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Making Plans

Posted on Wed May 24th, 2023 @ 10:58pm by Survivor Alonzo Blazevic & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor René Rouen

2,011 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Trout Mountain Cabin, Twin Pines at NEOC, Millinocket, ME
Timeline: 26 AUG 2010 - 09:30 p.m.

Upstairs in "Teen Central"

Heading up to the attic room Vienna hoped there wouldn’t be anyone else to take up the double bed, she preferred a modicum of privacy not that the situation really gave anyone much of that.

Courtney followed Vienna upstairs and looked around the bedroom with a bit of disdain. Five star hotel accommodations it was not. She immediately started rummaging through her satchel bag and pulled out the t-shirt and shorts one of the parishioners had donated. "You have certainly been spending a lot of time with René the last 24 hours. You guys a thing now or what?"

Vienna sighed. “We’re...friends, close friends.” She was starting to wish Courtney was staying with someone else. Her feelings for René were starting to surprise even her, but it wasn’t any of Courtney’s business. “Besides with everything that’s happened the last 24 hours is it any surprise I’ve been staying near René?”

"Just friends?" Courtney smirked. "Well in that case I would like to get to know him better too." She finished digging out a toothbrush and toothpaste. "He could use all the close friends he can get...being a new person to the US and all." She started for the door. "Back in a bit."

Vienna was quick to follow Courtney, no way was she getting to ‘know’ René the way she was planning. Vienna wasn’t the jealous type, but at the same time she liked René a lot. Dare she say that she was falling in love with him? For now she’d keep that to herself.

Downstairs with the Adults

"You want to take the kids back to Bangor," Hale repeated. "Do you mean the entire group or just the ones upstairs?"

Father Dominic sighed. He knew what he was asking was a monumental task. There had been three groups of students sheltering at Saint Andrew's. The Bangor High School group, which was the group the teenagers here at the lodge were a part of. A middle school group was also from Bangor and another high school from Portsmouth. "I would not say you take them. Just keep these kids safe until I can arrange transportation."

"The five that are here now," Hale said, his expression turning thoughtful. "If I'm going to take this on, be responsible for their safety and yours, then we need have an understanding between us." He looked around the group, his gaze resting on Alonzo and Victoire particularly. "Between all of us."

Dominic had a cautiously curious expression as he settled his gaze on Hale. He was fairly sure the man was going to make the I Am In Charge speech. That was fine with him, as long as he delivered on keeping people safe.

"Ethan is my responsibility," asserted Alonzo. "I had to track him down. He's been with me for a few days now, and I don't know if I can trust anyone to keep him safe. No offense" explained Alonzo. When it came down to it, the journalist was starting to view Ethan as more than a news story.

"Understood," Hale said to Alonzo. "So we're talking about four that need to get back rather than five." He paused a second. "Do you know where his parents are?"

"Deceased," Alonzo replied swiftly. "One of those reanimated things got them. He saw it happen and he ran, Hale. He ran as fast and far as he could. He doesn't have anyone right now except me."

Hale's expression softened as he listened. "Anything I can do to help," he said. "You just let me know."

Victoire thought for a moment and met Hale's gaze perfectly, holding it for a moment in which the two of them exchanged a silent message that only two specially trained military members could understand and then she nodded. "Captain, you seem more than capable and while either of us could lead; I think its better that I spend my expertise and leadership training on the medical side of things and leave organizing the group as a whole to you. What I do ask however is that when it comes to things that are inherently medical in nature that you and I rely on the same understanding that has always been in place in our world concerning that realm, aye?"

"Agreed," Hale said in response. "I'll assume overall command and you'll handle the medical side of things. We should find someone who can work with you for times when you're not available."

She shifted her gaze to Dominic and tilted her head for a moment before looking to René and motioning toward him. "I don't know what Bangor is going to hold for any of us but they want to be a part of our group and not relegated to just sitting around while we do nothing; we might consider integrating them before we have to worry about break-outs that we have to track down; which is only going to be a higher risk of infection."

This was a harder thing. On the one hand, Hale was wired to keep civilians out of the line of fire and out of danger; however, Victoire was not wrong. The kids were already talking about taking matters into their own hands and would, if left to their own devices, do something monumentally stupid. "We can start training them in the basics. How to defend themselves. How to take down one of ... them ... when its needed but I'd rather they not be exposed to any serious danger until we've assessed their abilities. At this point, they'd be more a hindrance than a help."

"Either of us could exchange off teaching them what we have been trained in as far as the basics, Captain. At least that way they can defend themselves better until one of us can get to them or as a team they can overcome individuals or even pairs as long as they are calm and remember what we teach them. As far as assessing abilities I can try and build some sort of curriculae for it perhaps but it has been awhile since I have had to do anything of the sort... Perhaps the Petty Officer and I could work together toward that end?"

"Which is about what I just said," Hale said with a tired smile. "I think the three of us can handle it. How about first light? We get everyone outside. Assess their skill level and start teaching them what they need to know."

René sat on the couch quietly listening to the adults at the dining room table. He had his notebook out and was writing a letter or pretending to at any rate. He had always been taught to respect his elders, but he didn't know any of these people. He had no intention of blindly following any of them without good cause.

Hale turned his attention to the sofa. "That goes for you too, kid. You want the safety of the group, then you do what you're told."

René rose from his seat on the couch and walked into the kitchen. He was a bit put off by not being included in the 'adults' discussion, nearly as much as the earlier comment made to him by one of those adults at the table. He took off his jacket and carefully placed it on the counter before opening the fridge. He looked over the perishables that Hale had brought back to the cabin after his reccé and chuckled. He grabbed a small box. He spotted a couple of wooden stirring spoons.

"Victoire, if you don't mind checking everyone out tonight," Hale said. " Make sure that no one is sick or trying to hide a bite mark?"

She was keeping an eye on René as he was listening in, recognizing many of the traits that she herself had had when she was younger. "Of course; I'll start with René... I think he shows a lot of promise and he is emerging as a leader among those that are younger, he seems to have earned their trust and I think it may not be unwise to perhaps include him in the planning and such when it comes to conversations like this... that way he can help translate what is going on into terms that might not seem quite as... hard to stomach for some of them that might not be ready to deal with some of the things that he seems ready to."

"Good idea," Hale said and privately amended, I have to stop thinking of them as kids though heaven knows, that's what they should be. "Father, Bangor isn't far. Talk to the Mayor, see what he says. We should be able to keep everyone safe until you can arrange for them to be sent back to their parents."

Father Dominic nodded. "Will do Sergeant."

"That's Captain," Hale answered, one of those automatic reactions, and then realized what he had said. "Sorry, Hale works too."

René stepped in to the dining room and walked to the table placing a juice box in front of Alonzo. "Your juice box monsieur. There are eleven left in the refrigerator if you're wondering. Alas, no pudding it would seem." He brandished his bare arms as he glanced at Victoire. "No bite marks and I am not running a fever. I have been wearing these pants since I left Bangor. I assure you I have no bites on my legs either.

"Excellent," replied Alonzo. "Personally, I'll take your word for it. I'm sorry about the juice boxes. If we have to endure this long term, you can pour some into a cup, wait few weeks, and it may ferment nicely into some survival wine for you" stated Alonzo.

Alonzo looked at the French boy with a bit of scrutiny. "My concern is keeping all of you safe. I get that you want to step up and do more. Undoubtedly, you'll get that opportunity. People will get scratched and bitten. You may not, but go look at all your friends you've made. Hold onto to that mental snapshot because the days that go on like this... the more likely one of them won't be coming back."

Victoire got up from the table and smiled to René. "Nonetheless I would like to see just for the sake of thoroughness and so that I can establish a baseline for you; but as I don't see any abnormal tears or such in them I can do that exam once I have the medical area set up and we have an actual exam area dedicated." she extended him a hand "Lieutenant Victoire Olaffson; you can call me Doctor Vic, Doc, or simply Vic, whichever you prefer really. We haven't had a chance to formally meet but its a pleasure. Can I ask for your assistance with something?" as she spoke she offered him her chair which was across from Hale

René shrugged and walked around the table. He took the two wooden spoons from his back pocket and placed them on the table before sitting in the chair vacated by Victoire. He turned to her. "What would you like my help with Doctor?"

While they talked, Hale's mind went where it always went. Coffee. He could live without food but coffee? That was an essential and something he knew how to make no matter the conditions. He rose from the table and went out into the kitchen, making coffee, pulling out mugs and spoons, sugar and milk. The thought came to him that he'd been in action for most of the past forty-eight hours and hard on the heels of that, the understanding that the civilians needed him at his best and least grumpy. He nodded to himself and, as he worked, he used the time to think and begin the process of decompressing.

Arriving back downstairs Vienna made her way straight over to René and the woman he was talking to, they hadn’t met yet so she offered a polite smile.


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