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Making Plans as a Group (Part 2)

Posted on Thu Jun 1st, 2023 @ 11:32pm by Hale Stratton & Alonzo Blazevic & Vienna Quinn & René Rouen

1,221 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Trout Mountain Cabin, Twin Pines at NEOC, Millinocket, ME
Timeline: 26 AUG 2010 - 09:30 p.m.

"Alonzo," Hale said. "I know that you're a journalist but other than that, what would you like to share with the group?"

Like what...that I don't get along with my parents, that I ran away often as a teen, that I need a damn cigarette right now? Alonzo's mind jumped around as he struggled to find something. "I like horror films a lot. At least I used to."

"Well, I guess that leaves me then. My name's Hale. I grew up off-grid in Alaska, went to college at Duke which is in North Carolina, and joined the Army right afterwards. So, I've been active duty military since ... 2002 ... eight years. My rank is Captain and I'm Army Special Forces, the Green Berets. What all that means is I know how to live in the wilderness and I've had a lot of training ... and I'm willing to use all of it, everything I know to keep you all safe."

"For those who weren't here, I'm taking charge of the group and Vic is going to be in charge of keeping us all healthy. I've done a sweep of the area; however, this place is wide open so we'll be setting up a two-person guard rotation and that will include everyone. Now, this isn't permanent, of course, Father Dominic will be trying to arrange transportation back to your families."

"Until then, were going to remain together so there's a couple of things to start," Hale continued. "First, anything outside of the bedrooms is considered the common area. When you're not in your bed or in the bathroom, I expect you to be dressed ... as in wearing clothes." His gaze turned to Courtney and her fluffy bathrobe. "If we had to fight, or leave in a hurry ... well, I think you get the idea."

Courtney rolled her eyes with a slight sigh. She muttered something about a meeting being called while she had been in the shower.

"Second, is food and housekeeping. You are responsible for your own gear, of course, making sure that you're packed up and ready to go. If we get overrun, the way it happened at the church, we'll have to leave quickly and no, we won't wait for you to pack. Now, does anyone here have experience in the kitchen? Preparing meals and the like?"

Vienna held up her hand. “I can prep a catch, my dad taught me how when we went hunting. I can skin and fillet if that helps?”

"It does," Hale said, one corner of his mouth ticking up in a smile. "Providing food for the group is essential; you and Courtney can really help us all with your skills in this area. We'll work on figuring that out. How to do it safely, gathering the gear, but thank you for stepping up."

Rene spoke up. "J'aiderais maman et grand-mère dans la cuisine." He realized he had spoken his native French. "I am able to help in the kitchen if needed."

"Alors j'imagine que les repas seront tout à fait excellents" Victoire smiled to Rene with a small nod.

Courtney looked at Hale. "I never said I could cook. Why am I being assigned kitchen duty?"

"Fishing," Hale corrected. "You and Vienna are going to go fishing once we can work it out. Course, that's another thing. While we're here in the cabin, everyone is going to help in the kitchen. If you can't cook, you can certainly help clean up. Myself included. And ... I'm not talking big meals, you understand. Even if its just soup."

Courtney considered that she would probably get to sit or lay on the dock tomorrow and work on her tan for the most part. She might even be able to scrounge up a bikini and show off some of her assets to René should he come down to the dock. She smiled at Hale for assigning what would be an easy task. "Well, I can of course do my help until Father Dominic gets our return to Bangor organized."

Vienna nodded she was willing to do her part in helping out. “I’m no expert in fishing but I’m willing to do whatever you need me to do.”

"Okay," Hale said. "Tomorrow, we'll need to do a run for supplies and weapons and after that, we'll get your training started. With luck, none of that will even be necessary and you'll be on your way back to Bangor. For now, Father Dominic, if you could see that everyone has somewhere to sleep ...""

Dominic had noticed Vienna and Courtney descend the stairs from the upstairs bedroom. He knew that Ethan and Jordan had already put their belongings in one of the three bedrooms downstairs and that Hale and Alonzo were utilizing the single bed bedroom. "I will bunk with the boys in their room. There's a bedroom off the kitchen if Doctor Oloffson and Petty Officer Green want it or they could bunk with the girls upstairs."

Thought for a moment and nodded "Seems like a decent idea; I'm gonna need to search the storage area and see if I can scrounge up a cot so I can place it in the examination area"

"Same thing here" she replied to the Father before looking towards Victoire. "Would you like some help looking for that cot, ma'am" Nicole asked while properly addressing Victoire, given the fact that she was an officer while Nicole was an enlisted sailor.

"It would certainly make the search faster, and be more than appreciated." she gave a smile to Nicole and nodded; mulling something over in her head.

René stepped over to Victoire. "Just a suggestion Doctor, but if you and Mademoiselle Green bunked with Vienna and Courtney, we would have the bedroom closest to the kitchen for you to set up an infirmary. It would give privacy for examinations and a ready water source if you need."

Raised a brow as she thought René's words over and then nodded. "You are not wrong; I have no issue with that arrangement so long as the girls don't mind us intruding, that is"

Sometimes, it was best not to say anything. Alonzo did not want to put himself in charge of cooking and kitchen tasks though he knew that he could do it. Chances were he was the only one to have actually been in culinary school albeit a drop out, not because he was awful at it, but because he wanted to carve his own path. Being a chef and restaurant owner was his mother's dream.

The conversation had moved on and Hale realized that literally no one was volunteering to handle meal prep. Given that they weren't going to be together for any longer than it took to get everyone back to their own people, he chose not to make an issue of it. They could always buy things that didn't need cooking. Sandwiches and cereal, it is, he thought. Let's just get everyone home.

Courtney rose from her seat at the table and headed for the stairs to go change. She looked over her shoulder as she began to mount the stairs for the loft bedroom. "Oh, you all may want to wait a bit for a shower. No hot water left."

And then came the knock on the door.


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