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Bangor at Last

Posted on Fri Nov 24th, 2023 @ 9:55pm by Survivor Alonzo Blazevic & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor René Rouen
Edited on on Wed Jan 3rd, 2024 @ 5:23am

1,414 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Safe Zone, Bangor, Maine
Timeline: 29 August - 6:30 p.m.

Hale didn't remember much of Bangor other than it wasn't heavily populated but it was still too much of a city for him. Unimpressive. That had been his takeaway but now, returning after everything that happened, looking out the window of the helicopter, he couldn't help but notice the changes. Buildings were burning, clearly visible in the darkened landscape and he could see a lot of movement, armored vehicles, foot patrols, and guards at the hastily erected barricades separating the living from the dead.

The helicopter set down In Hayford Park, not far from the Victorian manor where Stephen King once lived, and they were met by a lieutenant in combat fatigues who would be responsible for getting everyone somewhere to stay. He consulted the clipboard he carried and started firing off information with the speed of someone who's done it a thousand times before.

"I'm Lieutenant Harris," he said, "and this is the Bangor Safe Zone. Anything within the clearly marked perimeter is safe but if you see something, don't hesitate to let someone know. Major Stratton, we have a house set aside for you and," he checked the clipboard again, "two others. That correct?"

Hale nodded. "Alonzo and Ethan," he said. "They'll be staying with me." He turned toward Alonzo, seeking confirmation in a glance, to be sure that the agreement they'd made days ago still held.

It was either find a way with Ethan back to Alonzo's family home with his parents or stick with Hale. Given Ethan had nobody to turn to, the decision was an easy one and it was one that Alonzo had already discussed with Hale. "Yes," Alonzo Blazevic replied with an affirmative nod. "That's what Ethan and I want," he added.

Ethan nodded as well. The haunted lost look that had dominated his face was receding of late, leaving room for other emotions to surface. Relief that he wasn't alone was part of it but primarily, it was a feeling of being accepted into a group. Of belonging.

A feeling settled within Hale, bonds being forged, connections made. "Together," he said to them both and in that single word was both promise and commitment.

"No power at the moment," the Lieutenant continued, "but most of the houses have some sort of a camp stove or a fireplace and are stocked with a few rudimentary supplies. Here are the keys and a map detailing pertinent locations. You're expected at HQ first thing tomorrow."

"You're welcome, and this goes for all of you, to visit the supply depot but I have to warn you, there's not alot available. Now, Lieutenant Olaffson, there's a house about two doors down from that set aside for you. You didn't indicate whether someone would be staying with you or not so its one of the smaller ones. Hope that's alright," the Harris said as he handed over a second set of keys and another map. "They'll be waiting for you at our makeshift hospital."

She patted Jaspers head and he gave an affirmative “uff” and she smiled. “How many rooms does it have, Lieutenant?” She looked back to the group for a moment and thought before looking to René and raising a brow. “You feel like bunking with the Doc?”

René was about to respond to Victoire’s question when Lieutenant Harris spoke up again.

"It's a two bedroom, I think Now," Harris said as he turned his attention to the remaining members of the group. "As for the rest of you, are you bunking together or did you need separate arrangements?"

Vienna looked towards René, “I’m staying with René and anyone else who wants to join us.”

"I have two more," Harris said. "One is about two blocks farther away and the second one is closer to the perimeter. Both are empty at the moment so which would you prefer."

Vienna looked at René. “You choose, whichever you think is best.”

René gave the matter a thought for a moment. Being closer to the others would be safer. "We'll take the lodging two blocks from Doctor Olaffson." He paused and looked at Victoire. "Unless the Doctor would like us to stay with her."

Harris nodded, pulled the keys from his pocket and checked the tag against his list, then handed them over to Rene along with a map and the address. "This is for you then," he said. "If you decide to change your arrangements, please let me know so that I can make the house available to someone else."

Vienna smiled and nodded as she took the keys and map. “Thank you.” She looked at René, this was going to more or less be her first home.

René returned Vienna's gaze. He was concerned about the two of them not having a chaperone. He had made a promise to protect her until he returned her to her family. There was still a question about whether or not Vienna's mother was still alive. He turned to Harris and nodded. "Merci Lieutenant Harris."

Vic chuckled and gave Vienna and René a wink. “If it gets too crowded there you two are welcome to crash with me. Chances are I’ll be working at the hospital more often than not”

Hale turned to the group though, in truth, they weren't any longer ... a group, that is. There had been no declarations or even consensus that they would remain together past this point and yet, it was that sense of responsibility he felt toward all of them that drove him to speak. ""I'm going to check in with headquarters tomorrow," he said. "See what I can find out. If you need anything or even just want to talk, you know where to find me."

After a moment she surveyed everyone and turned first to Hale “Major; please keep me updated on what you find up. I’ve grown rather fond of working with you.” With that said she turned to everyone else. “I am more than happy to continue tending to anyone here as I am a familiar face; you know where to find me.”

"Sure," Hale said at once. "Why don't you stop by tomorrow evening and I'll update you on what I found out." His expression softened as he added, "I'll even break out some of our secret coffee stash."

Vic smiled and gave a soft chuckle “sounds good, 2000 perhaps?” She shook her head just a little but couldn’t help but salivate at the thought of the coffee that they had been hoarding like gold. “Best make it the Columbian we found.”

"Got something a bit better than that," Hale said.

Father Dominic looked at Bao and Jordan before turning to Lieutenant Harris. "I guess that means we get the last one. Though if it is possible, I would like to find transportation back to Millinocket."

"No can do, Father," Harris answered and the speed of reply gave an indication to just how many times he had fielded this same question as of late. "It's just not safe and we can't spare the manpower or, frankly, the gasoline." He turned over the last set of keys. "This is one of the larger places but its communal which means other folk may come to stay with you." He turned toward Vienna and Rene. "That goes for your place as well, I'm afraid."

“We understand” Vienna nodded and offered a brief smile, she was still trying to face up to her father’s death, and the possibility that the rest of her family were gone too.

René gestured for Vienna to lead the way to their new lodging. He pulled out the two-way radio and handed it back to Father Dominic. "Merci et que Dieu vous bénisse. (Thank you and God bless)."

Father Dominic nodded. "Of course." He looked towards Vienna for a moment and turned back to René. "Take care of yourself and your young lady."

René gave a single nod and then joined Vienna for the walk to their new lodging.

Lieutenant Harris watched them all head off toward their assigned housing and sighed, reaching automatically for the pack of cigarettes in his pocket before stopping himself. No, he thought. Not yet. Save it for off duty. Instead, he decided to head over to the refugee center and see if there were any new arrivals. Help get them sorted. In these crazy times, it was good, very good to see folks walk toward you that weren't, you know, dead.


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