickly. He had a few other things he would want to bring, but if necessary he could leave a bit behind. "Or whatever you had in mind."
“So, how long do we have?” Vienna wasn’t one for beating about the bush. “Before those...things, get here? What about the hospital patients? The staff? My mum works in there!” She paused. “I know what mum would say, she’d want me to be safe with René and other survivors, but I don’t want to lose her like I did my dad.”
Rene glanced at each of the adults. "What about the people here in Bangor? You plan on leaving them to die? To go where? Where is safe?" He glanced at Vienna before turning to Victoire. "We need to help get as many people to someplace safe or someplace that can be made safe."
Continued in Part 3