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Posted on Tue Dec 3rd, 2024 @ 5:26am by Group Leader Connor McLean & Survivor Roxy Santiago

4,491 words; about a 22 minute read

Mission: Settling In
Location: 1 Police Plaza, Park Row, Manhatten Island, NYC
Timeline: 6 September 2010 / 1232 Hours



As Connor sat in his cell, while he awaited his arraignment hearing, he suddenly felt the ground shaking. It was a slow rumble at first, but soon, it seemed as if the entire building was shaking violently. While he was in the basement of NYPD Headquarters, he could hear the unmistakable sounds of multiple, massive explosions.

The shaking seemed to last forever, and in the middle of it, the power went out, which was immediately followed by the battery-operated emergency lamps flashing to life. Another thing that happened when the power went out, was that his cell door unlocked. After picking himself up off the floor, he dusted his prison coveralls off, and carefully moved to the door, testing to see if it was, in fact, unlocked. He carefully pushed on its surface, and it swung easily on its hinge.

Stepping cautiously out of his cell, He looked down both directions of the hallway. Seeing no police officers rushing to put him back in his cell, he started to make his way towards the exit, which would take him upstairs, out through the main floor of the department.

Lex was sitting on a bench inside the cell she had been placed in by an officer who didn’t know she was one of his colleagues. But then he was not meant to know. She had been visited by her ‘lawyer’ who had been her handler in disguise and given a bit more information about who she was to be listening to but somehow it had never eventuated. The cellmate never appeared and now she was sitting waiting. For what she was not sure. When the building shook she tucked and rolled under the bench until the shaking and explosions stopped. She crawled out from under the bench and watched the cell gate. It wobbled and then fell off its hinges. She flinched as it crashed down.

“Well” she muttered. “What person would I be not to take advantage of this..”

She slipped from the cell and headed towards the desk at the end of the hall, joining the rest of those in the cells making their break for freedom.

As the growing group of freed prisoners grew, a few started to fight amongst themselves, choosing to quench the bloodlust of rivalries. Connor ignored them all. As he walked, the prisoners who knew who he was, stepped quickly out of his way.

At a cross hallway, the male prisoners were joined by a group of female prisoners. Connor say Roxy immediately, recognizing her from the intelligence his lieutenants had given him. Her reputation was almost as well-known as his was and, though she was with a rival gang, he held a certain level of respect for her. She acted as though she was following the 'Old Code'. He had never heard of her messing with either children or the elderly.

As he watched her move, he saw a rather nasty-looking Latino, from the MS-13 street gang, start to home in on her, a shive in his right hand. As the thug reached out and grabbed her by throat, pushing her against the wall, he raised the shive to eye level and cursed at her in Spanish.

Without a work, Connor grabbed the thug's head with his left arm, his right hand with his right, and forced the thug to jam the shive into his own neck several times.

Roxy rolled away from the men and stood up gracefully, ignoring the pain in her throat. She watched, her face still, showing no emotion. When the man died in his own blood, she looked at Connor and inclined her head. "Mr McLean," she said, her tone casual. "Impressive." She turned as a man rushed her and hit him in the solar plexus and watched him drop to the ground gasping for breath. She bent down and took the knife from the gasping man's hand. "Ah, just what I needed." she then casually stepped away.

"Equally impressive, Miss Santiago," Connor stated, his voice, though quiet, was full of power. It also sounded like two slabs of granite were being rubbed together as he spoke. "How about we get out of here? I could use my clothes, and my eye patch." He was currently wearing a simple piece of gauze, which was taped over his destroyed left eye.

Roxy nodded. “I think they keep our things down the hall” She said as she slipped past another inmate who was heading in the wrong direction. As they moved off she began looking left and right as they moved, keeping her head moving.

Connor kept on her six, the pair moving through the chaos as if they had known each other for years. Finally, after a few moments, and a couple more short-lived fights to the death with other escaping inmates, they found the room that stored the personal effects of every prisoner that was being held in the cells below. When Connor tried the door, he found it locked. "Shit. We need to find a key. Unless, of course, you have a couple bobbypins?"

Roxy reached down and slid her black Doc Martin off her left foot and from the tongue of the shoe she pulled a small lock pick. She held it out. "Do you wish to do the honors?"

Connor arched an eyebrow at the offered lockpick set. After accepting them, he got to work on the door lock. "That's quite impressive that you got these in here, past security. Weren't you searched before they put you in a cell?" The fact that she was still in her own clothing showed him that she was a recent inmate, not yet being fully inprocessed into the penal system. "WhT did you get popped on?" He meant which crime got her arrested.

“I was only just put in an hour ago and I was barefoot when they grabbed me so they grabbed my shoes and socks.” Roxy said. “That’s what happens when you are still asleep when your door gets busted in. Something was said about 'organized drug running'."

Connor listened as he continued to work the lock, nodding slightly as she spoke. Finally, the lock fell back and he opened the door. Standing back up, he handed the lockpick set back. "Best hold onto that. I'm sure it will come in handy going forward." He then stepped inside the storeroom. After going through the racks inside, he found the box that held the personal effects he had on him when he was arrested.

Without any apparent shame or bashfullness, he stripped down to his boxers right there in front of Roxy, his well-built and toned body on near full display. The most striking sight, was the large and intricate red, blue and green, Chinese dragon tattoo, which wrapped around his body, from his right hip, around and up his back, over his right shoulder, it's head over his broad chest.

Roxy ignored him, she had seen tons of people undressed, and as he began to change, she moved to go through the other racks and began to pull things out.

Once Conner was dressed, he reached back into the box and pulled out his black eye patch. After ripping the gauze off of his face, he slipped the patch back on, fitting it place with practiced fingers. He then reached back into the box, and pulled out the holster that he would wear his right thigh. After strapping it on, he reached back in and pulled out the sealed evidence bag, containing his Smith and Wesson Model 629 Performance Center, a .44 Magnum revolver, equipped with an Aimpoint red dot scope.

Next, he pulled out the bag that held five large rounds. He loaded the revolver, then secured it in his holster. He then finished emptying the box of his spare ammo, and his handmade bowie knife. Once that was clipped to his belt and secured to his left thigh, he pulledout the last item in the box, his black, full-length duster. After slipping it on, he turned his head toward where Roxy was searching. "Find anything good? Armor, more weapons?"

Roxy looked at him and held out a box which she had put several knives, and guns as well as amo clips.

Looking at her haul, Connor nodded approvingly. "We should find a better bag to carry them in.' He starts going through the other bins containing personal effects, finding other odd bits and pieces that they could use to help survive with.

During the searches, they did find a medium-sided gym duffel and a back pack. Taking the larger bag for himself, he offered the backpack to Roxy. They then loaded what usable gear they had found into both. As they readied their weapons to leave the storeroom, Connor looked at her briefly. "I'm not going to say that you have to come with me, however, our chances of surviving whatever is out there, will be better if we stick together."

Roxy had been considering her options. Her split personality, which is what she called her situation, normally determined her course. She could not risk allowing Lex to be in control. She slung the bag onto her back. "Agreed. At least for now." she added for clarity.

Connor nodded, then took lead back out into the corridor, as they started to work their way upstairs. Along the way, they cam across a few dead police officers and prisoners. After checking, Conner found that the weapons and ammo had been stripped from the dead officers. However, their Kevlar vests were still present. He started stripping the male officer, then looked over at Roxy. "Might be a good idea to get her vest," he said with a dip of his head towards the dead female officer, her throat had been viciously cut, possibly less than five minutes prior.

Roxy knew the officer she was stripping of her protective vest. She had just finished stripping it when the corpse below her began to move. "Ah fuck" Roxy snapped jumping back as the dead began to move. She pulled her gun and fired a shot into the corpse's head sending it back to its inanimate state.

Conner had started to react when he heard Roxy curse. His ears were ringing from the gunshot, as the corridor held in the sound and shockwave around them. As he tried to clear is head, the corpse he had been stripping started to reanimate as well, it's arms flashing out, grabbing him as the creature tried pulling him to it's mouth, filled with gnashing teeth. The struggle ended, when Conner drew his bowie knife and buried it in the creature's head, fully dispatching it.

Panting slightly, he stood up, pulling his blade out. Once it was wiped clean and resheathed, he quickly checked his exposed skin for any scratches or bites. Finding none, he turned back to Roxy. "How about we get the hell outta here?" He then turned and opened the door that was marked exit. He did so carefully and quietly, unsure as to what was awaiting them on the other side.

"Know any safe places?" Roxy asked. "If the dead are coming back to life.. we won't get far."

Connor nodded. "I've got a couple safe houses throughout the city. Closest one is a couple blocks uptown, overlooking the Hudson."

"Lead on. Lets get clear." She shoved her gun back into her belt. "I am not staying here."

Connor nodded in agreement. Then, the pair made their way out of NYPD Headquarters quickly and quietly. The scene was pure bedlam. It looked as though a tornado of death had blasted through the building. As they made their way outside, the atmosphere did not improve.

There were bodies everywhere, crashed cars, buses and even a garbage truck. Down at the bottom of the main steps, there was an armored S.W.A.T. truck, sitting there, with the driver's door wide open. The engine was running.

In the distance, smoke could be seen in the sky, the source unknown at that moment. Sirens and gunfire could be heard echoing down the city canyons.

As Connor and Roxy started to make their way down the steps, nearly a dozen of the dead that surrounded them, started to reanimate. "Get to the truck!" He ordered, as he took off in that direction.

Roxy didn't argue and headed for the truck and made it to the drivers side and swung up into it. She closed the door as he got in the other side. "Here" She handed him another gun. "We may need to clear the road. Directions?"

Connor took the M-4, checking the magazine, finding it full. After reloading and ensuring a round was in the chamber, he pointed. "Take Pearl to Centre, then up to Canal. Go west on Canal a few blocks." As she started to drive, he checked the rear of the truck, finding more ammo, a couple riot shields, a grenade launcher and a few tear gas grenades. "we've got some more stuff back here, might help us last longer."

"Food? Water?" Roxy asked as she drove, avoiding people and vehicles. The roads were getting crowded as people fled in panic.

"Yeah," he nodded as he replied. "We've got a full case of MRE's, so if we stretch them out, the food could last us neatly a week. There's also a case of half litre bottled water. So, we are set, for a few days at least."

Roxy slowed down as she came up to a makeshift blockade. She looked around, saw no one so she drove through it. "People panic," she commented idly. "There will be a lot of death in the coming weeks."

"There will be a lot of death for the rest of our lives," Connor replied dryly, as he moved into the passenger seat. He handed Roxy a loaded Glock, pistol grip first. "Here we can't be too well armed now. But if we have to fight, conserve your ammo. Who knows if we will find more."

Roxy nodded. She pulled the truck around the next corner as she stashed the glock in the door handle. She kept her gaze on the roads, dodging people and debris where possible.

Connor watched as the City devolved into pure chaos around them. "Two more blocks, then hang a left. My building will be the second on the right. It's got it's own subterranean parking garage that we can stash this beast in."

Nodding, Roxy stayed silent and took the directions given. She just hoped the garage was secure.

As they reached the building, Connor told Roxy to stop in front if the closed garage door. He then got out and hurried over to the door controls and entered a combination on the keypad. Thankfully, there apparently was still power to the system, because the door rolled upwards. Once there was room, Connor waved Roxy to drive into the garage.

Nodding, she did so, slowly pulling the truck through the opening. She turned the truck lights on thinking it would be better to see in the dark. She then pulled up just inside the entrance so he could get back in.

Once the gate was closed and locked, Conner climbed back inside the cab. "There's a private elevator in the back left corner." Be pointed in the direction as he spoke. "Once we get there, back the rear doors up to it. We should empty everything out of this beast, take it upstairs, and sort it all out, see where we stand right mow. Plus, I've got a far amount of supplies upstairs too." He glanced over at her briefly, then added, "I might even gave some clothes that will fit you as well."

Roxy nodded. "How many men do you have here?" She asked as she drove in the direction he indicated.

He shook his head. "None here. This is my private safe house. If any of my men survived, they know to meet up elsewhere." He glanced over at her, then asked, "how about you? What about your gang?"

"We are scattered. Nothing like yours. No safe places in such nice areas. Slums, and such." She replied as she pulled into a space then reversed up to the lift. "I have a small loft in East Harlem."

Connor nodded as he listened. He, of course, already knew about this. He kept close tabs on every one of his rivals, especially those that were in his city. While he worked with Roxy, to stay alive, he was still trying to determine if he could trust her. He knew there was something that she wasn't telling him about herself.

When the truck was parked, he got our and moved to the rear, opening the doors and climbing inside. He started shifting all the weapons, ammo and supplies towards the rear of the truck. "There should be a luggage cart over by the other elevators. Grab it and we should be able to get everything up in one trip."

Roxy picked up the glock and slipped from the cab of the truck and headed to grab the cart. She moved as silently as she could keeping an eye out as she did so.

Finding the cart she pushed it back to the truck and holstered the gun, safety on, in her belt.

Once Roxy returned, Connor loaded the cart up with everything he had found in the truck. In total, the haul consisted of:

One riot shield
Two riot helmets
One set of riot gear (minus the shin and knee guards)
Two M4 carbines
One box of MREs
Two cases of 20 Oz water bottles
One Mossberg 12 Guage pump shotgun
One battering ram
Two boxes 9mm ammo
One box 12 Guage ammo
Three boxes 12 Guage bean bag rounds
Two boxes 5.56 caliber rounds
Three walkie talkies with four spare batteries

Once the cart was loaded up, Conner closed the truck and had Roxy lock it. He then loaded the private elevator. Once they were both in, he pulled a key out of his pocket and slipped it into the control panel. Once he turned it, the elevator doors slid shut and the car started to rise. Looking over at Roxy, he spoke. "There are only two ways up to my place. This elevator and the emergency stairs that run along side it. I have the entire top floor, so no one will be able to sneak in on us. Not unless they can scale the side of the building."

"Well thats a good thing," Roxy said as she leaned against the wall of the elevator. "How long do you think the power will last?"

He shrugged slightly as he replied. "No idea. But, I've got back up generators and enough stored fuel to keep them running for a few weeks. I've even got a couple solar panels set up on the roof." He looked at her and said, "Guess you could call me a doomsday prepper. With what I have stored here, two people could survive comfortably for a few months. Longer if the supplies are stretched out "

Roxy nodded as the elevator pinged and the doors slid open. She tensed and listened. No sound. "Well let's see what we have and if there is a way to get more supplies."

Conner led her into his penthouse shelter. He pushed the luggage cart off of the elevator as he pointed out the layout. "As you see, the elevator opens up into the back of the living room. Out the sliding doors there leads to the balcony, from which you can see the Hudson. To the left is the dining area, kitchen and guest room, complete with its own ensure. To the right is my private space. I'll ask that you do not go in there, unless I've asked you to do so."

Roxy nodded. "All good." She said as she began to unload and stack the items in groups. She didn't even glance towards the area. She had no interest in it.

While Roxy laid our the gear from the SWAT truck, Conner moved to his kitchen and grabbed a couple beers from the fridge. After popping both tops off, he walked back, handing her one. "Here's to the enf of the world."

She took it with a nod, clinked the bottle to his and moved to look out over the city. "End of the world alright." She pointed to the streets. Chaos everywhere.

Connor joined her as they both watched their part of the city continue to fall. There was still smoke in the air, from where each of the bridges and subway tunnels left the island. For now, they were isolated. Which could be both a good or a bad thing, depending on how you looked at it. With an average daily population of nearly 4 million, they had two major challenges to face. One, the sheer number of undead to dispose of, and two, the simple fact that whatever food was already on the island, would be all there ever would be, until such time small farms could be started. Things were going to get a whole lot worse here, before they got better.

As they stood there and listened to the world ending, Connor asked Roxy a question. "Do you have anyone out there you're hoping survived? Family, boyfriend, girlfriend?"

She didn't look at him. Everyone knew about her and Carlos "Viper" Torres, well that's the story. "I have a brother." She said. "And i guess Viper counts as a boyfriend... not that it's a full time thing."

He glanced over at her briefly, then asked, "What's your brother's name?" He asked softly, his thoughts going to is own brother, now long dead.

"Mateo." She said. "I got him out of the life years ago. Sent him to school out of state." She shrugged. "Used my what do they call it? Ill-gotten gains?"

Connor nodded slightly. "Well, family is the most important thing there is, now more than ever. Once things calm down some, we'll start getting a plan together on getting to your baby brother. You have my word."

"It is a hard promise to make Connor. He is a smart person, he should be okay." Roxy sipped her beer. "We need to consider how we are going to get food."

Connor gave her an odd look. "Do you not want to find him, Roxy?" He paused a couple beats, then followed up his question with another, a bit more somber, "Or are you worried about how you'll find him?"

"He said a few things, last time we saw each other, that's all." She brushed it off.

Conor continued to look at her, his face unreadable. F8nally, he nodded slightly. "Aright. He's your brother, not mine. I'm not going to force you to go after him. The offer stands, nonetheless." He then finished his beer, glancing back out at the chaos that was unfolding around them as the world slowly consumed itself. He let out a breath, then said aloud, "I'm hungry." He then turned and went back inside, heading to his kitchen.

Roxy watched him go but didn't follow. She was not about to intrude into his spaces. Instead she headed down to the guest room, shrugging off her jacket as she did so. She wanted a few minutes to get her head together. She knew she would never be Lex again. She would be Roxy until the end of her life and she had to come to terms with it.

A short while later, the mouthwatering aromas of steak being grilled, wafted into the guestroom. Aa did the soft sound of instrumental music being played. The tune sounded like one of the old master composers, Bethoven or Bach. Then Connor's voice. "Roxy! Would you like to eat?"

She came out, barefoot and no jacket. She was braiding her hair down her back as she walked. "Hmm smells good." She knew it would probably be one of the last good meals they would eat.

Connor looked up from the stove, a soft grin on his face. "I figured, just in case power is lost in here, we should at least finish the perishable and frozen food that I have. So, tonight's feast is a couple decent sized t-bones, with mashed potatoes and sautéed asparagus spears." He turned his attention back to the stove, as he pointed to a cabinet to his left. "If you wouldn't mind? Dishes are up there, silverware is in the drawer below. Also, feel free to pick out what you want to drink."

Roxy nodded and went to grab the plates and silverwear. She set the table quickly, deftly. Turning, she considered thought. "We should look to store water after dinner, drinking and washing water." She took glasses and placed them on the table and then found a nice red wine.

Connor thought about it and nodded. "While my building has a gravity reservoir, up on the roof, it couldn't hurt to be extra cautious. I think there's a container shop, down at street level. We could find some things down there to store the water in."

Roxy finished setting the table. "Connor, how will you find your people?"

He considered the question, as he had been thinking about it since they left Police Headquarters. "I'm not sure. If it were any other day, I'd just reach out to them over the phone. That certainly isn't an option any more, given that the world as we know it has ended." He took in a breath, then sighed softly. "I suppose we will just have to see how things roll out. If we find them, they could be dead, those undead things, or running their own little camps of survival." He glanced over at her and added, "For all we know, you and I could be the only real people left alive."

That was a scary thought but she nodded. "I do hope not, I would like to be positive about the future. Be hard for just two of us."

Connor nodded wordlessly as he looked out at the City, as it continued to slowly consume itself. The pair continued to talk about their lives for the next few hours, then finally said goodnight to each other and went to their separate bedrooms. Before Connor retired for the night, he ensured that they were secure. No one would be able to use his elevator, and the stairwell was secured as well. He then shut the doors leading onto the balcony, and pressed a button, dropping down the security shutters that he had has installed when the building had been built, four years prior. Once ge was satisfied that he and Roxy would not be disturbed, ge finally went to his bed, in the master suite.



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