The Fall of Bangor (Part 12/End)
Posted on Sun Apr 7th, 2024 @ 2:34am by Survivor Alonzo Blazevic & Survivor René Rouen & Survivor Reuben Baptiste & Survivor Vienna Quinn
2,072 words; about a 10 minute read
Bangor or Bust
Location: Safe Zone, Bangor, Maine
Timeline: 5 September 2010 - 05:00 a.m.
Maybe forty-five minutes before they would need to leave Bangor. Forty-five minutes until they hit the road but this time, without a safe destination in mind. Hale and Emma had been up since 2:30 a.m. and while everyone slept in relative safety, he'd kept watch and done some thinking. Vehicles which meant something to carry gas in, food supplies and water, and of course, weapons with extra ammunition. But first, they needed to get free of Bangor. That thought kept hammering at the back of his mind, more instinct than anything else, but he tended to listen to those promptings when he was in the field.
He finished his last lap of the downstairs windows and stopped by the front windows where Emma had been sitting. "I'll start waking everyone up," he said softly. "Think you could manage some coffee?"
Emma nodded, signing for yes, and then headed into the kitchen where she lit a candle and got to work.
Alonzo had woken up earlier than Major Hale Stratton, but that was not entirely true. Hale did not sleep the way a normal human being would. He was a very light sleeper, and he had tasked Alonzo with guard duty with Vienna. Alonzo was able to get a little bit of shut eye when Hale relieved him of guard duty.
It was however still before the crack of dawn, but Alonzo rolled over when he heard movement. Hale was up to doing whatever it was Hale did. There was no reason for Alonzo to be up earlier than necessary. Rest was essential and valuable. When light did start to show in the bedroom, the journalist rolled out of bed. He had heard the footsteps of Hale approaching the door and sat on the edge of the bed waiting.
"Yeah...yeah, I know," stated Alonzo. "Time to get up again," he said with a long yawning stretch.
"Yes, it is," Hale said. "Emma's making coffee. I have no idea whether it will be drinkable but it will be ready soon. I'm going to go wake up everyone else."
Alonzo sighed but the word coffee made it better. He stood and walked towards Hale. "You owe me," he said brushing his hand against Hale's. "When we have some time alone again... whenever the hell that will be."
"Count on it," Hale said as he brushed one hand along the line of Alonzo's jaw. His smile was tender, intimate, as he murmured. "I'm sorta making that a priority."
[Spare Bedroom Upstairs]
With Alonzo up and moving, Hale moved to the next bedroom and rapped hard on the door. "Time to get up," he said. "Emma's making coffee and we need to be on the road."
Vienna stirred blushing as she lifted her head off of René’s shoulder, where she’d cuddled up. She hadn’t intended to stay the whole night, just a little time with René but had fallen asleep.
She looked towards the door answering the knock. “We’ll be down as soon as we can."
René groaned tiredly. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes with his free hand. "Did someone say coffee?" He slipped his arm out from under Vienna. He sat up and pulled on his socks and boots. He stood up and paused for a moment for Vienna to be ready. He extended a hand to help her stand.
Vienna finished putting on her shoes before taking René’s hand. “I’m sorry I didn’t intend to stay all night. I just felt...safer being here with you.” She let go of his hand so she could brush her hair and make herself more presentable.
René nodded. He remembered how vulnerable she was a few hours ago. He was not about to let her be alone after what happened. He had held her gently until she cried herself to sleep. "I will always keep you safe. I promise." He watched for a moment as she brushed her hair.
Vienna turned to look at René, putting her brush back down she offered a smile. “Thank you René.” She walked across pausing to look him in the eyes, before offering a gentle kiss.
René kissed Vienna back softly. He didn't want to end the kiss, but the others were wanting for them to come downstairs and make final preparations to leave. He broke the kiss and took hold of Vienna’s hand. "Time to go."
Vienna nodded. “I know.” With that she picked up her backpack ready to head downstairs.
[Sofa Bed in the Den]
His last stop before coffee was the den where he again rapped hard on the door. "Time to get up," he said. "There's coffee going in the kitchen and we have to get out of here soon."
Inside he could already hear the sounds of preparations being made as Vic zipped her bags shut and the rap on the door was answered by a quit uff from Jasper. "Aye Major, We'll be out in a moment; Just need to put Jasper's vest on and we are ready!"
She chuckled slightly, herself being just as light of a sleeper as Hale and scrubbed Jasper's head, getting a derpy smile from the Shepherd before she took his vest down off a hook and equipped it to him and then slung her bags over one shoulder, walking out and heading for the kitchen.
[Reuben's Place]
Reuben had gotten about four hours of rested sleep and two of nightmares. He gave up trying to sleep and got up and made himself a pot of coffee. He had drunk his first pot down and decided to make another, he then proceeded to brush Kenny down. When the second pot was done, he made himself and Kenny an egg omelet with some of their rations. After they finished, he made a sweep of the place, taking those things he thought would be helpful. The bed spread and sheets, which he made into a bedroll. The few canned food goods, can opener, the small camping coffee pot, the small pocket stove and fuel. He rechecked his backpack and Kenny's pack made sure their water supply was topped off and they headed out to meet the others.
[Meanwhile in the Kitchen]
Hale, who was used to long hours and little sleep, came into the kitchen humming under his breath. He'd spent his time on guard duty thinking about how to get everyone out safely, where the strengths were, and where the weaknesses were in the assembled group. In the not so distant past, mission planning involved officers and considerable intel consolidated from a host of sources. Now, it was just him and what he knew of the area though he had some ideas about how to change that as well.
"How's it going with the coffee," he asked as he saw Emma pouring hot water into a three oversized French Presses.
When she finished, she turned toward him and signed, ~okay.~
Hale grinned and said, "No need for the short version with me. One of my brothers was born deaf and we all grew up using sign language. Taught the basics to my team as well. Came in handy."
~You should thank him,~ Emma signed. Her smile was genuine and heartfelt. Habitual quiet was not her natural state and it was a relief to be able to chat with someone. Anyone.
"I did," Hale said as he started getting out mugs. "He stayed with me for a month; we told him he was going to teach them and he did, but mostly, it was a chance for all of us to hang out. They had a great time showing him the the big city."
~Is he from a small town,~ Emma asked. ~I've never been anywhere but Bangor myself.~
"We were all raised off grid. Lived in dry cabins, did chores, hauled water, home-schooled. I think the first time we ever saw a city was New York."
~That's going to be our life as well, isn't it,~ Emma asked. Her expression turned serious. This was something she knew. Uncertainty. Living in the moment. Never knowing where she was going to be the next. ~Plus dead folks.~
"Eventually," Hale said. "Yes, I think it will. But a lot has to happen before we get to that point. For starters, we need to get out town. Soon." He shrugged. "It's more a feeling than certain knowledge but I've come to rely on it."
~Coffee's ready,~ Emma said. ~My backpack is over by the front door. So I'm good to go. ~
"Me too," Hale said as he held out his mug. "Ladies first but me second."
Emma laughed and started pouring.
René entered the kitchen one hand in Vienna’s. His free hand came up to his face, palm in before drawing away then down. "Merci. It smells wonderful." He gave Emma an appreciative smile.
Vienna gave Emma and the others a warm smile. “I’ll pass, but thank you anyway.”
Emma poured René a cup and passed it over before settling back against the edge of the counter, both hands curled around the warmth of the cup. In the best of days, she would have wanted milk as well but the lean time had been often enough that she could drink it straight just as easily. Who knew, she thought, that everything that's happened was just preparation for all of this.
Reuben and Kenny approached the house and gently knocked on the door. He was as prepared as possible for the journey ahead. Looking down at Kenny he said, "Well buddy ready for another grand adventure?"
Vic and Jasper were passing by the door as the knock came and she opened it with a dark grimace. "Morning, Sergeant. Looks like you two are about as ready as we are... forgive my face. Far too much blood in my caffeine stream at the moment; I was just about to head into the kitchen to fix that, Emma made coffee."
She motioned for them to step inside and then turned and headed for the kitchen, Jasper at her heels. She kept her bags close to her person, far too used to having to be on the go.
"Morning everyone," Hale said. "There's coffee if you want some but we'll need to get going soon. We're going to leave through the western gate. It hasn't been open for days now and," he pulled a key out of his pocket, "I have the key. So, we'll head out that way. There's a lesser known gun shop out that way and we'll make a stop there, see what we can find."
"Once we're out of these doors, move as quietly as you can. No talking if you can help it. Not until we're clear of the zone and stay together." Hale took a sip of coffee and sighed. "Okay, finish up and let's get going."
René finished his coffee as Hale instructed and placed his cup in the sink. He then went over to the back door and did one final check on the two backpacks he had brought from the house last night on the way back from the abandoned military headquarters/former police precinct. He hoisted the larger backpack to his shoulders and carried the smaller/lighter one back to where Vienna was sitting. "Ready sir," he said with a glance to Hale.
Vic grabbed coffee with an appreciative grin to Emma and nodded once she took the first sip. "Military Doctor approved, Emma" she said with a soft chuckle. It took her only a few moments to finish the cup and as much as she was tempted to get more she didn't take any so as to allow the others who needed it to get some. She shook her head and looked around the kitchen before looking to Hale. "Ready as I can be, Major."
Ethan was the last to come downstairs, yawning as he did so, and dropped his bag at the foot of the staircase, before entering the kitchen. He made a straight line for the coffee and whispered his thanks to Emma before settling on the floor to drink.
[Short While Later]
"Alright then," Hale said with a last look around the kitchen that held, in such a short time, so many good memories. "Let's hit the road."