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The Trip West: Roadblock (Part 4)

Posted on Fri Sep 6th, 2024 @ 11:14pm by Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor Reuben Baptiste & Survivor Timothy Reynolds & Survivor Keola Malia

1,711 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Road Ahead
Location: Just Outside of Chicago (About 630 Miles Later)
Timeline: September 10, 2010 - 06:30 a.m.

Hale came forward, ahead of the group, and gestured for the two motorcycles to stop. Expression neutral, hands held loosely at his sides, he greeted the arrivals. "Josh, T.J.," he said, nodding to both, "was starting to get concerned about the two of you."

"Sorry sir." TJ's military training still taking hold. "We ran into these three individuals and there are not dead in the city, but I think we can circumvent them."

"Be surprised if there weren't. I was worried more about roadblocks." He turned toward the newcomers. "I'm Hale Stratton. And you are?"

"Okay, my passengers, please disembarked and give my pelvic region some relief." replied Catalina. Upon hearing Hale, who's tone, was often a tone of voice Reuben used when he was not pleased and being cautious, she replied. "My name sir,..." here her tone of voice made sir sound more like cur" Catalina Christian Baptiste. I was only providing these two gentleman a ride to this group so that your group may decide to take them on. We are heading in opposite directions," her tone sounding slightly irritated and defiant in attitude.

Reuben, who had been playing with Kenny, was half listening to the conversation when he heard a very familiar voice, one that often got her into trouble. He quickly whistled to Kenny, who immediately returned to his side. The two of them then walked forward to where Hale was. With a deep internal sigh of relief and of trepidation he saw his sister, Catalina. "CeeCee is that you," he asked knowing damn well it was.

CeeCee looked away from Hale when she heard her families nickname for her. She saw Reuben and Kenny near the man named Hale. "Are my eyes deceiving me, Sandwich?" her nickname for Reuben.

If she knew Reuben, then it was likely she was safe and, to his mind, her behavior would be vouched-for by Reuben. And having resolved that part of it, he moved onto the other two. His gaze fell first on the smaller of the two who stepped up immediately.

"Enrique Casal," he said at once. "I was at O'Hare when the planes stopped. No way to get to Germany. No weapons and I no mean harm." He shrugged lightly. "I dance. The ballet. I am no fighter."

"I see," Hale said. "And why are you here?"

It took a moment for Enrique to understand what was being asked, more because of the need to translate in his head than any lack of intellectual capacity. "We ... three of us ... we do not know each other. Just trying to get out of the city. To get safe."

"Hard thing to do these days," Hale said. "Have you ever killed anyone?"

"No," Enrique said at once. "They ... these things ... they are no fast. I run."

"You can travel with us for a bit," Hale said. "It will be safer. We'll get you clear of this area. Give you a chance to get to know us and us to know you. Do your share and we'll see how it goes. Acceptable."

"Si (yes)," Enrique said, nodding politely, "gracias (Thank you). He wasn't certain about these people, not yet, but he could understand caution. His gaze strayed to Keola, someone he was coming to trust, and looked to see how that conversation went.

"And you are ," Hale asked as his gaze fell upon the larger, clearly more capable of the two.

"Keola Malia," Keola replied and stuck out his hand for a shake. As he did so his dog tags slipped out from behind his slightly unbutton shirt. The man before him looked military, or at least that was the feel he got from him. Others looked to him with respect and the instant 'sir' from TJ compounded that belief.

Hale accepted the handshake, his quick gaze going to the dog tags beneath the man's shirt. Knowing that the man was military changed his approach and so, he relaxed somewhat. "Until all of this," he gestured toward the world which, in his opinion, had tuned nightmarish, "I was active duty military. Army Ranger, 5th Special Forces, out of Fort Campbell. Where were you stationed?"

"5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division out of Pendleton, California. Been a civilian 6 years now, and I guess now a former homicide detective out of Miami, Florida." Keola shrugged at that last part. It was almost as if he had forgotten that he didn't really have a job anymore. As things here descended into chaos it reminded him more of his marine days than anything else. "I get the impression you were an officer given how TJ replied to you?"

Hale nodded. "My promotion to Major had just come through." He offered up a wry smile. "Was finally going to get out of the field. Course now, we're all in the field ... for a while to come."

"I'd congratulate you sir, but I don't think this was quite the celebration you were looking for," Keola half joked. "I retired a Gunnery Sergeant in 2004. Been in since 88' and all the places and things I'd seen up to that point, well... I'd seen enough," he sighed. "Then of course threw myself back into the trenches in homicide but I guess there's a lot of death now. Too much paperwork," he chuckled.

"Too much," Hale repeated, his expression turning somber for a moment. "Way too much. In any case, we're heading westward and you're welcome to travel with us until you're journey takes you in a different direction of course."

[Meanwhile ...]

Thea walked across to Reuben and Kenny having overheard the exchange between Reuben and the woman he obviously knew. “The two of you know each other?” She gave them both a curious look.

Catalina came running over to Reuben, not caring about the man named Hale or the others, she figured she could draw her pistols before they could react. With a big hug she said, "You big lug, you are definitely not following the emergency route you told Father about. This sure as hell is not a rail line. Let me guess, a woman and your noble knight kicked in, therefore you decided to travel with these folks."

Reuben hugged his sister back, "Good to see you alive and kicking CeeCee. Yes, I am assisting these folks on their journey." Having heard Thea and her question Reuben turned toward he and replied. "Thea, meet my sister Catalina. She is a true cowgirl and most likely the quickest draw of any of us her, hence her gun belt. CeeCee meet Thea and be nice."

CeeCee took in Thea for a second, noticing her condition. She smiled and walked over to her and gave her a small hug. CeeCee had the slight smell of horses and gunpowder about her. In a whisper she said, "Thanks for keeping an eye on this lug. He hasn't been the same since the war. If he has taken an interest in you, he must see something in you." With that she pulled away from Thea. "Okay introduce me to the rest of these folks, then explain why you are not following the rail lines like you planned."

Thea was surprised by the hug but she had to admit she liked CeeCee, it seemed kind nature ran in Reuben’s family.

Reuben looked at his sister, "Well things got complicated real fast. I ran into this group just before Bangor got bomb by the military. I couldn't just leave these folks without some help. Like you said, my white knight syndrome kicked in. I also didn't have a portable shortwave to let Dad know I had changed my plans. Tell me you have a portable shortwave with you?"

CeeCee looked at Thea for a moment, then back at her brother. She is the reason, not the group. Wonder what is going on between them. she thought. She replied to her brother's question, "Nope, figured I would raid one of the local high end electronics shop and get one, along with a camping solar panel to help keep it charged. Military missed Gillette by a wide margin, instead hit Eagle Butte Mine. Damn things still burning." She shrugged, "Probably will burn for the rest of eternity now."

Vienna walked over to Catalina offering a warm smile. “Hi, I’m Vienna Quinn. Welcome to the group.”

From where he stood, by their Blazer, Timothy watched the newcomers with a cautious eye. Thankfully, seeing both Hale's, and Reuben's reactions put his mind to ease. However, it was short lived. Looking down the road that the bike's returned on, he saw a few dozen of the not-so-deads, start shuffling towards them. "Danger, 12 o'clock! About seven blocks and closing!"

Josh had been securing his bike in his truck's bed when Tim called out. He closed the gate and locked it before heading to the cab. "I Can take one person in the cab. Might be room in the back for more!" He called out.

CeeCee smiled back "Catalina Baptiste, Sandwhich's, sorry, Reuben's sister, middle child. Father sent me east to find him and Kenny, and get them back to the ranch..." CeeCee stopped upon hearing someone call out danger. She turned and looked in the direction, "Damn, things are sure persistant. Any chance you can convince these folks to move to one of the rail lines, less of them there."

Reuben looked at the approaching shamblers, "Thea get back to the vehicle and take Kenny with you, I'll be there shortly. CeeCee how are you loaded with firearms?"

CeeCee smiled "The usual, both pistols my, the Winchester, and of course the Coach gun."

Reuben nodded, "Okay, return to your bike and follow us. I'll talk to Hale when I get a chance about the rail line idea. I need to get back to the vehicle."

Thea nodded. “Kenny, come!” She quickly turned and made her way back to the vehicle with Kenny beside her.

Returning to her vehicle as well Vienna quickly jumped in ready to depart.

"C'mon," Hale said, "time to get moving again." He waited while everyone found their vehicles and were safely inside before returning to his. And just that quickly they were on their way again.


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