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Darkest Before Dawn

Posted on Tue Apr 2nd, 2024 @ 4:07am by Survivor Alonzo Blazevic

957 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Bangor or Bust
Location: Safe Zone, Bangor, Maine
Timeline: 4 September 2010 - 09:30 p.m.

At some point, it had become a lot less about safety in numbers and being considerate of keeping space available for others and more about personal comfort and potentially some little spoken, softly whispered desire that Hale and Alonzo had shared a bed together. It was not sharing a bedroom, it was sharing the bed itself. That had not been Alonzo's initial intentions when he first walked into the room some nights ago. Now? They had entered it together with a game plan of leaving at the first cracklings of light on the horizon. "This would be so much easier if we were dealing with vampires," said Alonzo. "Then we'd at least be safe traveling at dawn" he explained.

The door was shut and locked. This was the time in their own space that guards could be lifted, defenses lowered, and they could speak from places other than the mind. Alonzo sat on the edge of the bed. "I guess we have a whole group again" stated the journalist. "More mouths to feed and more people to worry about." It wasn't that Alonzo minded more people, but it did mean more stress.

Hale grunted as he started the process of undressing, boots, socks, belt, and once that was done walked over to drop down on the bed side Alonzo. "Welcome to the wonderful world of leading a team," Hale said. "Or whatever you'd call us, part military, part civilian, part teen, part adult …"

"A group of survivors," replied Alonzo putting his hands on either side of Hale's shoulders and starting to rub them in a circular motion. "You may be the leader but first order of business is you need to stop dividing us up into military and civilian or adults and teenagers," Alonzo said as he massaged Hale's shoulders.

He positioned himself behind Hale, both sitting on the bed but Alonzo now sitting on his knees directly behind Hale. "Your military left. I am not sure you want to continue associating yourself with that, and the rank stuff? I'd drop it personally. We stopped seeing you as the leader because of your rank a while back. It's just who you are."

"One," Hale said, between groans of pleasure, as he raised his index finger, "they weren't my military. I'm a Green Beret and we don't run. Ever." He groaned again as he raised his second finger. "Two, the only one who calls me by official title is Rene because that boy just doesn't bend. It's like he's made a personal commitment to keep me at arm's length no matter what." He closed his eyes, leaning into the touch of Alonzo's hands and three, "I think you're the only one who actually sees me as a leader. But that's alright. I'll lead them anyways."

Alonzo scoffed "At least they see you as something" he said shaking his head. "I'm pretty sure I'm just the kitchen dude. They see me as the one with a can opener rather than standing watching or protecting the group" he added. That was something that did frustrate him.

The journalist swore he could literally feel the tenseness of Hale in the man's shoulders. Alonzo grabbed both shoulders and yanked Hale down, back flat on the bed and climbed over him, knees straddling either side of Hale's thighs and waist. "You are the leader."

"They aren't seeing anything yet," Hale said, his eyes closed, as he yielded to Alonzo's ministrations. "Listen to them. It's I can do this. I want this. I need the other. They aren't thinking as a group, though you might see Rene and Vienna as a group ... or an island all to themselves." He grinned and continued. "Really. They aren't seeing anything much beyond their own concerns." He shrugged lightly under Alonzo's hands. "Human nature but that will change. I see your worth and," he opened his eyes, gaze intent on Alonzo, "I see you."

"A little difficult to ignore a guy on top of you," quipped Alonzo with a small smirk. "The teenagers are always going to be a bit rebellious. We haven't been a group or a team long enough for them to see past their own concerns. They will get there."

Hale grinned in response and closed his eyes again. "One way or the other," he murmured. "Reality has a way of making a person see, whether they want to or not. And you're not going to be a cook for long. I promised I'd teach you and I mean to do just that."

Alonzo smiled as he leaned down and gently pressed his lips to Hale's for a moment. It was long enough to cause a several seconds of silence before pulling back by lifting his head. "I know the basics" he whispered. "I can handle a gun at least the one I carried but I want to be comfortable with something..."

He smirked. "Bigger" he said with a small chuckle. "You and the others. You know how to handle things with a bit more weight and fire power."

"Bigger, huh," Hale said, laughing softly. "Just how much bigger do you want?"

With his right hand sliding along Hale's thigh, Alonzo looked into the man's eyes. "I hear an M16 is nice, have one of those lying around here?" said Alonzo though it was evident that he was joking at least somewhat. "I don't need anything too large. How about something reasonable? M9 Barretta perhaps?"

"I don't know," Hale said, a warm chuckle reverberating through his chest as he pulled Alonzo closer. "Warrants closer investigation, I think."

"Investigate quickly," Alonzo replied and whispered softly. "Some jerk gave me guard duty... have to be up in a few hours" he added playfully.


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