The Fall of Bangor (Part 11)
Posted on Mon Apr 1st, 2024 @ 11:33pm by Survivor Alonzo Blazevic & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor René Rouen & Survivor Reuben Baptiste
3,395 words; about a 17 minute read
Bangor or Bust
Location: Safe Zone, Bangor, Maine
Timeline: 4 September 2010 - 9:30 p.m.
[Zone Headquarters]
Headquarters was emptied now. The last of the convoys were gone and everything that could be of value had been stripped and loaded onto the trucks under the assumption that they'd have to bring what they needed with them and not leave finding critical supplies to chance. They bugged out and carried with them the hope of finding some new place that would be safe.
René looked at the dark building that had housed the military command structure. He had passed by it earlier, but now there was nothing. He turned to Victoire. "Shouldn't there be a sentry of some sort?"
Vic nodded and drew her knife. “Yes…. There should. The absence of one is concerning…. It means that we don’t have long before this place is completely empty besides us. We need to do this quickly.”
René pulled out the dirk with his left hand and held it at the ready. "Quietly?"
Vic chuckled and flashed René a grin. “Quietly as we can.”
Inside the command building they found several mostly full bottles of vodka and tequila, mid-shelf at best but it was passable. Outside of those they found two crystal decanters, one filled with a high caliber Kentucky rye whiskey and the other containing a pricey elderberry gin. On a final check on the way out of the building a couple of half full 6 packs of beer were acquired; not the best things in the world but considering what the group had been through the pair figured that it was worth grabbing to ensure tastes were met.
Vic stashed the last of the liquor into the duffel they had found and zipped it closed and looked to René. “Thats not a bad haul at all my friend; and so far… no incident.”
A low, rattling sound echoed down the hallway traveling with the breeze that came through a door left open.
Her ears caught the sound and she slung the duffel over her back, strap shoulder to hip. “And I spoke too soon. It’s time to move…. We need to try and move around the source of that…. You want to lead? I’ll cover.”
René felt confident in taking down one of the Soulless. They weren't particularly fast and were not noted for great strength either. He gave Vic a single nod as he stepped forward. He paused after a few steps when a haunting and somewhat familiar sound came down the corridor.
A soft, musical whistle traveled along the breeze carying with it a sense of menace. Just a snippet of a song you couldn't quite place and then the sound of another door opening.
Vic’s eyes widened and she whipped her gun out of her holster, holding it with the knife extended outwards in a firm combative grip. She switched to a simplified operative hand signals system and motioned René to stay low and quiet but to keep close by. Even as she did so she herself slowed her pace and listened very closely. ~Emma…. I hope that you are still with the others~
René drew his rapier slowly from the scabbard at his hip. Something in Victorie's demeanor convinced him that they were in more danger than originally expected. His senses screamed for him to flee. He moved with quiet steps.
Softer now, the whistle, melodic and merry, spoke of a retreating presence, fading and finally overrode by the sound of shuffling feet moving down the corridor.
Vic stayed still, not trusting the fading of the whistling as she had had a similar tactic used against her many a time in the service by other men that were equally dangerous to their opponent. She risked peeking through a nearby window into the hallway, careful to keep from being seen even as she prepared for the fight out, searching through the memorized schematic of this building for the closest exit.
Rene crouched next to Victoire. He glanced at Vic as the whistling receded. "Mind telling me what that's about. You look as if you had witnessed a ghost or something."
Vic nodded but held up a hand for a moment as she continued to listen before she spoke. “The story is not fully mine to tell…. But it concerns Emma.” She fished into one of her cargo pockets and pulled out Emma’s sketch of the man and passed it to René. “She told me he is a hunter of people… as if we needed another form of enemy in this shit storm the world has become.”
René looked down the hallway. The lack of noise was a pretty good indicator that whoever had been inside the building with them was probably gone. "Perhaps we should do a quick check of the ground floor. Make sure this Hunter of People is gone."
There weren't many, the dead led into headquarters by the Whistler, but there were enough to cause mischief. Mayhem. Entertain the two of them while he circled back. To see what he could see back there. He didn't like it when his pets got away. No, he did not. And he always …
… always …
... finished what he started. He had the knack of it now. How to find them, lead them, guide them, use them as weapons. And he would get better at it. He would finish what he started. Play was so delightful. He whistled softly as he crept past abandoned homes and down side streets. A hunting call, one she would remember.
[Alonzo and Hale's Place]
Emma, as was becoming her custom, found a spot to sit by the window. Self-appointed lookout. It gave her something to do and left the others free to talk; she was comfortable in her silence. No longer felt it necessary to share her thoughts with others. She felt restless to night and ill-at-ease as though there was a scent of something in the air that she couldn't quite identify.
Vienna was sitting slowly eating the food on her plate. She hadn’t said much to anyone, she was lost and feeling alone even though she was in a room full of people. She had two people left in her life now her brother, who was who knows where, and René whom she intended to be beside come hell or high water.
From her spot by the window, Emma thought about Vienna and pulled out her sketchbook. She closed her eyes, summoning the memory of Mrs. Quinn, and then mentally subtracting the damage and the pain. She started with a basic sketch of the skull and the roughed out her hair, the position of her eyes. It would take time to do but she had time. Nothing but.
Reuben had fallen into a light sleep, and dreams of a HUMVEE in a dusty region. His right hand began to twitch and his head to twist side to side. He began to mumble incoherently. Kenny sensing what was happening began to lick Reuben's hand and whine gently. Kenny took his right paw and gently scratch his master's leg. Reuben came awake with a start, quickly feeling his chest, for a phantom pistol that was not there.
Alonzo had taken a seat next to the girl. Their interactions had been sparse and infrequent, the most they had exchanged was before in the church which felt like forever go. "Hey," he said to her with a caring tone. "I'm sorry. I heard about..." Alonzo did not want to cause the girl the pain of reliving what happened. He took out a lighter from his pocket. He had only been using it sparingly and certainly wasn't going to offer up a cigarette.
"There's some teabags in the pantry" he said. "Betcha I could rummage around and use my lighter to make you a cup of tea."
Vienna offered the best smile she could muster, her parents had raised her to be a polite young woman. “Thank you, That’s very kind of you. I’m Vienna by the way.”
Alonzo smiled. "We've met. Back at Saint Andrew's, I've been keeping an eye on Ethan" he said. "Ill see what I can do about getting you a nice cup of warm tea."
Vienna nodded. "Of course we've met before, sorry I...wasn't thinking straight." she smiled.
[Some Time Later)
Once everyone was settled around the table, the food passed around, conversation turned, as it had must, to what would happen next. Hale had been quiet for the most part, giving himself time to think things through, come up with a plan of action. Something more than keeping Alonzo and Ethan safe.
"With the convoys gone and with them, the military presence, Bangor isn't safe. Alonzo, Ethan and I have talked it over and well, we've decided to leave." His glance strayed to the windows, covered to prevent the soft glow of candlelight from spilling out onto the street, and shook his head. "First light, I think. My recommendation for all of you is to do the same."
Vienna looked at René then around at everyone else. “There’s nothing for me here now, if René is happy to move on then I am too.”
Reuben, who was haggard from his dreams, looked about the table "Question is which way. We need to get away from the east coast, way too many people and potential hazards associated with them. If we head west, multiple trials await, however our forefathers made it. Heading south exposes us to the hordes from the major cities. North less exposure, but winter is coming. If we decide to go either south or north, I recommend we use the Appalachian Trail, it will reduce unpleasant encounters. With all that said, we are going to need supplies." He then sat back, giving Kenny a bite of his meal.
Alonzo took a deep breath. So this is our future he thought to himself. "Then we take what we need. We get it anywhere we can by whatever means necessary. If the military has given up on us then all we have is each other. This is going to mean survival" stated Alonzo.
He looked at Hale and gave a nod. "We leave at first light and we take what we can - bare essentials, travel light but smart. Weapons are a must" he added. "Reuben, you are right. We need to get away from major cities and hubs of population. Metropolitan areas will be death zones."
René gave a worried glance towards Vienna before turning to Alonzo. "There's a problem. Vienna’s brother lives in New York City. He is a resident physician at one of the hospitals there."
"That's nearly five hundred miles away to an over populated metropolis," Alonzo stated. "You are two seventeen year old teenagers. What's the plan? Travel several hours along the I-95?" Alonzo looked at Vienna. "I know you love your brother, but you have to stay alive for him. For your parents."
"All of you need to make the decision for yourselves," Hale said. "But I agree with Alonzo. The city is bound to be overrun. Finding one man in the middle of all of that? Nearly impossible." He ran a hand through his hair. "Look, you decide what's right for you. And that goes for all of you. As I said, Alonzo, Ethan and I are leaving. If any of you want to come with us, you're welcome to but there have to be some rules."
Alonzo gave a slight nod to Hale. "This is not a decision that I am making lightly either. My parents live here in Bangor. I don't know whether or not they are alive. I may never see them again, but I'm not about to risk going to them. They'd want me to be safe and to do that I have to be smart."
René, despite wanting to do everything in his power to help find Vienna’s brother, knew the adults were right. His first priority was Vienna’s safety. He looked to Hale and Alonzo. He finally turned to Vienna. "Your brother will realize that staying in New York City is not a good option. He will want to head here for his family. If we can figure out what route he is most likely to take North. We could perhaps rendezvous with him somewhere along the way. There's a good chance he will take the Appalachian Trail, especially with your family having spent time camping and hiking." He turned to the adults. "Vienna’s family owns a cabin somewhere along the trail between Bangor and New York. Would you all be agreeable to us going there first?"
"Is this your round about way of saying you want to remain with the group," Hale asked. "I appreciate your concern for Vienna, Rene. Wanting to help her reconnect with her family. But first things first. Are you and Vienna staying with the group?"
Vic had been quiet thus far but she spoke up finally “I am planning on sticking with the group; mostly because it is safer for those of us who are still among the living to stick together.” She looked from René to Vienna and then to Emma “I hope that those I have tried to take under my wing will stay as well, however I will understand if they choose their own path”
Vienna gazed at René then at the others. "René is right, it's too dangerous. We'll stay with the group, but I would appreciate it if we could stop by my family's lodge? there will be some weapons and supplies there, including my bow."
Alonzo looked towards Hale for a decision and some more information and clarity. "The military rend to have particularly detailed maps" states the journalist. "Do you suppose we have any around that would be useful? To get us to this family lodge?"
Reuben looked about "Count me and Kenny in. I was supposed to meet a friend, but I doubt she is here, most likely made her way to the Appalachian Trail and the woods. I would suggest we follow the Kenduskeeg Stream as far as we can. The sound of the water seems to mask you from them. Plus, there is the advantage of a water source and food in the form of fish. Also, if I know my friend she would follow it as far as she could."
René looked at Vienna and nodded. He turned to Hale. "Oui Monsieur. We go with you. "
"We're officially a group then," Hale said. "Follow my orders and no more sneaking off without telling me first." He looked at Rene and Vienna and then at Ethan and Emma. "I get that this isn't easy for you and I'm sorry for that. Really, I am. But safety … all of our safety … rests on us trusting each other and working as a group. I'll be assigning people jobs to do once I see how you are … how you respond … what you're good at."
"For now, everyone get your things, you'll stay here tonight. No more than one backpack each and make sure its not too heavy for you to carry. We'll leave at first light. I know a way out of the city on the western side that won't be overwhelmed by the not-nearly-dead-enough." Hale paused a moment, trying to put aside the military bearing and just be that part of him that he'd found again here with Alonzo and Ethan. "You want to find the people you care about. I get that. We all have people. Right now, we get out of the zone. That's our first priority. Find a place to hole up and then do some supply-scavenging before we hit the trail."
Vic nodded quietly and then stood. “Additionally; anyone interested in weapons training once we are on the move… speak with me and I will work on figuring out how to work in sessions when we have down time so that everyone can defend themselves.” She stroked Jasper’s head at her hip and looked around the group, reflecting for a moment on how everything was going to shape up in the near future.
"Vic," Hale said, "I have something else in mind for you. Reuben can do the weapons training." He turned to Reuben and added, "but go sparingly on bullets."
Reuben nodded, "Shouldn't be too hard to train people. Hell, the military seemed able to train raw recruits how to handle a firearm without killing themselves or someone else." he said with a small smile. "On the subject of firearms, I don't suppose anyone has a spare Mk 18 MOD 0/1, I'll settle for the standard M4A1 or Heckler & Koch HK416. I also would love to get my hands on a SIG Sauer M18, but a Beretta M9 or a good old-fashioned Colt M1911A1 would suffice. Who am I kidding any firearm at this time would be welcomed."
“You don’t want a Beretta… I promise you. Damn things will sooner shoot you than the enemy, Master Sergeant…. Though I’m going to be honest in my encounters with those not dead enough I have noticed they seem to acutely track sound…. We should be careful when training with or using firearms not to draw them.” Vic replied to Reuben. “Though having them as a fallback weapon is still an excellent idea… or in case we run into living enemies.”
Alonzo removed his Ruger LCR from its holster on his left side of his waist and looked at Vic. "I'm going to need a bigger gun" he stated and looked at Hale. "If either of you have a suggestion..." he shrugged. "The way I see it is this whole survival shit is going to become increasingly more dangerous as we travel. This little thing has done me alright up until now, but it holds five rounds. After that, I need to reload."
"I know," Hale said. "That's part of what we'll be doing once we get away from here. Figuring out the weapon situation as well as transportation and food."
"A good old fashioned 'scatter-gun'. Basically, find us a military grade shotgun, but there are some decent civilian ones also. Basically, point and shoot, guaranteed to do sum damage to your target if it is in range." replied Reuben. "Not sure if the young gentlemen or ladies could handle one, but who knows." Looking towards René, Ethan, Vienna, and Emma each, as if sizing them up.
"Don't underestimate kids," Alonzo replied. "They are hardly kids anymore anyways. If they don't know how you handle or shoot yet, they will. We'll make sure of that." Alonzo remembered home. Home before the US. "Kids will do whatever is needed to survive in war."
René nodded at Alonzo. "I have some experience with bolt action rifles and shotguns on hunting trips to the Normandy countryside. Never handled a pistol though. He glanced towards the foyer where his weapons belt hung on a peg by the front door. I am an expert swordsman and quite experienced with dirk and main gauche."
"And I'm sure you are an expert," Alonzo replied. "Though I would rather you not have to take on a bunch of those things with a sword" he added. "Hunting shotguns and bolt action rifles are good, but bulky."
René simply shrugged. "I don't think I would be comfortable using a firearm I was not familiar with." He turned to Hale. "Vienna’s father has...had a gun safe big enough for long arms. It did not look disturbed." He glanced at Vienna. "I don't have the combination though."
Vienna shook her head. "There'll be more at the lodge, Dad kept his main weapons there. My bow and arrows are there, as are the hunting knives."
"Early start tomorrow," Hale said. "We'll leave around dawn so make sure you have your stuff packed. For safety's sake, let's all stay here tonight. There's a spare bedroom upstairs and the couch down here folds out as well." He paused a moment. Things had changed enough that guards were warranted. "Two hour rotation for guard duty. Rene, you and Reuben are up first. Then Ethan and Vic, followed by Vienna and Alonzo, and Emma and I will go last."