Among the Pines
Posted on Tue May 23rd, 2023 @ 9:52pm by Survivor Alonzo Blazevic & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor René Rouen
2,101 words; about a 11 minute read
Bangor or Bust
Location: Twin Pines at NEOC
Timeline: 26 AUG 2010 - 09:30 p.m.
Following instructions provided by the owner, Hale stopped at the office long enough to pick up a two sets of keys and then followed the trail to Trout Cabin which was supposed to sleep somewhere between 12 and 14. He shut down the Jeep in front of the cabin and turned toward Alonzo. "Three bedrooms but it sleeps fourteen. I figure its better if we're all in the same place. Easier to protect and all."
Alonzo nodded with that assessment. "We may want to stake it out a bit" commented the journalist. "Have an exit strategy planned out. It may be easier to protect, but having all of us in one space has its risks if we aren't prepared to get out quickly and efficiently."
René listened to the adults. He wasn't sure what to make of the new accommodations. It would be more comfortable than the church, but considerably fewer people would be able to stay. Her glanced at Vienna and Ethan before turning to Hale. "We should do a reccé of the surrounding area maybe post a guard or two. If just to keep a look out for more survivors."
Ambitious thought Alonzo looking over at the source of instructions, and it was the seventeen year old boy from France. "Juice boxes and pudding packs," the journalist quipped. "That is what your concentration should be on. You have some ideas worth listening to, and we will, but I believe our soldier friend and those of us with a little more hair on our chest and chins are better suited for securing the area and determining if we need guards."
René maintained a neutral expression as he turned to Alonzo. He was perhaps the best with a blade this group of people were likely to have. Unfortunately, no sword or dagger was available at the moment. "Oui monsieur."
“I can hunt and scavenge” Vienna looked at Alonzo. “My Father has taught me a lot during our hunting trips. I’m good with a bow and arrows, and a knife too.”
Ethan kept quiet, huddled against the door of the Jeep, and wondered what kind of kids they were. He ran track at school, could do some basic motorcycle repairs, and like most of his friends, he was a deft hand at first person shooters. And how did any of that help him survive in this new reality. Not a bit. And so, he held his tongue and listened.
"Stay in the Jeep," Hale said as he released the safety belt, "and keep the windows up. I'm going to check out the cabin." He slid out of the vehicle and closed the door, grateful to put some distance between himself and the teens at least for the moment. He walked back to Victoire's Armada and stopped beside the driver's side door. When she rolled it down, he said quietly, "I'm going to check the cabin. Make sure its safe. Once we have them indoors, we can do a sweep of the area on the off chance a straggler wandered in since this morning."
Victoire shifted and pushed off the Armada's door. "I see that we have some ambition among the crowd; it might not be a bad idea to utilize it... though with some proper training in teamwork and such. If you want I can start organizing them into task groups once we get everyone settled." she smiled, looking to the younger members of the group with an appraising eye and nodding.
"We can talk about it," Hale said. "Let's get everyone in doors and settled first."
[Few Minutes Later]
The sweep didn't take long and the cabin was, as advertised, empty which was good because that meant, he could get them indoors and safe, possibly settled down, while he and Victoire swept the area and brought back supplies. With that in mind, he returned to the Jeep and opened the rear hatch. "Cabin is clear," he said, as he pulled two bags out of the back, "let's get everyone indoors." He repeated the same announcement at the Armada and then headed straight for the bedroom with only one bed and placed his gear on the side nearest the door. Assuming he got the chance to sleep, this would be his spot.
Alonzo grabbed the gear that he was able to bring with him and headed straight up to the bedroom that Hale was in. The journalist gave it a quick look over before glancing at Hale. "Looks big enough for two," stated Alonzo Blazevic. "I'm a fairly sound sleeper. At least I used to be. No promises after what we've just been through."
Hale nodded, his expression softening for a moment as he smiled, "copy that. Ordinarily, I'm a light sleeper." He shrugged lightly, "but then, I'm living on about four hours of sleep over the past forty-eight hours, so no clue." He sighed quietly. "We'll do a sweep of the area, make sure its safe but I think if we keep things dark and quiet, we'll be alright tonight. As long as no one here is running a fever or has bite marks." He paused for a second. "We should probably check everyone. Myself included."
"Yeah...Roger that soldier boy," teased Alonzo. "I think we probably get in the habit of doing that. Take temperatures and check for bites and scratches. We can't risk another surprise snacking" said the journalist. "Do your sweep of the area, but you are getting in bed after and catching some shut eye. I can watch the kids while you rest."
"Mmmm," Hale purred. "I like how your mind works. So ... do they call you Alonzo ...? Like my name is Hale, which is only one syllable, but half the time the guys just call me "H" as if that's even too long."
Alonzo scoffed. "Yeah, I'm not calling 'H' that's a letter, not a name. Alonzo Blazevic, but some people call me 'Lonzo for short. A few friends call me Lonnie, but Ill answer to whatever you are comfortable with. Though I'm not answering to 'L'."
"No letters," Hale said, chuckling, and the warmth of that, given all that had happened of late, spread through his chest. Blasted the caution out of his demeanor and his expression for a moment before the work settled back around his shoulders again. "Okay. Keep things quiet and dark till I get back. No sense drawing attention."
"I don't suppose you brought some silencers with you?" Alonzo inquired. "If we are going to be using firearms that is. My revolver isn't going to cut it."
"Believe it or not," Hale said, "I just started leave. My team and I were going to do some hiking and camping up here for the next month so no, didn't bring a silencer, just my Sig." He sighed quietly at the thought of having to teach the children anything but killing but self-defense was going to be an essential skill for everyone. "Knives work better, if you can get in close, because they're quiet and they don't run out of ammo. I can show you what I know ... and really, we'll have to make sure everyone knows how to protect themselves."
Victoire knocked on the doorframe, having heard their discussion as she was working on helping get everyone else settled. "Hey, Sergeant. Sorry to interrupt you both but on the front of checking everyone out... this might be an opportunity to start what we had discussed at the police station with this big lug here" she indicated the Malinois at her side who panted and smiled happily, completely oblivious that he was even being referred to.
"Yes, absolutely," Hale said. "We were just talking about making sure that no one has a fever or is showing any bite marks. That ties in perfectly."
Meanwhile, Elsewhere in the Cabin
Vienna looked around wondering where she was going to sleep, she wanted to share a room with René but didn’t think that would be seen as acceptable, or if René would even want to be in the same room as her. “Where are you planning on staying René?”
René pointed to the couch in the living room with a clear line of sight on the front door. It probably wouldn't be as comfortable than a bed, but he had spent last night on the floor of the Rectory hall. "Someone needs to stay close to the front door in case of trouble."
Nicole carefully entered the cabin and closed the door behind herself, making sure there was no reanimated behind her. After that she looked around the room before setting her bag down on the ground and leaning against the wall near the door.
Father Dominic, Jordan and Courtney were the last ones to arrive at the cabin. He had the teenagers place their personal belongings in a corner before searching out their other adults. He seemed a bit out of sorts. "We need to talk."
"Okay," Hale said as he came through the mudroom into the living room. "Sure. But I need to do a sweep of the area first. Once I'm back, we can talk. That work for you?"
Father Dominic nodded and stepped back out of the bedroom and made his way towards the kitchen. He was going to get an idea of what they had to work with as far as food preparation.
Hale turned toward the teens and added, "Find a bedroom that works for you and stow your gear. Once I get back, we'll talk about setting up a watch schedule and yes, that will include all of you. I don't want anyone sleeping in the living room though. We'll need that clear for whoever is up or on duty."
Victoire looked to Father Dominic "I was actually thinking that i could set up a small medical area out here in a corner as well, and since I have Jasper she patted the Malinois' head lightly it might be easier to be able to have him out here as well; an extra layer of protection if you will. We can maybe shift the extra table in the living room around to accommodate it... to be honest I am probably going to need a hand with the medical station, one of the teens would be perfect if they have interest." she stated.
Father Dominic nodded. "Well can certainly speak with them. Perhaps one or more of them have some sort of first aid training."
René looked at the placard by the entrance. He noticed the upstairs loft bedroom had two twin beds in addition to the queen size bed. He turned to Vienna and Courtney. Take the upstairs bedroom. You claim the twin beds and neither one of you will need to sleep with a bed partner."
Courtney gave René a sly smile. "I don't know. Might not be to bad with the right bed partner. Wouldn't you agree Vienna?"
Vienna gave Courtney a look. “How would I know Courtney?” Then she turned to look at René. “That’s a good idea, I’ll do that.”
Jordan just rolled his eyes before leveling an annoyed expression. "Give it a rest Courtney."
Ethan listened to Rene giving orders (again) and wandered off to check the other rooms. If there were beds for everyone, he figured he'd just take whatever was left over.
Awhile Later
Hale came back into the cabin with a plastic crate in his arms and walked that out to the kitchen counter. "The place is quiet. Nothing's changed since the sweep the police did this morning and we should be fine for the night. I stopped by the restaurant and picked up some supplies from the kitchen and left them an itemized list. Figure the mayor can pay our tab later."
"Father, you said you wanted to talk," Hale asked as he dropped down into a seat at the table. "What's on your mind?"
Father Dominic took the chair across from Hale. He nodded towards the teenagers. "My concern is those kids. We need to get them home to their families in Bangor. I am going to contact the Mayor and have him get in touch with the Governor. Most of their classmates are going to be staying with my parishioners at the moment. The Infected attack on the church caused an already bad situation to be much worse."
Alonzo stood near and listened to what was said. He had liked hearing it should be a calm night, but he was also prepared for it not to be.