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The Trip West: Roadblock (Part 3)

Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 6:08pm by Survivor Timothy Cotton & Survivor Keola Malia & Survivor Joshua MacCallan
Edited on on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 6:09pm

3,251 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: The Road Ahead
Location: Just Outside of Chicago (About 630 Miles Later)
Timeline: September 10, 2010 - 05:30 a.m.

Joshua kept his eyes peeled as he steered the bike around parked cars. He kept their pace slow because he didn't want to draw in the undead.

The pair had gone a respectable distance from the caravan. It would give them time to look the area over as well as get back to the group. TJ's head was on a swivel as they road slowly up the street. "Josh, gear it down. We want to make sure we don't miss anything."

Josh nodded and dropped down their speed even more.

Woods on the right, giving way to the manicured lawns of a country club, and beyond that the Lake Catherine Nature Center, led into the Palos Hills where 7 met 43. Route 7, littered with the occasional abandoned car, had small groups of the not-dead-enough milling around, but 43 seemed surprisingly clear as did the parking lot of the Westfield Chicago Ridge Mall. As they approached two men looked up.

Keola placed a hand on his gun that sat in its holster. His stance not aggressive but more protective as he moved to stand in front of Enrique to protect him. It was instinctual. He had seen what Human's became when their backs were pushed against a wall, both in the marines and in the police force, and to him everyone had the potential to kill if the circumstances were right. Keola put up his free hand in a slow wave towards the two on the motorbikes.

As TJ and Josh slowly moved up the street, their eyes alert for any of the not dead as well as charting a path for the rest of the group. TJ spotted two men ahead of them, one had his hand up in a wave, "Josh." TJ said in warning and pointed at the two men in the decreasing distance.

Josh nodded and pulled the bike to a stop, turning the wheel to the side to help with turning back if needed.

"Play it nice and cool but be alert and ready of anything," TJ said as he continued to keep his eyes on the two men.

"¿Qué hacemos? (What do we do?)," Enrique said, sotto voce, turning toward Keola. "Tal vez deberíamos irnos mientras podamos. (Maybe we should leave while we can)."

"Stay here. Don't turn off the bike." TJ Said softly as he climbed off the bike and stood beside it. He raised an arm and waved back in greeting. he made no threatening moves toward the other two men. He just stood and waited to see what they would do next.

Josh nodded slowly. "No issue there" He replied. He was not about to.

"Saludamos. (We say hello)." Keola said as he began to move towards the men on the bikes. "La unión hace la fuerza hermano, pero quédate detrás de mí por si acaso. (There is strength in numbers brother, but stay behind me just in case.)." He added without taking his eyes off the two newcomers on the horizon. "Hey fellas, where you coming from?" he asked wondering how far they'd travelled along the 20, and possibly how much attention they'd attracted by their engines.

Catalina sat quietly eating an apple slice as she reviewed the map, she had with her trying to figure out the best route to Millinocket, Maine. As she chewed the slice of apple, she thought back to her reconnaissance of Hickory Hill. She still was not thrilled with the idea of going through, but there really did not appear to be an alternative. Hickory Hills was silent as a tomb, pun intended she thought. She had also seen the smoke from both Chicago and from smaller fires in Hickory Hills. So now came the question do I run the gamble of Zombie-Infected or Human Scumbag Predators by jetting down West 95th street heading east. Pro for this, possible to find a shop, convenience store or gas station, con for this ZI or HSP’s. Then there is the option of finding a nice secure spot in Cook County Preserve, rest up, and find a different route. She looked at the gas gauge, it showed she had three quarters of a tank. She knew she had a full 20-gallon gas can strapped behind her. Screw it, nothing ventured, nothing gained. She finished the last apple slice, cleaned and sheathed her Bowie knife and put it away. She then swung back on the bike, started it up and began the slow weaving pace, often up on the sidewalk of going down the West 95th street, occasionally seeing a ZI in the distance. She saw people up ahead and slowed the Spyder down, her left hand resting lightly on the Ithica 12-guage double-barreled Coach gun, confident she could draw the weapon and fire if need be.

TJ kept his eyes on the two men before him yet even as he was watching them, he heard the sound of another motorcycle coming closer behind them. "Josh." He said not looking at his companion. "Got someone approaching on a bike, give them a look."

Another grumble in the distance, another bike and another person. This was sure turning into a gathering of on edge people. Keola had taken his hand off his gun and raised it with the other just in front of him to show no attacking threat. Not to mention he'd realised the biters were attracted to noise more so than any other. Their sight was decent but the sometimes the smallest noise could attract swarms of them. A gunshot would definitely do that, a car alarm also. "Not looking for a fight." he spoke as he passed a parked car. Inside a zombie threw itself at the window making it shake but still hold firm. It hadn't startled Keola, instead he gave it a side glance as he still approached the man. "Name's Keola. That's Enrique." he said in a raised voice. As he gestured to Enrique there was a small glint off his detective shield on his belt.

TJ nodded at the introduction. "I'm TJ, that is Josh. How'd you end up here," he asked while the sound of the other bike steadily closer to their location.

"Was in Chicago on police business," Keola replied, no sense in hiding it. "Just been trying to survive it as best I can. Enrique here, well he doesn't speak English all too well. He's just enjoying my last candy bar." He glanced back and chuckled a bit. "What about you? She a friend of yours?" He pointed to the woman on the bike.

The 'biters' as Keola called them did not operate vehicles and while that made them less of a threat in one respect, humanity remained a threat, at least to Enrique's limited perspective. O'Hare had turned ugly once the planes were grounded and the 'biters' had shown up. Nobility it would seem was not part of their new reality and so, like the others, he watched cautiously as he wrapped up the last half of the candy bar and shoved it into his pocket.

Catalina watched the scene ahead of her slowly unfold. She seen that one of the men on the motorcycle got off and approached the other two cautiously. While she couldn't hear the conversation she knew the man on the motorcycle had it still running. Smart, ready to take off or attack as necessary. she thought. It appeared to her that the situation was not about to turn to violence just yet, so she looked about. Down one of the side streets she saw a small group of ZI coming, well shit she thought. She made a very quick decision and whistled loudly, as only a cowgirl used to working cattle could. "Ah gentlemen we have some company about to meet us. They are about three blocks north down that street..." here she pointed "... I recommend we unass this area and decide what is what elsewhere. I can take two on this bad boy." She sincerely hoped she wasn't making a mistake with these men.

TJ gave a quick glance back at the new player in the mix and then back to Keola, "Never saw here before just now. I'm a sergeant in the Marines or was before the world went to hell. Have my fiancée and others a few miles back we're scouting for a clear way through the city."

He turned as the newcomer spoke so all could hear. "She has a good point, You two go with her. Our first order of business is to get clear of this area."

Right now getting away from an incoming group of biters was more important than the company they kept. Looking back at Enrique, Keola said, "Pequeño grupo de zombies. Necesitamos subirnos a la bicicleta de esa mujer y salir de aquí. (Small group of zombies. We need to get on that woman's bike and get out of here.)". He didn't want Enrique to panic or have idea what was going on and gestured for him to follow Keola towards the woman. She was young, attractive and looked like she knew how to handle the bike at least. He wasn't going to complain at getting a free ride out of the path of gnashing teeth and flailing arms. "Thanks for the lift." Keola said with a smirk and raised eyebrow.

Enrique acquiesced to the wisdom of immediate escape but with reservations. He settled his backpack securely in place and then walked over to the woman, nodding politely as he did so. "Gracias (Thank you) for the ride," he said flashing a wry smile. "This area is no safe, eh?"

CeeCee smiled and replied back in Spanish "De nada. Dame tu mochila para que pueda asegurarla a la mía. Entonces súbete detrás de mí. Tu amigo tendrá que sentarse detrás de ti. Lo siento, será un viaje apretado." (You are welcome. Hand me your pack, so I can secure it to mine. Then get on behind me. Your friend will have to sit behind you. Sorry it will be a tight ride.) Not sure if his friend caught what she had said she reiterated it for him, "I am going to secure his pack next to mine, he will ride behind me in the middle, with you riding behind him. If you could please wear your pack. Also I highly recommend you hold onto the grips on the seat." With that she whipped out the two lengths of Piggin' String she had tucked onto her belt.

Enrique did as he was told; once they reached safety (if such a thing existed anymore), he would decide what to do next. When things were ready, he took the place she had suggested and waited.

"Yeah... I know how bikes work... I've ridden them all my life," he commented. "Better hope this thing holds me..." Keola added as he eyed up the bike. It was going to be snug for sure, especially given his size, weight in comparison to the others and the size of seat.

Enrique grunted his agreement; he too understood motorcycles and preferred them to cars and, heaven forbid, trucks. The way that he could move, in unison with the vehicle, appealed to him in much the same way that it worked when he rode horses. It was something he understood, something his body understood, in a way that was hard to explain. Course, as he felt Keola settle into place, it was better being alone on the motorcycle.

TJ got onto the back of the motorcycle and tapped Josh's shoulder. "Let's get out of here. Find a clear area where we can talk and find out who everyone is before we go back to Hale and the others." He raised a hand for the others to see and then motioned for them to follow.

"So, they have a group."Keola thought. Hale must be their leader, or at least someone in charge. Whether it was a relief or concern that a group of people were travelling together remained to be seen but in this type of situation, one of survival, the scales could tip either way. "Sounds good to me." he said aloud. "Let's get some distance between us and the biters."

Josh hadn't said much, wasn't really his place he deemed. If thus went south then he would have plenty to say but he turned the bike and kept a wary eye on the surrounds as they headed back to the group.

"Josh find a place for us to talk before we get back to the group and one that is free of the not dead." TJ repeated.

After a short time, Josh pulled into what looked to be a parking lot of what had been a strip mall. It was barley recognisable.

Catalina was glad when the motorcycle leading with the two men pulled into the parking lot of a strip mall. She was starting to cramp, and her mons pubis was rubbing uncomfortably against the forward the upper fairing. She came to a slow halt to ensure her passengers didn't get jostled off. In fluent Spanish she said "Bien, fin de la línea. Se ruega a todos los pasajeros que bajen de la moto con la debida prisa." She then repeated it in English, "Okay, end of the line. All passengers are asked to unseat the bike, with all due haste." She was relieved when both men successfully got off the bike. Well I sure as hell hope I didn't just give a group of HSP's a free ride and easy access to me. she thought quietly to herself.

The bike ride where it was welcome to get away from the biters was most uncomfortable. Men of his size and weight were never meant to sit at the back and the load of all of them look at times quite untenable. However, they made it and he was glad to get off the bike and stretch himself out a bit as he turned to face the others doing the same. "Cosy place." Keola commented. "Just the right amount of burned out vehicles."

TJ didn't answer straight away, he had gotten of the motorcycle and scanned the area, his eyes looking for anything out of the ordinary but was there anything ordinary anymore? He didn't know so he looked for any of the not dead and was relieved to find the area clear. "Area is clear... for now." He told the others.

"So, where you guys headed? Your group I mean?" Keola asked. "I'm assuming they are using you two as scouts? And I get the impression you are not with them?" he looked at the woman who'd given him the ride to this lovely picturesque setting.

CeeCee got off the bike and arranged her gun belt and leg straps. She looked up and shook her head, "Nope, not with them. Live on a ranch in Wyoming, was attending Purdue when the SHTF. Took my sister and her boyfriend to the border of Iowa then Father ordered me to head northeast to some place called Millinocket in Maine. My brother went there to see some old friends since he was medically retired now. War f'd him up but bad and he needed time to regroup."

Josh said "Our groups leader has a property in Wisconsin, We are heading there. We are a fairly large group as well." He did not get off the bike. He was looking around carefully.

TJ watched the two men and woman as Josh gave them a brief rundown on the current situation. He inclined his head in a curt nod. "That's right we're scouts." He added without further explanation. Waiting for the men or woman to speak up.

CeeCee nodded "Well I have been following the rail lines as that was his emergency route should SHTF happen. With my luck though he most likely helping people and not following the plan." She adjusted her cowboy hat. "Guess I should properly introduce myself, name's Catalina Baptiste."

Josh looked at her. "Josh MacCallan." He introduced himself.

"TJ Cotton." TJ added taking in the strangers standing before Josh and himself.

"Keola Malia, former Miami homicide detective and retired marine Gunny." Keola bowed dramatically. "At your service."

"Enrique Casal," the dancer said as all eyes turned toward him. "I was on my way to Ali ..." He paused correcting himself and then continued. "Germany but the planes. No one flies. And O'Hare is ... was ... no good."

CeeCee chuckled lightly "Para muchos de los infectados zombis, ¿no hay suficientes vivos?" (To many of the Zombie Infected, not enough of the living?)she said to Enrique. To the others she said, "Well that is the rub of it, we are outnumbered by the Zombie Infected. I have found the rail lines the best travel corridors myself, thanks to my brother and his escape route plan."

Enrique nodded. "I do not know you. Any of you. I can make my way from here. Thank you for the ride and ... be safe." He shouldered his bag and started walking. Trust was not an easy thing. Joining a larger group might present safety but these two were not exactly welcoming either. He would follow his instincts and hope for the best.

Catalina smiled and spoke softly in Spanish "No llegarás muy lejos por tu cuenta. Apenas hablas el idioma y solo estás armado con un bate. Quédate y al menos escucha a todos., Si luego decides hacerlo solo, te proporcionaré una de mis armas de fuego y munición, además de la poca comida que tengo." (You will not get far on your own. You barely speak the language, and are only armed with a bat. Stay and at least hear everyone out., If you then decide to go it alone, I'll provide you with one of my firearms and ammo, plus what little food I have.) she hated the thought of someone having to try and make it alone with the current conditions.

Enrique nodded, acquiescing to the woman's wisdom, and returned to the group. Keola and the woman, whose name he did not get, seemed alright but the other two? Of them, he wasn't so certain. Still, he could go a little further in safety and then make his decision.

Josh looked at TJ "We should get back to the group. We have been gone too long."

TJ nodded in agreement. "Right, you are Josh." As he moved to get back on Josh's motorcycle.

It didn't take long. Everyone back in position, uncomfortable and cramped they returned to the larger group.

[Meanwhile, Back with the Group]

René was taking a slow walk around the area. It had been four days since he'd been shot in the leg and this was the first day he was able to put any weight on the leg. It wasn't even too painful as long as he didn't rush around. He made his way over to where the group stood.

Hale had reached the point where he was beginning to consider moving on regardless when Josh and T.J. returned with additional people. Weapon holstered, because Josh and T.J. didn't seem under any duress, he walked out in front of the group to meet them.


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