Making Plans as a Group (Part 1)
Posted on Fri May 26th, 2023 @ 12:33am by Survivor Alonzo Blazevic & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor René Rouen
2,027 words; about a 10 minute read
Bangor or Bust
Location: Trout Mountain Cabin, Twin Pines at NEOC, Millinocket, ME
Timeline: 26 AUG 2010 - 09:30 p.m.
René shrugged and walked around the table. He took the sitting in the chair vacated by Victoire. He turned to her. "What would you like my help with Doctor?"
"Once we get you up to date I'd appreciate your help bringing my medical supplies in from the Armada; perhaps getting them set up so that we have someplace to examine everyone and get a baseline"
René nodded. "Of course Doctor. Just let me know when you want the equipment brought in."
Gave him a nod and smiled. "Probably after we are done with this meeting so that I can tend to any injuries and start getting setup for examinations. Thank you."
Group Meeting
Hale had been running an A-Team for years, had been trained in command, and now, that he was more than a useful tool, helping where he could, he made the jump from accepting the responsibility to actually being responsible and that meant getting everyone on the same page. Figuring them out as individuals and working out how to make things work.
"I think its time we all talked." Hale looked around the group and did a quick mental count. "We're missing three, I think ... I'm sorry, I don't know their names yet."
René glanced about the room to see who wasn't present. He turned back to Hale. "Courtney Wyn is in the bathroom. I saw her go in there just before Vienna came downstairs. Jordan Tate is the tall athlete. I believe he is in one of the bedrooms along with the younger boy Ethan. I don't know Ethan's last name. I am René Rouen by the way."
“I’m Vienna Quinn” Vienna offered Hale a polite smile. “René is staying with my family.”
"Hale Stratton," he answered. "Pleasure to meet you both. Okay, so, Vienna, if you wouldn't mind asking Courtney to join us and Rene, if you could find Ethan, we'll get started."
"Alonzo Blazevic," the journalist said. "In case anyone didn't know that yet" he added.
Large Bathroom on First Floor
Vienna nodded and headed for the bathroom, Courtney seemed to be taking a long time. She knocked on the bathroom door. “Courtney...are you okay in there?”
Courtney was basking in the warmth of the shower. She rolled her eyes and called out to Vienna through the curtain and locked door. "Fine Vienna. Just let me get my shower in. I'll be out in a few. Okay?"
Vienna sighed. “Just don’t be too long, the adults are calling a meeting and they want us all there.”
Bedroom Near the Porch
René went to one of the bedrooms and found Jordan already sprawled out asleep on one of the two queen size beds. He nodded to Ethan. "The adults want to include us on planning our next move. Would you please wake Jordan and come to the dining room?"
Ethan, who had been sitting by the window, turned toward Rene. He didn't know, couldn't have said, ended up where he was; mostly, he was wandering. Woolgathering. A bit lost. In a perfect world, he would have gone for a walk but then, in a perfect world, his parents would still be alive. "Sure," he said, glad of something to focus on, "I'll be there in a minute."
"Time to get up," he said to Jordan's unresponsive form and, because he was an only child who didn't know much about waking anyone other than himself up, he went with the direct approach and shook his shoulder. "Come on, the adults want us downstairs."
Jordan squirmed and stilled for a moment before suddenly sitting up a wild expression on his face. He looked at Ethan and blinked a couple of times. "Crap dude! You scared the piss outa me!"
"Sorry, sorry," Ethan said as he stepped back. "Didn't mean to scare you. The adults want us out in the kitchen."
Back at the Meeting
Father Dominic, for his part, remained sitting silently at the table. His right hand in a pants pocket and gripped around his sobriety coin. The events of the last 36 hours had him craving a drink...badly.
Victoire had posted up on the floor nearby and was breaking down her Sig to perform routine maintenance and ensure that it was clean while everyone was being gathered; as much to keep her mind occupied as to have something to do.
Short While Later
While everyone gathered, Hale went to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee (no cream, no sugar) and returned to the table. "Circumstances brought us together and I thought it would be a good idea for us to introduce ourselves. Who you are, where you're from, what kinds of things you like to do." He paused a second to take a sip of coffee, sighing in appreciation, before continuing. "If you have any skills that you think might be useful, speak up ... anything could be useful."
He turned toward Rene. "Why don't you start. Rene, right?"
René set a backless stool down at the corner of the table before taking a seat. He had given up his chair to Courtney’s late arrival from the bathroom. "René Rouen from Paris France. I guess the most useful thing about me is that I have been studying fencing for almost a decade. I took third place in Regionals last year and fifth place in Nationals. I am a devout Roman Catholic and...I miss my family a lot right now."
"You should call home tonight," Hale said. "If you don't have a phone with international calling, use mine." He paused a second, recognition lighting his face. "I remember. You were asking about a sword. Even if we don't have one, for now, we can teach you some knife work and how to shoot a pistol. Both useful skills."
René shrugged. "I have tried a dozen times or more on my mobile. News has said that international mobile service is restricted. I don't have access to a satellite phone." He paused a moment before addressing the second part of Hale's statement. "I am quite skilled with a knife as part of my fencing training. My firearms experience is quite limited though. I have only shot bolt action rifles and single shot shotguns while hunting with my grandfather. I would be most appreciative for any shooting lessons Monsieur."
"Even better," Hale said and made a mental note to investigate the idea of swords versus other bladed weapons as an effective tool when fighting against the reanimated dead.
Hale turned toward Vienna and said. "And you? Why don't you tell us about yourself."
Vienna gave a nod and offered a polite smile. “I’m Vienna Quinn, I’m from Bangor. My parents are René’s foreign exchange family.” She offered René a warm smile. “I don’t have any firearms experience, but I do have hunting experience my father takes me to our hunting lodge most weekends. I know how to use a hunting knife and I’m a good shot with a bow and arrow.”
From Vienna, he moved onto the next teen, Jordan from the look of him. "Your turn. Jordan, right?"
Jordan looked around the table at the others gathered. "Jordan Tate. I am from Bangor. Starting quarterback for my team. I also play baseball second base in the spring time. I am a good athlete." He paused and turned to Victoire. "Coach had us take lessons in sports medicine. Minor things like dealing with sprains, hyper extensions and pulled muscles. Mentioned you were looking for someone with any kind of first aid experience."
He thought it interesting that most provided skills they thought might be of use to the group rather than talking about themselves. Made sense he supposed. Opening up, breaking down hastily erected walls wasn't something you did in a day. That took time and trust. None of that would be achieved in one evening.
"Good," Hale said as he turned toward Victoire. "Jordan, you can work with Victoire here, help her with the medical end of things."
He turned next to Courtney, the only one of the group who wasn't dressed in the clothes they arrived in, and said, "and you?"
Courtney sat in the chair René had vacated for her dressed only in a fluffy bath robe and panties. She sighed as if this whole meeting was a huge inconvenience. "Courtney Amber Wynn of the Bangor Wynn's. I have an excellent fashion sense and I have traveled extensively along the eastern seaboard. I like to ride horses and I am fairly accomplished with sailing. I have done some deep sea fishing."
"Well, fishing is a good way to help," Hale said. "Won't be deep sea but there are bound to be rods around here somewhere and who knows? Maybe we can scare up a boat."
Father Dominic looked at Hale with a bit of sadness in his eyes. "Father Dominic Stephens, Rector of Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church. I have a Master's degree in religious studies with a minor in psychology. I am an avid hiker and camper. I have a good knowledge of the Appalachian Trail between here and New York state. I can probably get supplies and equipment from my house tomorrow if you think we might need them. I am also quite familiar with Millinocket and the rest of the county." He paused for a moment. He was slightly reluctant to share one final revelation with the group. "I am also a recovering alcoholic. Going on five years sober now...and I so want a drink right now."
"It's a generous offer," Hale said. He slid past the twelve-step declaration though he made a mental note of it. Weaknesses, as well as strengths, were important to know. "I'll have to get in touch with the police and see how things are in town before we head back there. Hiking and camping are good skills to have though. Thank you."
Ethan spoke up as soon as Hale's eyes turned toward him. "Ethan Thompson. I'm from Bangor originally." He shrugged lightly. "I don't have any wilderness skills, if that's what you're asking but I do run track ... I'm fast ... but other than that, I'm a science nerd."
"Fast is good," Hale said. "Having someone who can run fast and far can sometimes make all the difference. I was sorry to hear about your parents, Ethan."
Ethan, who had straightened at the thought that maybe, just maybe, he could be more than a drain on the group, blinked back the sudden tears that sprang to his eyes at the mention of his parents. Too soon, he thought. Too soon. He nodded; to cover his loss of composure, he got to his feet and went to the kitchen for a glass of water.
"Dominic...Once I get set up come see me. I can help with your desire for a drink without you setting yourself back and I can perhaps use your knowledge of psychology." Victoire looked to the man with a soft, compassionate gaze.
Dominic gave an appreciative nod. "Thank you Doctor."
Nicole looked around the room before focus towards Hale. "I'm Petty Officer Second Class Nicole Green. I've been with the Navy for about 10 years. I carry the Engineman Rate so if you need a mechanic I can help. My father was an Engineering Duty Officer stationed at Bath Iron Works. I grew up around him building and fixing cars in his free time" she paused before continuing. "I'm also small arm qualified and have a side arm despite not having a combat focused job."
"Mechanics are always valuable," Hale said, "and your small arms training will definitely come in handy, Nicole." He turned toward Victoire, who was cleaning her weapon, and said, "I know we've talked but could you tell the group something about yourself? So everyone knows?"
"Lieutenant Victoire Olaffson, United States Navy, have been in for 11, coming up on 12 years and I am an Active SEAL. she tapped her Trident on her uniform lapel. When I am not on mission I am an Emergency and Triage Doctor."