Plans For Going Forward
Posted on Sat Jun 29th, 2024 @ 4:11pm by Survivor Alonzo Blazevic & Survivor Timothy Reynolds & Survivor René Rouen & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Group Leader Serena Reynolds M.D. & Survivor Thea Matthews & Survivor Edward Harrison Jr
3,334 words; about a 17 minute read
Winter is Coming
Location: Pancake House
Timeline: 6 September 2010 - 12:01 p.m.
[Main Dining Room, Bob's Pancake House]
Serena managed to dig out two loaves bread which was pretty fresh and a number of condiments. She piled them up on a tray and carried them out to the eating area. “Hey!” she called to the teenagers as she balanced the tray in one hand. “Come grab this please!”
Ethan, the only teenager present who wasn't draped all over Rene, walked over to Serena. "I'm Ethan," he said as he accepted the tray and carried it over to the tables. That's what he had been doing. Shoving tables together and rearranging chairs so that there was enough seating for everyone. He took the time to pull things off the trap and arrange them down the center of the table before bringing the tray back to where she was working. "Tables are all shoved together. And I found one of those ... what do you call 'em ... high chairs? Need anything else," he asked Serena.
Serena thanked Ethan gratefully as she placed PJ in the high chair. "No thank you Ethan, if you lot can start making stuff for people to eat and get some food into yourselves it would be great. I found some canned spaghetti so I will bring it out as well.
"Yes, ma'am," Ethan said though he didn't bother asking the rest of the lot. It had been clear, almost painfully so, that there was divide between him and the others. One he hadn't tried to breach. Some gaps were just more than a person could manage on their own. So, instead, he got to work. He picked out the best parts of the vegetables and threw together a salad because that was the one thing his mother had trusted him with in the kitchen. He found a couple of unopened bottles of dressing and grouped those around the salad. There were industrial size containers of peanut butter and jelly, so Ethan dumped some of each into bowls that he grouped and placed at several points on the table along with stacks of bread that miraculously hadn't gone moldy. He had a giant bag of walnuts as well so he added some to the salad and the rest went into bowls on the table. Not exciting fare but, as they say, better than nothing.
There were many, many tepid bottles of water sitting in clusters on the table as well as a few bottles of equally warm soda for those brave enough to try it. And a bowl of fruit, the kind that would have been chopped up and dumped into things he presumed, bananas and apples mostly.
"I'll be back" Vienna smiled at René. "I'll go see if I can help Ethan. " She walked over offering an apologetic smile. "What can I do to help?"
"All done," Ethan said as he gestured toward the table. "Thanks for the offer though."
[Short While Later]
After they finished speaking up on the roof, Timothy suggested that the three of them head back downstairs and, as a whole group, they all decide on how the group should continue as one organism against the rest of the world.
Tables had been pushed together and a spread of food laid out down the center. For the first time in a while, Hale found a seat away from Alonzo and reached for a bottle of water. Even tepid water sounded good about now.
When the three men entered the dining area, Tim saw all the hard work that had been done. Though it wasn't much, it did bring a small smile to his face. He looked over at the kitchen, when he heard his wife's voice, but stopped when their eyes connected. Knowing her as well as he did, he knew she was still angry with him. As before, he knew that now was not the time to discuss it. So instead, he went and sat next to their son, who was currently sitting in a high chair that had been found. Leaning in, he kissed the top of Patrick's head tenderly, before sitting down on his right, holding his chubby little hand in his fingers.
"Once everyone gets something to eat, we need to discuss things, as a group," Timothy said aloud, looking at everyone assembled.
Alonzo tried to navigate the underneath obstacles of the tables with it's leg, seeking out Hale's but unable to properly locate his target. He looked at Hale who had reached for water. All Alonzo wanted was just time, time alone with Hale.
Being already seated, there was little he could do about Alonzo's proximity. But then again, you didn't last long in the military if you didn't figure out how to live with just about anyone. He didn't welcome the man's nearness at the moment but he didn't run away either. "Why don't you give us a run down of what you had in mind," Hale said as he nodded toward Tim.
Serena sat beside Tim with PJ in his high Chair. PJ was not hungry, choosing to look around while he hugged the teddy bear in his arms.
Timothy nodded, then took in a breath, before beginning. "Okay, first off, I'm not going to state the obvious as we all know the current score. What I am going to do, is tell you what my thinking is, concerning how we move forward." He shook his head slightly as he spoke. "I'm not claiming leadership over the group, that is one of the things we all, teens included, will need to discuss. The old rules, most of them anyway, are now in the trash. Right here, all of us sitting at this table, are the new community. Anyone that comes after is an outsider."
"Outsiders are dangerous and are not to be trusted. At least, not at first. Should we, as the group, decide to allow an outsider in, then they will need to prove their loyalty, to this community and only this community." He paused to take a breath, then continued. "Even any family that we have out there. If they survived, like we did, then they are probably making similar plans. Though, they will probably be with others that we would not want to join our community. Those family members. If they wish to join, should be on a case-by-case basis. Regardless of who they are." He looked at the teens when he finished that part.
"I know it sucks to hear, and I hope that, if we find your parents, they will want yo be a part of this group. However, believe me when I tell you...survival changes people. Changes them in ways that are very surprising." Looking back around the room, he continued. "In the meantime, everyone needs to learn how to defend themselves, from both the living and the not so living. Hale and I have extensive training in this area, so we can help you. Of course, we are not expecting you to become killers, like we had to become, on the battlefields, only that you can protect yourselves against the dangers that are outside that door." He looked around again, then nodded slowly. "The floor is open, please feel free to say anything."
Hale waited, reserving his own opinions until he'd heard more of how the group felt. He thought though that Tim had made a good beginning.
Serena listened and calmly replied "All well and good. But we need a plan, we cannot keep just driving around without a destination in mind and we all have to agree."
"I own forty acres in Wisconsin," Hale said. "Off-grid. Very remote. In a good year, I might see my neighbours, Mr. and Mrs. Richmond, who have a spread near mine but not much else. Too out of the way for anyone, even the ones that get lost easily." He subsided into silence again. Facts, he reckoned, were important to share. Opinions, they came later.
René gave Tim a sad look, not just on his behalf, but on behalf of both Vienna and Ethan. "Finding our families is not an issue Monsieur. Ethan and Vienna lost their parents recently. Vienna has an older brother in New York City family is in France." He paused and wondered if he should tell the group about the dead addict in the pharmacy. "One more thing." He turned to Hale. "I found a dead man in the pharmacy with a needle still in his arm. I saw no indication he had been attacked by one of the Soulless. He was warm so I gathered he died recently. He reanimated and followed me back to the store room. I...dispatched him, but if this virus is transmitted by a bite or scratch...." He let his voice trail off.
Tim nodded to Hale, remembering seeing pictures of tge land in question. If they could reach it, and before winter really set in, they might just have a true starting off point. When he heard René speak about the junkie, he frowned slightly. "Maybe he contacted the virus somehow else. If he was a junkie, could've been from a shared needle." He took in a breath, then let it out slowly. As for my years in the Army, I learned an important lesson. Family is more than just blood. It's who you turn to when you need help, who you help when it's needed, who you stand shoulder to shoulder with against the rest of the world. The men I served with were my brothers. Hale hete, is my brother, and I trust him with my life. If we are going to survive, and God willing, thrive, then we need to become a family as well. It is now us....against the world." He paused to look at his wife and son, then at Hale, before sighing softly and addressing the group again.
"One more thing. For this to work, for all of us to survive and trust each other, we have to do one important thing. No secrets among us." He paused, then continued. "That being said, up on the roof, before Alonzo joined us, I told Hale that I would stand with him, to help keep us all safe. However, I also told him that my wife and my son are everything to me. If, at any time, Serena or i feel that our family is no longer safe with the group, we will leave." He shook his head slowly. "I hope it never comes to that. I truly believe that we are stronger, together."
Alonzo cleared his throat. "You have your family. I understand that. They mean everything to you. I have family here too. So, while I'll do everything for this community, I won't hesitate to protect Ethan" he said. Or Hale he thought privately.
Timothy nodded to the reporter. Though he didn't know the full story, he could respect the man for being protective of the teen. He then looked back around the table. "Anyone have anything else they'd like to add? Please, speak if you do, regardless of what it is."
"If we need supplies, how will that work?" Serena asked looking at Hale and ignoring her husband.
"I grew up off-grid, so I know a lot about homesteading. There's a well that's been dug and solar collectors. It's heavily forested, so that's a not problem and there is game ... rabbits, deer, and the like. There's a greenhouse, but I was never there long enough to grow anything, so my neighbours used it in return for a share of their canned goods. We can always reciprocate -- give them a share of ours. So, let's see. That's water, game, possibility of vegetables. And I'm pretty sure we could work out a trade for chickens. Maybe cut firewood for them. Like that. Oh, and there's small town that's on the way to my land. I bought pre-cut lumber there when I built my cabin and the storage shed, so we'd be able to load up and use that for building." He smiled at Serena. "It's good land and I do think it could support us. There's even a river running through it."
"Well," Edward spoke up. "I'd like to go. But, when we get there, how do we keep the zombies out?"
Timothy looked over at the big man. "We would have to build a wall. One strong enough to keep out any threats."
Edward nodded and smiled. "I'm good at building things!"
"I got pretty good at stealing cars when I was younger without the keys," Alonzo added. "My dad was a mechanic" And an abusive alcoholic he thought as he gave some more insight. "If we need wheels, I can get something running with time and parts."
"And," Hale asked, "when folks want to join? I'm thinking we have to have a way to vet them. Figure out whether they're worth taking in or not."
"Do they have coffee?" teased Alonzo.
"Oh good catch," Hale said. "We got to strip Bob of his coffee supply before we go. And I mean that but ... I don't think the physical things they can offer are a good reason to take them in, no matter how tempting that might be."
"They need to be good people!" Edward stated excitedly and innocently.
René had listened attentively despite the pain in his thigh. "I...understand the need for caution." He glanced at Vienna and then to the Reynolds family. "And that we all have our priorities." He finally looked to Hale. "I want to know if we will do the right thing when we come across those in need?"
Serena watched the youth's face and calmly stood up and walked to where Tim had left her medical bag. She had some advil in there. Until they got to a place where she could sort out their take from the Pharmacy, it would have to do. She placed the small packet beside Rene's plate. "Take these" She said softly. And then with other things on her mind she went to the counter and picked up a pad of paper and a pencil then came back to the table and sat down. She began to write.
René nodded, an expression of gratitude on his face as he opened the packet and took the offered pills with a sip from his water bottle. "Merci Doctor Reynolds."
"To answer your question, Rene," Hale said as he leaned back in his seat, rotating a walnut piece with his fingers, "it depends. We'd have to read the situation first because not everyone who appears to be in need, actually is. And there would be a lot of questions, at least in my mind. What do they need? Can we help them and still be able to care for ourselves? Do they pose a threat to the group, especially the most vulnerable in the group? Is it a trap - because it can be. I've run into that more than once." He sighed quietly. "I want to tell you that yes, we'd do the right thing no matter what. But with things as they are, the right thing is a bit harder to define. So, you tell me, what's the right thing?"
René thought about Hale's words and even more on the question. He knew what he would have said three weeks ago, but now. He wasn't sure. The world had changed so fast. "I don't want to lose who I am in this new world." He looked uncertain. "I don't know if I can answer your question."
"We do whatever we have to do at the time" Thea glanced over at René from where she sat eating her food. "It all depends on what we're facing and where."
Vienna nodded. "We're in uncharted territory so-to-speak."
"Unchartered Yes," Serena said softly "But it does not mean we cannot put plans in place. I raided that pharmacy pretty well, but until we can get somewhere safe enough I cannot do a full stock take. And looking at what everyone has on them here, we are going to need to get more. But closer to our destination so we do not need to carry it so far. I will make a list. Do we have radios at all?"
René shook his head. "Father Dominic had two wireless transceiver units and we used those for the trip from Millinocket to Bangor. He took them back when we arrived before returning to his Congregation."
"I think we start," Hale said, "by assigning jobs. Getting weapons. For example, let's take Rene's thought about helping someone in need. First thing I would want is that the more vulnerable members of the group are protected in that scenario. We don't rush in, all of us, because there's a need to help without checking out the situation first. Pregnant women don't belong in a combat situation nor do ten-month-old babies."
"Sorry could not find a babysitter" the Doctor quipped not looking up form her writing of a list of things.
Hale smiled, chuckling slightly, and said, "that's kind of what I'm talking about. Protection for P.J. and Thea's child. Away from the action whatever it is."
Timothy heard the tone in his wife's voice and knew she probably would not like what he said next. "On the topic of those who don't need to be in the middle of danger, that includes you as well, Serena. Until we get things as settled as possible, you are our only full doctor. Hale and I have some combat Lifesaver courses under our belts, but nothing as comprehensive as what you know. So, that being said, of all of us here, right now, the ones who will require the most protection," he looked over at the teens and shook his head sadly. "Sorry guys. Not you. Serena, our son, Thea and her unborn child are the most important ones here right now. René, you get a pass, only until you're healed and Serena, as the community's chief medical officer, feels you are strong enough to get to work." He looked over at Hale, to get his support and take on this.
"Agreed," Hale said. "Though the jobs everyone's given will be based on what they do best. Ethan, for example, ran track in school and he's fast. Vienna says she's good with a bow so, she'd maintain some distance, secondary sniper, if you will." His gaze tracked to Serena and Thea. "Serena, as our doctor, you'll never be front line but Thea, once the baby is born and you've recovered, we'll figure out what your particular skills are as well."
Serena had narrowed her gaze at her husband but she gave the conversation a shrug. "I am bad with guns anyway."
"You could think of yourself," Hale said, "As the last line of protection. If we fail, if something is coming at you or worse, the children, it'll be up to you to defend them. You get that, right?"
Serena's gaze met Hales and she merely nodded. She was not going to take her anger at Tim out on others.
René looked at Hale and Tim in turn. "What of me? I would say I am one of the best in this group with a short blade and with a sword...I would say I am the best. I have hunted with a rifle and shotgun. Admittedly, I have never even held a pistol, but I am eager to learn if it means protecting this group."
Timothy looked at the young man and grinned. "While I'm sure Hale or myself could hold our own against you in a knife fight, I don't doubt that you are better with a sword than I am." He looked over at Hale and pondered aloud, "Perhaps, he would be better suited as the inner circle defense, where his close quarter weapon skills would be better suited?"
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