Meanwhile Back at the Homestead
Posted on Mon Nov 18th, 2024 @ 10:51pm by Survivor Alonzo Blazevic & Survivor René Rouen & Survivor Calista Sutton & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor Reuben Baptiste & Survivor Ragnar Jørgensen & Group Leader Serena Reynolds M.D. & Survivor Thea Matthews & Survivor Chloe Rouen & Survivor Kimberley Hathaway & Survivor Joshua MacCallan
2,789 words; about a 14 minute read
Settling In
Location: Campfire on Hale's Homestead, WI
Timeline: September 15, 2010 - 06:00 p.m.
Josh finished moving the remaining vehicles into a barrier around the cabin and barn area. He came back across to his sister who was digging a deep pit near the middle of the cleared ground. He took the shovel from her. “Serena..” he began.
“Don’t” she said softly. “I need to keep busy.” She said. She had placed PJ on a rug off to the side.
Josh looked towards Kimberly and Lydia who were with Thea at the cooking area. “You could help them”
Serena smiled at that. “They are wonderful. All these people are great and no one is throwing tantrums about the situation.”
Josh began digging again. “Make it a trough.” Serena suggested. “We can lay a long fire, expand the warmth.”
The nights were getting colder and now they were further north, winter would be hitting them sooner than normal.
Josh nodded and together they finished the pit, which was 6 foot long and two foot wide as well as three feet deep. Then they laid firewood in preparation for the night time.
Serena picked up PJ who had fallen asleep and placed him on the backseat of the Blazer which she had converted to a small bed for him.
Josh watched his sister and bit his lip then said “I will get more wood.”
Serena nodded, wound down the windows so PJ would have air and closed the door gently. “I will go around and get some information from everyone.” She dug out a notebook she had picked up at one of their salvage stops. She moved to the first group.
Stopping at the cooking group she said softly “Hmm that smells great” to the people there. She wrote down names. “I just need information from you all, I do not want you all stuck with the cooking all the time, its not fair, things need to be shared. So if you can tell me what you would like to learn how to do, or know how to do, it would be great, and also if you have items you need for us to look for when we send out groups for supplies.”
Chloé looked up from her stiring. "I am not sure what else i can do. I do not have many skills. I can ride horses though. And I do not have clothing for really cold weather."
Thea paused what she was doing to answer Serena’s question. “I already know how to cook, plus I’m a qualified nurse. What I would like to learn is more survival techniques, and learn what plants and vegetation are safe to eat. As for supplies, I already managed to get hold of the vitamins I needed so I think I’m okay for now.”
Kimberly nodded. "I can cook, sew. I have raised two boys to near adulthood so, I am fine with childcare duties as well."
Serena nodded and made notes from their words. She asked them their clothing sizes, noted those as well and then said. "I Think we will do a schedule for cooking and such."
Thea nodded. “That sounds like a great idea Serena. I can help set that up, you have enough to do.”
With a smile, Serena moved on to the next group, heading to the greenhouse.
She smiled as she came up to Calista, Ethan and Lydia. "Hi, how is it going in here?"
"Doing good," Calista answered, quietly. She was still not quite herself after everything that had gone down. "I was able to find a couple packets of herbs that we can get planted and started. It'll help throughout the winter, as they grow quickly and self replenish. If we are still here at spring, we can look branching out. It'd be nice if we could get some wintering vegetables started outside and buried before the frosts start to hit." It was coming into harvest season soon, so if they were lucky they might be able to salvage some seeds from the neighboring farms, and if abandoned, harvest the farms themselves. "Something to think about, is if the neighboring farms are abandoned like what we had found in Maine, we might be able to harvest the fields. It'll help hold us throughout the cold, snowy months and allow for bargaining with other people in the area. The seed vault we found, well recovered, we can look into too..."
Serena nodded. "Maybe when we get supplies we can expand the boundary and make it easier for us to get to them." She made notes. "I am making a list of what we need, and I think we need a schedule for things, so we are not having the same person doing the same thing day by day."
"That sounds like a good idea," Calista replied. "Rotating the horrible assignments is what I used to do with my engineers. I would make sure that if no one volunteered for the crap shifts that people got to rotate in and out of them to make sure that it was fair enough for everyone."
at the Barn
Reuben was in the barn organizing the ammo well away from the fuel caddy corner from each other. He had swept the chosen spots then made the tactical decision of ammo near the front and the fuel in the rear. He was deep in thought wondering what had triggered his PTSD and what to tell Thea about himself, he was shocked that he was finding her attractive and wanted to do anything he could to please her. He thought he should ask Hale if he, Kenny and his sister could sleep in the barn, as a security detail on site. He smiled at the thought of making CeeCee stay in the barn, not that she wouldn't mind, but she would complain anyways. Kenny lay by the barn doors watching his human, ready to intervene should the need arise.
Ragnar was in between the barn and the cooking area, working on clearing plant growth from an area wide enough that could be turned into a forge. He was just about to head over to the barn and look for a shovel so that he could dig down and hopefully find some clay to construct the forge itself but he had gotten stuck on a rather troublesome set of brush with stubborn roots.
Reuben had worked up a decent sweat and his face was marred with sweat and dust rivulets. He smiled as he thought about Thea again going to have to make a trip down to the river Hale said was on his property and wash myself and clothes, wouldn’t want Thea thinking I am an uncuff heathen. He startled himself with such a thought, he shook his head, he was acting like a teenage boy ramped up on hormones whenever he thought of her. He sighed as he struggled with his feelings. Hell, if CeeCee knew how flustered that he was right now as he was thinking of Thea, she would be teasing him mercilessly. He smiled, oh well he would make her stand first watch while he snuck away to clean his clothes and himself properly.
The Cabin
Vienna had been looking around, it was obvious Thea would need to bed down indoors where it would be warmer and more comfortable for her. Vienna didn’t mind sleeping in a tent, she was used to roughing it as it was something she had done with her family many times when growing up. Camping trips were always fun, not that they were on a camping trip now.
Ethan, towing in his meager belongings as well Hale's and Alonzo's, noticed Vienna looking around and stopped. "Can I help you," he asked politely.
“Ohh Sorry” Vienna smiled warmly. “I was just looking around running sleeping arrangements through my head. I was just thinking I don’t mind being in a tent if it means our expectant mother gets a warm room indoors.”
"I think Reuben has Thea set up in the barn," Ethan said. "And Hale talked about getting wood-burning stoves for the tents if he could." As he spoke he dropped his gear onto the bed that inhabited one corner of the cabin's main floor. The other bed, a king-size, was up in the loft and that would be for Hale and Alonzo. "That and a cot should make it warm enough until the cabins are ready."
Vienna nodded. “Sounds good to me, tents can be as good as any other shelter with the right equipment. At least here we don’t have to worry about the undead walkers surprising us.”
"Be nice," Ethan said, his voice going soft, "not to have to worry about the not-dead-enough for a night at least. Can't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep."
“Yeah I know how that is” Vienna nodded. “I still can’t get what happened to my parents out of my mind.” She sighed. “We all need time.”
"Same here," Ethan answered. "I saw mine being ... you know ... eaten? And the cops thought I'd done it which is how I ended up on that school trip. Seems like a lifetime ago now..." His voice trailed off as memories took him back to the long ago living room, the end of his childhood, of the life he would have had.
Vienna nodded. “My dad he...took his own life. My mum...she turned.” She hung her head for a moment before gathering her emotions. “At least I still have my brother Roman.”
"Don't have anyone," Ethan said. He visibly straightened, almost squaring his shoulders, "so I'm taking it as it comes. Living with strangers ... well, that's been educational."
“You don’t have anyone?” Vienna suddenly felt very guilty about feeling sorry for herself. “Well you do now.” She offered a warmer smile. “You are a part of this ever growing family, we might all be strangers, we’ll some of us anyway, but all we have now is each other.”
"Hope so," Ethan answered. "It's just been so much, you know? One day, I'm worried about that book report I have to write and the next, the whole world is falling a part and there's nothing left of my former life. Not even a change of clothes or a photograph."
“I’m sorry” Vienna offered a comforting smile. “I was lucky my home was close by, that and my dad’s cabin. I guess it’s just a case of making new memories now, hopefully good ones.”
"True," Ethan said, "well that and talking to Serena about getting a supply of clothes." He looked around the cabin that would be his home, at least through the winter, and couldn't help but think how much better things had gotten since that dreadful morning. And how different is life was turning out to be from anything he could have imagined a month ago. "I'm planning on signing up for the construction crew - but then, I'm guessing everyone is going to be pulled in until we have enough cabins to go around."
Vienna nodded. “I would think so, I’m happy to help out however I can.”
"Come on," Ethan said. "Let's get back to the others. I think we're clearing a spot where the tents can be put up."
Vienna nodded. “Good idea. Let’s go.” She smiled warmly.
The Barn
Reuben was still lost in his feelings toward Thea, imagining what a life, especially in this new world setting, would be like. He was already getting a fiercely protective towards her and her unborn child; he already knew deep down he would willing give his life for her and her child. He still was not sure why though. He was in automatic mode already determine where and how he and CeeCee would sleep in the barn, he hoped she would gather a couple of hammocks or cots. Trying desperately to get Thea out of his thoughts.
Serena came over with her clipboard. "Hi Reuben." She said with a smile. "I am just checking if you have anything you need."
Reuben, who was lost in thought and his task, never heard Serena approach. Kenny, however, seen her approach and quickly jumped up, interceding himself between the two. Upon hearing Serena, Reuben looked up in a startled and sheepish manner. He smiled at Serena, having caught the gist of her question towards him. He thought carefully then replied "Winter clothing, bowstring, snare wire, some fishing line and hooks, plus some tin sheeting to increase the effectiveness of the heat given by the fire pit in the barn. It will help keep it warmer. I am sure there will be more, especially when my sister, Catalina comes back. I am also thinking we are going to need warm baby clothing and such for Thea's baby. Also be good to see if we could scrounge up baby formula and such. I am not an expert on babies or children so I figure I would just through it out there for consideration." Kenny gently brushed up against Reuben, who automatically reached down and scratched his ear. "Oh, one more thing, if possible an outdoor tub or shower, heck I'll take a good old aluminum horse trough. We are going to need to be concerned about hygiene, including latrine's. A few empty fifty gallon drums cut in half and some wood we can build military latrine's."
Serena made notes. "I will see what i can do for you. It may take a bit of time though."
René and Henri had picked out a level patch of ground to set up the tents. They had retrieved several rakes from the shed and were clearing bits of debris from the area so people wouldn't have to sleep on a rock or sharp piece of wood. René would occasionally take a knee and use his knife to dig out a larger stone embedded in the ground and carry it out of the tent area. Henri would continue raking and it was during one of these moments when Serena appeared with her clipboard and pencil in hand. Henri paused as she walked up. "Bonjour Doctor Reynolds."
Serena smiled. "Good Morning Sir" She was polite. "I am compiling a list of things that people need."
Henri smiled back at Serena. "Some warmer clothes for myself and Chloé perhaps. The nights are growing chilly as Fall and Winter approaches. Possibly a good bottle of wine."
Serena nodded. "The clothes should be easy enough, I have an idea where to get them from, but the wine.. well I will look into it for you."
René returned from one of his rock dumps. "Greetings Madam Reynolds."
"René " Serena smiled. "Do you have any additional things to add to my list?"
René nodded. "Perhaps some thermal underwear or under armor garments. Both if you can pull it off."
Henri nodded. "Merci Doctor Reynolds." He turned to René. "We should get back to our work."
Serena nodded and headed off.
There was a lot to do, but Alonzo had found himself a nice spot outside where he could just enjoy the feeling of September with his back pressed up against a tree as he held a pencil in his hand and wrote, putting the Ticonderoga pencil to his journal where he chronicled his whole experience which had in turn, evolved into documenting everyone's experience through his eyes. The journal was filled with pages upon pages of interesting stories, of their adventures as a group, but of course an occasional sketch or doodle here and there.
He and Hale were getting along fine, but Alonzo had definitely tried to give the man more space lately especially with how close they physically were at times. The little trio of Hale, Ethan, and him had started to feel more than an illusion of family. It was becoming tangible, plausible, something he could have. At least for as long as they all remained together and could stay alive. A big if Alonzo often had to remind himself. For him, it was not a matter of what he would do if either of them were to fall victim to whatever caused the living to become the creatures.
Alonzo would be broken. Alonzo would not have the strength nor will to carry on, and that was more terrifying to him than the thought of he himself being the one to turn into one of those things. He had people he could not see himself without, no plan if something where to happen to either of them, and crippled by the hypotheticals that were all too real of a possibility.