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Family Reunion

Posted on Fri Aug 2nd, 2024 @ 8:21pm by Survivor René Rouen & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor Chloe Rouen

993 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Road Ahead
Location: Maine General Medical Center, Augusta, Maine
Timeline: September 7, 2010 - 06:30 a.m.

Roman was the last to join the group; he'd planned to just keep walking. His place was within an easy walk from the E.R. but stopped in his tracks. It took him a moment to process, to believe what his eyes were telling him, and then he broke into a wide smile. "I cannot believe my eyes," he said as he approached one of the vehicles. "Vienna, is that you?"

Henri glanced at the man who spoke and then to the girl he had addressed. He turned to Chloé and spoke in French to his granddaughter. "Isn't that the name of the daughter of the family you said René was staying with?"

Chloé nodded "oui mais, it could be ... popular name," she said hesitantly. She stepped forward shyly. "Excuse me?" She asked. "D-do you know René?"

Vienna’s eyes were set on her brother her smile said it all as she turned to look at the other girl. “Erm...Yes, I do. He’s back at my family’s hunting cabin with the rest of our group.”

Chloé mutely stepped back, and clutched at her grandfathers hand.

“Excuse me one minute” Vienna hopped out of the car to give her brother a big, emotional hug. “I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see you again!”

Roman wrapped his kid sister in a warm hug, his chin resting on the top of her head. "How you doing, princess," he asked softly, tears forming in his eyes. The nickname took them both back to tea parties and plastic tiaras in the days when he still lived at home.

Vienna shrugged her shoulders. “I wish I knew,’re both gone! Dad he...” She paused. “We found him...and mum...she was attacked by the soulless.”

"Soulless," Roman asked. "That what you're calling all those corpses wandering around?" He held her for a moment or two longer, letting her relax while he took it in. "So, what happened to Dad?"

Vienna took a deep breath, she hadn’t spoken much about it since the loss. “René and I found him...I think he’d been bitten, and rather than turn he...” she paused. “He killed himself!”

"It's a nasty way to go," Roman said, his expression turning bleak. "Saw enough of that in the early days of the virus. I'm sorry you had to see that. I know how close you and Dad were."

Vienna wiped away a few tears, she had to be strong now she had no choice. “If it hadn’t been for René...” she paused. “You’re coming with us aren’t you? You’re not going to leave when I’ve just found you?”

"Course not," Roman said as he glanced back at the hospital. "We're family, right? And family stays together. So ... who's us? Where are they ... going?"

“We’re all a group of survivors, our chosen leader is Major Hale Stratton, there’s a lot of us now and more joining as they find us. We’re all trying to stay alive together, right now everyone is at dad’s hunting cabin.”

"Left you a note at the cabin," Roman said. "Kept trying to get back as often as I could. Figured it's a long shot but ... had to do something. Couldn't get back to Bangor and was afraid you were all dead. So, I go every few days. Check. It was my way of keeping you alive. And now, here you are ... actually alive."

Vienna smiled and nodded her eyes filling with tears. “I’m so happy you’re here!! I don’t ever want to lose you!”

"And you won't," Roman said. "We're a family of two now ... and who knows? Maybe we'll run into some of Mom's crazy uncles." He grinned cheerfully. "And won't that be fun."

Vienna couldn’t help but grin at that thought, “Maybe” she wiped away a few stray tears relieved that Roman would be remaining with her.

Henri stepped forward after waiting for the brother and sister to reunite. He glanced at Chloé for a moment before turning back to Vienna. His expression was one of hopeful worry as he addressed Vienna. "Miss, you mentioned René. Would that be René Rouen per chance?"

Vienna nodded. “Yes, René. He’s been taking care of me since I lost my parents.” She smiled obviously happy talking about René. How do you know him?

Henri gave a small smile of relief and glanced at Chloé. "Like I said. We just needed to keep Faith in Him and He would show us the path."

Chloé looked at Vienna. "He is my brother, this is our grandfather."

Vienna gave them both a wide eyed look and a warm smile. “René will be so happy to see you! He’s resting back at the cabin, he was shot...but he’s okay. He’s recovering.”

Henri eyes widened at the news of René being wounded. "Shot?"

“Ohh he’s okay” Vienna offered reassurance. “We have Serena, she’s a Doctor and Thea, she’s a nurse, in the group they’re taking good care of René. It was a leg wound, it’s healing.

Chloé looked at her grandfather and waited to see what he would say.

Henri exchanged looks with Chloé. "Thank you for letting us know. We have been worried about him."

“He’ll be so happy to see both of you” Vienna smiled warmly. “René has been worried about his family.”

Chloé merely nodded "Thank you for the information."

Vienna nodded. “My pleasure, I’m just glad René has family here with him.”

Henri gave Vienna a nod and a smile. He was extremely grateful for the news that René was alive. "Thank you Miss Quinn." He glanced at Chloé. "Let's go speak with the leader of this group and find out if he has room to give us a lift back to René."

His granddaughter nodded. "Okay" she said.


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