Gathering (Part 2)
Posted on Fri Jan 24th, 2025 @ 6:08am by Survivor Timothy Reynolds & Survivor Timothy Cotton & Group Leader Serena Reynolds M.D. & Survivor Chloe Rouen
Edited on on Sat Jan 25th, 2025 @ 7:17am
3,205 words; about a 16 minute read
Settling In
Location: Steven's Point, WI
Timeline: MD0016 - 2:00 p.m.
The two vehicles pulled slowly into the large parking lot of the local walmart. It was empty for the most part, bar two box trailers in the rental section and Serena considered and led the way around to the back of the building. She figured it would be best to hide in the loading dock.
In the second car, TJ surveyed the parking lot it was basically deserted except for two truck trailers. He smiled inwardly as Serena led the cars around the back to the store to the loading dock. *So far, so good* He thought. Aloud he said to Josh, "Quiet." He remarked.
As soon as they entered town, Timothy had stopped talking, switching into full soldier mode. His eyes were on a swivel, as he continuously scanned for any sign of danger. As Serena pulled to the rear, he softly said, "pull around to the auto repair bays. We'd have an easier time of getting in that way, plus, we could grab any parts and tools for Edward to use."
Ethan, in the back of the truck with Serena and Timothy, also watched. Main street, or whatever they called it in Steven's Point, had a couple of blocks of stores that sat shoulder to shoulder. As they came into town, Ethan was watching too ... and what he noticed were the differences. The oddities. How materials were being stockpiled on the main road into town and the beginnings of a barricade were being built. He noticed the armed men who walked, in pairs down the street, and how the stores had outside display stands and sheets of plywood covering the glass. A section of parking lot had been dug up and the ground turned over, in preparation for planting. Clothes lines strung between the buildings on the upper levels and walkways that connected the roofs. A person could walk from one end of the main drag to the other without touching the ground. Steven's Point wasn't empty. Far from it.
TJ watched where Serena was taking them. "Looks like we're headed for the automobile bays of the store." He told Josh. "Should be easier to get in and get supplies out of."
"If they let us," Ethan said from his spot in the back seat. "With all the armed guards and all, maybe they aren't going to be so willing for us to take what we want?"
Serena pulled the Toyota into a spot which would give the back access to the loading dock and give Timothy a good look out. She looked at the two teens. "You are both with me." She said. "We will go gather things and Josh will pack with TJ and Tim stand watch."
Once the vehicles had gotten into position and stopped at the loading docks. TJ grabbed his rife and jumped out. His eyes were already looking for any signs of possible trouble.
Timothy did the same, taking up a position at the driver's side of the truck, in case the team had to run back out, he'd jump in and drive them to safety.
[Meanwhile, Inside the Store]
Bryce Finlay Mackenzie, known as "Finn" to pretty much everyone he knew, had been gathering supplies. He knew that Hale had a spread somewhere in the area but not much else. With communications down, he was having to do things the old-fashioned way. His reasoning went like this, if Hale was there, he'd say hi and ask to camp out for a few days while he figured out what came next. If Hale wasn't there, well, he could still camp out while he figured out what came next.
With a helicopter and enough fuel, he figured he could make it up to the ranch in Canada. That was remote enough to be safe. He had just set a pile of cold weather gear by the door to the loading dock when the thought struck him. The ranch meant horses which were a whole lot easier when you had to worry about gas all the time ... but ... what if ... Zombie horses? Was that a thing? Or zombie dogs? "One bridge too far," Finn muttered as he opened the door.
Serena led the two teenagers slowly into the walmart and paused. She listened. No sound. "Okay keep your heads moving, and stay close until we know the area is clear. We shall start in the food aisle and then move to the bedding section and clothes. Ethan, you can check the camping area for camping showers and such."
"Sure," Ethan said and headed to the camping aisle. The Walmart had been picked over by the locals and the camping section had not been spared. Still there were some things still there and Ethan made his way down the row, checking what was left, pulling out boxes to read, and starting to make a small stack at the beginning of the aisle.
Finn turned as he head a door open and closed the loading dock door; he moved into the store, listening, and heard a woman's voice that tugged vaguely at this memory. He checked his weapons and made his way down one of aisles, approaching her position with the stealth that was part of his military training. Did all women's voices sound the same? No. This one was ... familiar ... but ... somehow tied to the Fort. And that was weird. There were no female pilots in the Nightstalkers. He debated the best approach and decided to hope that his memory wasn't failing him. He stepped into the open, hands away from his weapons, though close enough to a shelf of canned goods that he could throw accurately enough to divert anyone's attempt to shoot at him, and said, "Hi, I ... Serena?"
She stared she had been about to all but throw Chloe and Ethan behind a shelf when she had heard the footsteps. She took a breath. "Finn?" She gasped out and then she was before him staring at him even harder. "You look like shit.. but a sight for sore eyes."
"Well yeah," Finn said running a hand through his tousled blonde hair, "end of everything and all that. Was airport hopping, trying to make my way up north and ran out of gas. Been walking since. How about you?"
"Tim and I were in Maine at the cabin and we were trying to reach a safe zone but found Hale and a group instead. We managed to get here with some cars. We," here she indicated the two teenagers. "Ethan and Chloe, are here with Tim, my brother Josh and another member of our group TJ, we are at Hale's property near by."
"Tim and Hale. Be good to see them again, even if its only to say hello. So ... need any help loading," Finn asked at once, spreading his hands. "Got two empty hands and I'm happy to help."
Serena considered. "We could use a trolley or two then you should go let Tim know you are here."
"Trolley," Finn repeated, casting about in his mind for something that could fit the bill and then it occurred to him ... shopping carts. She must mean shopping carts. "Sure thing." He found them at the front of the store, extracted two from the line and left them pushed together. It didn't take long to bring them back to where she was and separate them for ease of use. With that done, he headed back through the loading dock door and cast about for the rest of the group.
Spying Tim, he ambled over, grinning cheerfully. "Now who'd have thought," he said, "that I'd find you and Serena in the middle of nowhere."
Timothy had started to glance back when he heard the door opening. Then did a double take when he both saw, and heard the familiar person. A friendly grin spread across his face as he split his attention between Finn and the surrounding area. "Well butter my face and call me cornbread! What the hell are you doing here, Finn!?" He was very happy to see another friend had survived the collapse of the world.
"I was headed up North, back to the ranch to check on folks when I ran out of fuel ... again," Finn said. "Weird this ... walking thing," he added as he lifted one foot and then the other. "Since it will take a bit to the get the chopper filled up, I thought I'd grab some supplies and ran into Serena. And right back at you, what brings you to this forgotten corner of the universe?"
Timothy chuckled softly. "You joystick jockeys always complained when you had to hoof it anywhere. If man was meant to fly, he would've been born with wings!" He reached over and gave his friend a brotherly embrace, before resuming his watch of the area. "Well, if you talked to Rena, then you already know. We were up at our cabin in Maine. A zombie came through, and I knew we had to split." He took a breath, then continued.
"Ended up running into Hale and the group he had with him, and we've been with them ever since. We're all now up at his place right now." He paused, then continued. "If you don't have a place to go, you could come with us? Granted, the whole group will have to decide as to whether or not you get to stay." He frowned slightly. "Sorry, it's the rules we all agreed to."
"How do you know I don't have 'em," Finn said. "Anyways, no problem either way." Finn shrugged lightly. "Be good to catch up at least."
TJ watched the stranger come out of the store and walked to Captain Reynolds. he obviously knew the captain, so he stayed where he was bringing his attention back to watching the perimeter.
"I'm Bryce Mackenzie," he said to T.J. who stood slightly apart. "Finn to most everyone. I know Tim here from Fort Campbell. Gave him a ride now and again when he needed it."
Timothy looked over at T.J. and nodded. "Finn's a terrible spades player, but he's a good guy. Hauled us out of a few tight spots along the way."
TJ nodded, "TJ Cotton. Nice to meet you." He replied easily thrusting out his right hand as he did.
[Meanwhile, Inside the Store]
Chloe loaded up the shopping cart with bags of flour and rice and uncooked pasta. She grabbed bags of sugar and then several jars of spices and when Serena pointed it out, uncooked noodle packs. She also grabbed four boxes of long life milk which held 24 cartons in each box.
She then took the cart out to the loading dock.
Serena, meanwhile, filled a cart with pillows, blankets and sheets. She made sure the blankets were heavy duty and then she took the cart out to the loading dock for Josh to load before going back to get clothes for the group.
She grabbed shirts, pants, underwear and socks and jackets in all sizes as requested. She made sure to grab thermal underwear and several jumpers. Then she went to the children section and grabbed several outfits in larger sizes for PJ and infant clothes for Thea's baby. While in the baby section she found a baby carrier for Thea and stacked several boxes of reusable diapers. As painful as they were, disposables would run out sooner rather than later. She found tins of formula and stacked them on the bottom of the shopping trolley, she took as many as she could.
Ethan brought over what little he could find. "Most everything has been picked over," he said. "Did find a few heavy duty sleeping bags though so there's that."
Serena nodded. "We get whatever we can. Its getting colder at night."
Chloe came back in and Serena gave her the trolley she had and Chloe headed on out.
"Ethan grab whatever else you think you can. I grabbed as many jackets and such. Gloves, scarves, socks if you find them grab them.Oh and grab metal plates and cups if you can."
Ethan nodded and headed back to where he had been. Not much in the way of metal but there were heavy-duty plastic personal water bottles, four-person tableware sets (he found four of those). He tossed in hand-warmers and glow sticks, two camping lanterns, titanium foldable cooking implements, a 10-piece camping cookware set, and six collapsible chairs.
Serena headed into the Laundry aisle and grabbed boxes of detergent, bars of laundry soap, and then several bottles of bleach and disinfectant. She was worried that Thea would deliver early and infection was a thing and she didn't want to loose Thea or her baby. She stopped in the first aide section and emptied it of bandages and other items.
[And Outside on the Loading Dock]
Josh began packing things into the covered trailer and the 4wheel drive. Food went into the back of the 4wheel drive and the rest went into the trailer.
TJ moved to help Josh load the 4wheel drive and trailer. "How are you loading the supplies, Josh?" He asked not wanting to unintentionally mess up the man's loading plans.
Josh gave him a nod "Food in the Toyota, the rest can be put in the trailer or the truck bed. If we can find another trailer or something the more we can take."
"Alright." TJ replied simply and got to work loading the Toyota with the food that had been so far collected as every bit of the supplies they gathered would help all those at the homestead.
"Snagged a Jeep Liberty that was just sitting there, all by its lonesome," Finn said as he waved one hand in its general direction. "Put the back seats down, it can take a bit as well."
Timothy glanced back at the garage bays, then over at Finn. "Load anything automotive that you can find. Especially fluids and batteries. We gotta keep our vehicles running at least through the winter."
Finn nodded and headed back into the store and found, after a bit of hunting, the automotive section. Not being a Walmart shopper himself, he congratulated himself while snagging a cart and starting to load up. Fluids, ice scrapers, and batteries. Once the cart was loaded, well overloaded, he started pushing it toward the loading dock and stopped, dropping low, as he saw something moving out front. Not the creepazoids but real live people ... and armed. Pushing the cart and trying to stay out of eye range wasn't too hard since the store was in shadow. Once he was outside and door closed, he heaved a sigh of relief.
"Guests out front," Finn said. "Armed guests."
"Were you able to tell how many?" TJ asked hearing the news and grabbing his rifle. "Can we get everything loaded and evade them?"
"Ten or so," Finn said, "Some of the windows are boarded up so I didn't have a clear view. Got no idea whether we can evade them but I think we have to try, yeah?"
TJ nodded, "I think that is the best option to evade them if we can. Don't want to get engaged in a firefight. Perhaps we can create a diversion to cover us."
Timothy considered the situation for a moment, then shook his head. "We should try to get out of here without any notice. The more we stir the pot, the more attention we'll bring to ourselves and the camp."
"As soon as we start the engines, they will hear us," TJ pointed out. "However, they are in the front of the building so we should hopefully be able to leave before they get back here."
"Assuming they want us and not what's in the store," Finn pointed out with a slight shrug. "Make sure whoever is riding shotgun can shoot and if necessary we can return fire. But best, I think, to get out of here. Maybe go a circuitous route back to wherever you guys are."
"True but they may want we have," TJ pointed out. "Save them the trouble of getting it for themselves. As for being able to shoot. Captain Reynolds can shoot, so can I," TJ replied. "Just hope it doesn't come to that."
Finn, who didn't waste a lot of time on motivations, shrugged again. "We should go."
Chloe came out with two carts.
Josh darted over and together they loaded everything in as best they could. Josh covered the back of his truck with a tarp and straps to hold its bulging cargo down.
[Meanwhile, Inside the Store]
Serena waved Ethan out of the area. "Lets go, take your cart and head out." she called as she grabbed her last items and followed him to the back loading dock.
Ethan nodded. He'd been squatting at the end of the aisle watching the activity out front. When he caught Serena's wave, he abandoned his position and pushed his cart, squeaky wheel and all, out onto the loading dock.
[And Then, Out on the Loading Dock]
Chloe darted back to the doors but held them open for the last two of the group.
Ethan started unloading the cart, overfilled as it was, as quickly as he could. Passing things along to be loaded into the vehicles.
Serena came out with her last lot. "Whats going on?" she asked spotting the tense military men.
"There's some guys gathering out in front of the store," Ethan said, before Finn could speak up. "They're armed but they haven't touched the doors as yet."
Relieved that his wife was back out of the store, Timothy let out the breath that he hadn't realized he had beenholding. "We need to leave, NOW," he stressed quietly to the group. "I've got a bad feeling here."
"Chloe? Ethan? Come on, get in. No time to waste." TJ said quietly while shepherding them to the vehicles to get in. 'Josh, get in and get ready to move. I think once those fellows hear the engines, they will be back here in a flash. Let's make sure we aren't." he looked to Tim. "I don't want to test your bad feeling, so let's get out of here."
Ethan found a seat and hunkered down, watching, thinking. Same as ever. His mind drifted from the moment to those back at the camp and the way Alonzo had been quietly extricating himself from everyone around him. And while he was doing that, Finn hopped into the front seat of his Jeep, now crammed with goods, and waited for the caravan to get underway.
Chloe climbed in beside Ethan. She was silent. She was however holding a backpack she had filled with stuff for others, that had been left in one of the carts.
Serena finished storing the last of the items and climbed into the drivers seat of the Toyota. She looked at Tim. "Lets go."
The vechils started and they fell into line, Joshua with TJ took the front, with the Toyota and then the Jeep. They managed to keep the Walmart between them and those on the other side for long enough to get out of range.