Gathering (Part 1)
Posted on Sat Dec 14th, 2024 @ 7:35pm by Survivor Timothy Reynolds & Survivor Timothy Cotton & Group Leader Serena Reynolds M.D. & Survivor Chloe Rouen & Survivor Joshua MacCallan
1,634 words; about a 8 minute read
Settling In
Location: Hale's Homestead, WI
Timeline: September 18, 2010 - 07:00 a.m.
Construction had begun on the first of the cabins. By general consensus, this would the largest of the structures, intended to house their kitchen and main food storage, both above and below ground. Digging out the root cellar, which would only be accessible from inside the cabin, had taken all of the first day and after that, came work on the floor - not just the frame but the insulation and moisture barrier that would make the cabin warm in the winter. It was large enough that mostly everyone in the tents could fit in there if needed; once framed, a few people would break off to start framing the first of the smaller cabins.
Serena had made a list and with Josh had emptied the back of the truck he had been driving as well as the box trailer Kimberly had brought. They had hitched the trailer to the truck and then because they knew that a two-seater would not cut it, they had prepared one of the Toyota's by making sure the back was completely empty and folding down part of the back seat. 5 people should be enough.
Serena hated guns but she knew they maybe needed. So once the prep was done she hunted down Hale and Tim.
Finding them, with Josh in tow she walked over to the pair. "Gentleman. " she said.
"Doctor," Hale answered with a slight lift of his coffee mug. "Josh. What's on your mind?"
Serena took a breath "I have been thinking and I want to take a small group to the local walmart. Its outside the city limits and should be fairly secure for a group to go in, get supplies. We are coming into winter and we need supplies, clothes and such."
Timothy smiled softly when he saw his wife. Then, he started to nod his head thoughtfully when he heard her speak. Looking over at Hale, he said, "She's right. We need to gather as much as we can, especially before this first winter sets in. I'll go with them, provide overwatch."
Serena looked around as they spoke. "Josh, myself and maybe two others with Tim."
"Take T.J.," Hale said at once. "He's got combat experience same as Tim. And maybe Rene or Ethan? Rene's good with a sword and Ethan was track, so he's fast."
Serena considered it. "Ethan. And I think we will take Chloé as well. René i think is better here."
Josh nodded. "We have prepared the truck with the box trailer and one of the Toyota's. Should be enough room for an initial run."
Serena nodded. "If I find something bigger to carry things back with enough fuel I will be grabbing it though."
"No large trucks if you can help it," Hale said. "Too hard on the gas. Pickup might be useful though, for hauling wood and the like."
Nodding Serena agreed. "Ok" she then turned to her brother.
She nodded at Joshua who headed off to get TJ, Chloé and Ethan.
TJ had left the tent he and Kelly shared and was surveying the homestead, he was looking over the terrain and seeing where to run trip wire along the perimeter as a first line in a warning system. More security measures would be added but the wire was a start especially as winter was fast approaching. He wanted something in place.
Josh came up to him. "TJ" He said. "Grab your gun, Serena is taking a group on resource gathering. You and Tim are protection detail." He grinned.
"Josh." TJ greeted. He listened as Josh explained what was going on. "Sounds like a plan." He agreed. "Where are we to meet up?
Josh said "Meet at the Vehicles." He then jogged off to find Ethan and Chloé.
He found Chloé gathering wood for kindling and adding to the pile. "Hey Chloé"
Chloé Turned and looked at him. "Oui?"
Josh had limited french but her English was pretty good. "Serena is leading a group to go gather some things from a walmart. She wants you to come along. Are you interested?"
Chloé considered it and then nodded. "Oui. Let me get my jacket." She said and headed off.
"Meet at the Cars!" He called after her and then headed off to find Ethan.
Josh wandered for a bit looking for Ethan.
In some respects, Ethan was nearly always alone. He had noticed that the adults had been pairing off, grouping, at the teenagers were doing much the same thing. And so, he worked. Work was something he understood; work didn't require friendships or conversations or time spent in memories that would never be part of his day to day. Work was necessary. A way to be useful. And useful meant that he had a place. And so, he worked.
When there wasn't anything that needed doing on the first of the cabins, he hauled and chopped firewood because that was a job that never ended and well, no one else was doing it. Took a bit of effort but he was getting the hang of it and he figured at the rate he was going, he'd be a pro by the time spring rolled around.
Josh came up to Ethan. "Hey Ethan" He said. "Serena is getting a small group together to go get some supplies. Want to come?"
"Sure," Ethan said as left the axe where he had found it and came forward, rotating his shoulders as he did. "When are we going?"
Josh flashed a grin. "Walmart"
Ethan rolled his eyes. He hated shopping even on the best of days; still, he thought as he followed Josh, not as dull these days, is it? And there are things I'd like for myself. He resolved to take his backpack with him, emptied of gear, and see what he could scrounge up.
TJ had gone back inside the tent. got this gun and told Kelly what was going on and he promised to be safe. That done he headed for the area of the camp where the vehicles were parked.
Serena was at the two vehicles she had selected and was checking the fuel and room.
Seeing Dr, Reynolds at the vehicles as he approached, TJ cleared his throat as to not startle her. "Everything okay ma'am?" He inquired politely.
Serena nodded. "Yes TJ, everything is good. We are just waiting on the others."
As the two spoke, Timothy approached, carrying the M4 carbine that he had kept from the gunshop haul. He had four full magazines with him, though, he hoped they could get in and out without a single shot fired. "Patrick's settled, honey," he said, as he stepped up to his wife.
Serena smiled and turned as Chloé came up.
Seeing Captain Reynolds come up he greeted him. "Hello Captain." he greeted the man pleasantly. " See you brought your rifle with you as well. Hope we don't have a reason to use them."
Timothy gave TJ a grin as he nodded. "That is always my hope, TJ. Especially now, with ammo being as scarce as it has become."
Chloé gave a shy smile back at Serena and said "Thank you for inviting me on this."
Serena smiled. "I thought you might want to do something outside of the group."
"I heard that sir. Maybe with a bit of luck we can find a few boxes of ammo." Tj replied hopefully. "I also need to get some sort of line to set up a perimeter around the homestead. Put bottles and cans on it. A low-tech early warning system."
Timothy nodded thoughtfully. "I was planning on setting up some traps as well. Perhaps, after we get back from this trip, you and I can start to work on defenses for the compound."
TJ nodded at Captain Reynolds suggestion. "Setting traps is a good idea as well sir and yes we can certainly get started on defenses for the compound."
When Josh came over with Ethan, Serena smiled. "okay so we are taking the truck with the box trailer and this Toyota. Should be more than enough room, for an initial first run." She waved to the two vehicles. "Josh will drive the truck and I will drive the Toyota. Pick your choice and lets get going."
TJ looked between the two vehicles and then to Captain Reynolds. "You need to ride with your wife sir, so I'll ride with Josh in the truck."
Timothy grinned at TJ as he replied. "I was already planning on it, TJ, but thanks for your say so on the matter." He reached up and gave the other man a friendly pat on the outside of his left shoulder, then he turned toward the Toyota and started to load his gear inside. He grinned to his wife as he said softly, so only she could hear him, "What? You don't like the Blazer anymore?" He chuckled softly as he finished speaking.
TJ laughed at Timothy's reply. "Well sir, was just making sure you were." He turned to Josh, "Ready when you are Josh. I just need to store my gear in the back."
Josh nodded. "Lets go." He climbed into the drivers seat. He felt it was better that TJ had his hands free.
Serena meanwhile ushered the teenagers into the Toyota and took the drivers seat.
TJ stored his gear and then slide into the passenger seat. He unclipped his holster just in case he needed to use his pistol. He didn't want to waste precious seconds. Glancing at Josh, he said. "Ready. Let's do this."
Once everyone else was settled, Timothy climbed into the passenger seat of the Toyota, keeping the rifle pointed up and ready to use if needed. "Let's roll, sweetheart," he said to Serena as he gave her a soft grin.