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Plans For Going Forward (Part 2)

Posted on Tue Jul 2nd, 2024 @ 11:51pm by Survivor Timothy Reynolds & Survivor René Rouen & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Group Leader Serena Reynolds M.D. & Survivor Thea Matthews & Survivor Edward Harrison Jr

2,119 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Winter is Coming
Location: Bob's Pancake House
Timeline: 6 September 2010 - 12:45 p.m.

"To answer your question, Rene," Hale said as he leaned back in his seat, rotating a walnut piece with his fingers, "it depends. We'd have to read the situation first because not everyone who appears to be in need, actually is. And there would be a lot of questions, at least in my mind. What do they need? Can we help them and still be able to care for ourselves? Do they pose a threat to the group, especially the most vulnerable in the group? Is it a trap - because it can be. I've run into that more than once." He sighed quietly. "I want to tell you that yes, we'd do the right thing no matter what. But with things as they are, the right thing is a bit harder to define. So, you tell me, what's the right thing?"

René thought about Hale's words and even more on the question. He knew what he would have said three weeks ago, but now. He wasn't sure. The world had changed so fast. "I don't want to lose who I am in this new world." He looked uncertain. "I don't know if I can answer your question."

"We do whatever we have to do at the time" Thea glanced over at René from where she sat eating her food. "It all depends on what we're facing and where."

Vienna nodded. "We're in uncharted territory so-to-speak."

"Unchartered Yes," Serena said softly "But it does not mean we cannot put plans in place. I raided that pharmacy pretty well, but until we can get somewhere safe enough I cannot do a full stock take. And looking at what everyone has on them here, we are going to need to get more. But closer to our destination so we do not need to carry it so far. I will make a list. Do we have radios at all?"

René shook his head. "Father Dominic had two wireless transceiver units and we used those for the trip from Millinocket to Bangor. He took them back when we arrived before returning to his Congregation."

"I think we start," Hale said, "by assigning jobs. Getting weapons. For example, let's take Rene's thought about helping someone in need. First thing I would want is that the more vulnerable members of the group are protected in that scenario. We don't rush in, all of us, because there's a need to help without checking out the situation first. Pregnant women don't belong in a combat situation nor do ten-month-old babies."

"Sorry could not find a babysitter" the Doctor quipped not looking up form her writing of a list of things.

Hale smiled, chuckling slightly, and said, "that's kind of what I'm talking about. Protection for P.J. and Thea's child. Away from the action whatever it is."

Timothy heard the tone in his wife's voice and knew she probably would not like what he said next. "On the topic of those who don't need to be in the middle of danger, that includes you as well, Serena. Until we get things as settled as possible, you are our only full doctor. Hale and I have some combat Lifesaver courses under our belts, but nothing as comprehensive as what you know. So, that being said, of all of us here, right now, the ones who will require the most protection," he looked over at the teens and shook his head sadly. "Sorry guys. Not you. Serena, our son, Thea and her unborn child are the most important ones here right now. René, you get a pass, only until you're healed and Serena, as the community's chief medical officer, feels you are strong enough to get to work." He looked over at Hale, to get his support and take on this.

"Agreed," Hale said. "Though the jobs everyone's given will be based on what they do best. Ethan, for example, ran track in school and he's fast. Vienna says she's good with a bow so, she'd maintain some distance, secondary sniper, if you will." His gaze tracked to Serena and Thea. "Serena, as our doctor, you'll never be front line but Thea, once the baby is born and you've recovered, we'll figure out what your particular skills are as well."

Serena had narrowed her gaze at her husband but she gave the conversation a shrug. "I am bad with guns anyway."

"You could think of yourself," Hale said, "As the last line of protection. If we fail, if something is coming at you or worse, the children, it'll be up to you to defend them. You get that, right?"

Serena's gaze met Hales and she merely nodded. She was not going to take her anger at Tim out on others.

René looked at Hale and Tim in turn. "What of me? I would say I am one of the best in this group with a short blade and with a sword...I would say I am the best. I have hunted with a rifle and shotgun. Admittedly, I have never even held a pistol, but I am eager to learn if it means protecting this group."

Timothy looked at the young man and grinned. "While I'm sure Hale or myself could hold our own against you in a knife fight, I don't doubt that you are better with a sword than I am." He looked over at Hale and pondered aloud, "Perhaps, he would be better suited as the inner circle defense, where his close quarter weapon skills would be better suited?"

"Agreed," Hale said. "Maybe some drills to help you coordinate in close-combat and get us all used to fighting together." Hale turned his attention to the rest of the group. "As for bringing new people into the group, I had a thought or two on that. What if, they're allowed limited access. We spend some time with them, a week, a month, and then, three people from our group agree to speak for them to the whole group. That means we have a chance to get to know the newcomer(s), decide whether they're a help or a threat, and the newcomer(s) have to gain the support of three separate individuals, not family members, in order to become a full member of the group."

“It sounds like a good idea to me” Vienna offered a smile. “There’s bound to be times when we’ll come across people who are more interested in what they can get from us, rather than caring about being part of a group.

Thea nodded. “Agreed. Actually I haven’t had chance to say thank you for taking me in, I wasn’t sure at first but being part of this group is safer in the long run. I’ll do whatever I can to help.” She looked around. “Has anyone seen Reuben?”

"He said he needed some time on his own," Hale said as reached forward to grab a handful of walnuts. "If there are no objections to any of that, then the next thing would be a chain of command."

Serena this time looked up slowly and said "We could go as a committee but I doubt that would work long term."

Edward spoke up at this point. "Why not have a leading group of three? One a soldier and the other two not? That way..." he seemed to trail off as if he had lost his train of thought.

René looked at Serena and Ed for a moment before looking at Hale. "Some of you know that Monsieur Stratton and I have not always agreed, but he has been our leader from the beginning and has put the welfare of this group as his first priority. My grand-pere would say that this group is not big enough to warrant more than one leader at this time."

"No one said he was not doing a bad job. We were asked for our opinions" Came Serena's reply, this time her voice had cooled.

"Government, once we're settled, I think that's what you're talking about. And honestly, the committee, a council if you will, isn't a bad idea. It's a good one. But first, we have to get there," Hale said. "And that can't be done by committee. If you're all agreeable, I will take lead and Tim here will take second in command."

Vienna offered a nod of agreement. “I’m happy with that, to be honest I’ve gotten used to the way things have been so far. Right now we need the security of leadership, especially in terms of keeping this group together.”

“I’m new here so I’ll go with the consensus” Thea offered a warm smile.

Serena glanced at Thea and made a mental note to ask her some questions about her pregnancy.

Tim looked over at Hale and nodded his acceptance of joint command. "When we do finally move out, Hale, you should be in the lead vehicle. Serena and I will pull up the rear in our truck."

"We should put together a shopping list, things we'll need for the trip like weapons, ammunition, some way to communicate between vehicles, food, gas, and the like. I'd also like to have a map in every vehicle so that we all know the way to where my land is. Now, is someone willing to take on logistics? That means you keep track of what we have, what else we need, and let me and Tim know when things run out or there's a need we don't know about."

Serena spoke. "I have started on a list of needs, some can wait until we get closer, but its September and lets be honest, Wisconsin, snow can start within the next few weeks, so we will need to look into warmer clothing."

"Really good thought," Hale said. "And welcome to the Logistics Committee. Ed, would you like to be in charge of that? Serena's main focus will be on medical stuff and of course P.J. I'm thinking the two of you can divide the list into parts -- what we will need once we're there, most urgent, less urgent, etc. and what we'll need en route. More than the list, Ed, you will be helping to track this stuff down."

René, having listened to the conversation thus far and remembering Serena's comment earlier, spoke up. "I would like to suggest getting wireless and not just hand held ones. We should try and find ones for each of the vehicles too."

The big man nodded confidently. "I've got nearly all the tools necessary to break down scrap vehicles for parts. If we can find a cargo truck, we could use it as mobile parts storage."

"Good idea," Hale said. He gestured toward Ethan. "When we try to scrounge parts, materials, we'll all have a job. Some of us will clear the building, take care of the should-be-dead and the like. You will go in, with your list, and some help to gather parts. I'm thinking you can start with Ethan, he's smart and he's fast. He'll be useful, I think. Won't be forever, because I've got some ideas for him long-term, but for now, he'll be on your team."

“There are plenty of supplies at my family’s hunting lodge” Vienna looked towards Hale. “My dad had a bunker in case of bad winters, there’s food supplies, weaponry, suitable cold weather clothing that some of you could use.” She paused her smile fading. “It’s not like we’re going to be needing it anymore. I think there might be one or two bits and pieces of baby supplies too, leftovers from when I was young. My mum kept them.”

Thea didn’t know much about anyone here, but she knew loss when she saw it, offering Vienna a comforting smile. “That’s very kind of you.”

"Where exactly is your father's hunting lodge," Hale asked Vienna. "I know you've been wanting to go there for some time now. But in the end, we have to balance what we can get on how much it'll cost to get there. Right now, a key factor is going to be gas. If we run out, that means leaving vehicles behind."

“It’s just outside Augusta, Maine.” Vienna sighed. “Given current conditions probably an impossible journey.”

"I think we can do it," Hale said. "Augusta might be a good place to do some 'shopping' while we're in the area."

Serena calmly wrote names on a piece of paper and then handed it around. "Sizes, everyone. Keep in mind that some of you are not fully grown so larger sizes is better, and layers will be good in different weather."


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