Campfire Meeting
Posted on Sun Nov 3rd, 2024 @ 8:00pm by Survivor Alonzo Blazevic & Survivor René Rouen & Survivor Calista Sutton & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor Reuben Baptiste & Survivor Timothy Reynolds & Survivor Timothy Cotton & Survivor Keola Malia & Group Leader Serena Reynolds M.D. & Survivor Kelly Cardona
2,411 words; about a 12 minute read
The Road Ahead
Location: Campfire on Hale's Homestead, WI
Timeline: September 15, 2010 - 10:00 p.m.
The tents were up, firewood available to the small wood-burners in the tents, and everyone's sleeping assignments sorted, the group sat around the campfire finishing up the meal the ones who'd stayed behind had provided. Hale cleared his throat, between sips of coffee, and spoke. "Many of you have come to me about long-range plans and how we're going to get organized. If you don't mind staying up a bit longer, I want to lay out for you how it's going to work."
TJ sat beside Kelly and listened attentively as Hale got ready to outline his plan for the group. His hand found hers and he squeezed it softly. They were members of this community, and they were going to help it succeed.
"Here's how I see it," Hale said. He cradled his mug between his hands, staring into its depths for a moment, as he organized his thoughts. "I'm establishing committees, or teams if you will, with each one being led by someone who has expertise or the willingness to learn. Leaders of each team will form a council that will oversee the workings of the community and all of that comes under myself as the Leader and Tim as my Second."
"For example, Henri," Hale nodded in the direction of Rene's father, "has experience in farming so he'll head the agriculture committee. Serena, as the most experienced physician we have, will head Medical. Anyone here have experience in construction?"
"I worked with my uncle during the summers and holidays as a kid," Keola said, cradling a mug in his hands, the warmth comforting him more than the actual temperature suggested. "He owned a business and handled various construction projects across Hawaii. I worked with him for around five years on and off before enlisting in the marines."
Edward raised his hand eagerly. "I helped my dad build both our house and his shop when I was in high school, Major Hale. Although, I'm better with engines and vehicles, than I am with carpentry, Sir."
"Good," Hale said to Keola and then turning, smiled at Edward. "You can certainly help Keola but Edward, I had in mind for you to take over Maintenance. Vehicle repairs, maybe work on equipment. How would that be?"
Edward sat up a bit straighter. "I won't let you down, Major Hale, Sir!"
"I know you won't," Hale said. From the side, Lydia looked over at Edward and found herself smiling. There was something about the big man that drew her in, his honesty, his strength, his gentleness. And while he'd never given her even a glance, she found herself happy that he would have this position. He deserved it. Here, she thought, was something she could do. After all, she'd been doing maintenance on the van for awhile now. And here was a chance to learn more.
"Cool," Keola replied, nodding as he swept his hair over his shoulders. This gesture unveiled a mischievous yet kind face, one that had witnessed much in life, yet still retained a spark of vitality, even as the world they knew was ending. "I don't claim to be the best construction worker but I feel I can do a lot, even supplement camp security if need be. I was after all a marine and police sergeant." he shrugged. "But I'd be happy to accept any books anyone has or finds on construction or things you all think we could use here in camp."
TJ sat. He didn't have any experience as a farmer nor medical other than basic first aid. Kelly was a RN so she would fit perfectly on the medical committee. Perhaps he could be a hunter. He had experience doing that.
Kelly offered T.J. a smile as she spoke up. “I can help with medical, I’m a fully qualified nurse. I can hunt too.”
"Okay, next up would be Hunting and Reuben, I have you in mind for that, if you're willing? This would be hunting up game, fishing, resource gathering -- berries and the like."
Reuben looked up when Hale mentioned his name. He nodded and replied "Sure, I'll need my sister, she is an excellent hunter, and one or two others that have experience. Would like Catalina to start a few trot-lines in the river as well as set up some snares in the early morning. Once we get some of the younger ones trained up, I'll take one or two on as apprentices'. I would also prefer those who know how to use a bow or crossbow, less noise to attract unwanted guest, living and undead." With that he was about to sit back, when one last thought hit, "Also just realized we need some bows or crossbows, and I will need one individual who knows wild plants and such, or someone willing to learn."
Vienna nodded. “I can help, I’m used to hunting with a bow and arrow, used to do it all the time with my dad.”
TJ spoke to Reuben, "Going to need string for your bows and crossbow." He pointed out.
Reuben nodded at T.J. "Fully acknowledged on that, I'll make sure our camp mother puts it on things we need. He then smiled at both Vienna and Kelly. Looking at Hale he said "well then sir, I believe the Hunting and Gathering committee is set. Myself, miss Cardona. as my second..." Here he looked at his sister to see how she would take that pronouncement. " sister, and the young miss Vienna Quinn, for now. As I have said Catalina and myself will get an early start with snare traps and trot-lines. I think Cardona and Vienna should get any bows or crossbows we have ready, and if they are comfortable start hunting bigger game."
"Security. This is about keeping the homestead safe and entirely separate from any of our trips off the homestead. T.J., I had you in mind for this if you're willing?"
TJ nodded, "Yes sir, absolutely. Ready and willing." He was already thinking on ways to protect the homestead.
"Then there's keeping things running here. This would be cooking, making sure folks have clean clothes to wear and mending gets done. There'd be childcare involved but also, once we get a root cellar ready, this would also be making sure there's enough food for the entire group and letting us know when we're low on something."
"Before the world ended, I was a project manager, so that's no problem," Calista quietly answered. She liked the idea of working in the greenhouse and keeping things going at the homestead. It wasn't like they had good options. They already had some questionable run ins with others. While both her and her husband wanted to return home, they weren't naive enough to think that either of their families may have survived this.
"Along with overall leadership, Tim and I are going to head the Teams Committee. Anytime, we need to make a run, one or both of us will be in charge of that."
"Ragnar, I'd like you to take over management of the Armory. There's a lot you'll need to learn, supplement what you already know, but this is about making sure that all the weapons are in good working order and that we have enough ammunition. There will be some training attached to this but, if you're willing, it's an important job with Rene as your assistant so that you can share knowledge."
Rene nodded. He was exceptionally knowledgeable about bladed weapons, though firearms, not so much. Despite the groups acquisition of firearms and ammunition, there was a finite amount of bullets. Making and maintaining melee weapons and training people on how to use them was going to be an ongoing process.
"Alonzo, I'm going to incorporate you into Teams but there's a special job I'd like you to take on and that's our group Historian. Keep records of what happens, what we learn, who we encounter. All of that. A record for those that come after us."
Alonzo smirked Of course. Task the journalist with the writing he thought, but he did enjoy what he was being asked to do. "Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword," he quoted and looked around. "Does this mean when it comes time I can cast the first vote of who to vote off?" Alonzo was of course teasing.
"No," Hale shot back, laughing, "but you can document the process for posterity. "The only history we'll have of this time is what we write down now and no matter what, someone should know."
Serena was silent as they all spoke, she was content at that moment as she rocked PJ in her lap.
Timothy sat next to his fiancée, his left arm around her shoulders, as he listened to the plans being made. Thus far, he agreed with the various assignments that Hale had made.
“I can help with both medical, childcare, and around the house. Thea smiled. “It’s the least I can do in return for all of you accepting me as part of your community.”
TJ returned Kelly's smile. He was going to ask her to be his second and help with camp security, but she had already offered to help in medical and hunting committees, and he didn't want to overload her.
The group seemed to gel well and Keola could do nothing but lightly smirk as he looked down into his cup. Construction would not have been his first choice in specialty given his many years the marines and in the Miami Police Department but others weren't necessarily to know that right now given how new he was to the group. He'd do his best and was already thinking of setting up perimeter defenses, fences, sentry posts and the sort to keep them safe. Camp security was paramount to him.
TJ looked at Keola and remembered the man saying he had been a marine and a police detective. "Keola, I'd like you to assist me in security, you as well Josh." he looked at Kelly, "You always help me." He said softly.
“I always will you know that” Kelly smiled warmly. “I’ll help out whenever I can between other duties.”
"I know you will Kelly. I never worry about that. I just don't want you to overburden yourself." TJ answered giving her a warm smile in return.
“You know me, always good at multi tasking” Kelly grinned.
TJ nodded at Kelly. "I know you can and have Kelly. I don't put anything past you." He returned, giving her a positive grin of his own.
"I can help maintain our weapons and assist with gathering and hunting. While I haven't done much hunting, I'm a good shot. Fishing is also something I haven't done much with, but willing to learn as needed."
Josh merely nodded. "Not much a lawyer can do though."
"Oh, don't sell yourself short Josh. I'm sure there is plenty to keep you busy." TJ said with a smile.
Serena took a breath "I think some chores should be shared around as well, Hale."
"Something not covered by the committees, Serena," Hale asked. "And while I'm thinking about it, Keola, I built my cabin, with some help, and I know a bit about construction techniques. Willing to help out whenever I can."
Serena nodded.
"Sure thing, TJ," Keola nodded at the man. Whenever he had the time, or if the situation warranted it, he would always protect the group. It was almost instinctual. Turning to Hale, who had also commented, he nodded and smiled at their leader, the man who had brought them to his home for safety. "I'll always accept another pair of hands, sir. Dad always said never to turn down help from someone who's fit and able to swing a hammer or carry supplies."
"If you've a mind to lend a hand on the teams, see me later, Keola," Hale said, "and we can talk experience."
"Okay," Hale said as he rose to his feet. "It's been a long day after a long trip out here. There's plenty of firewood and we've got small wood burners in the tents. Between them, the cots and the sleeping bags, you should be plenty warm. See you in the morning."
"Night everyone," Timothy stated, as he helped Serena stand with their son. They made their way to the b e tent that they had set up near the center of the group. It has been decided that any children would be kept toward the center, for protection, while tents for single individuals were set up on the outside.
Serena was quiet as she walked but she let her gaze sweep the group. She hoped they would all be there in the morning.
Kimberly headed for her SUV where she would sleep.
Chloe was silent as she headed for the tent she would share with her grandfather.
Edward moved to one of the outside tents. He looked over at everyone before climbing inside, his large frame nearly filling a full half of the one he was in.
Kelly smiled as she stood ready, “Good night everyone, sleep well.”
Vienna smiled at Kelly as she stood ready to head off as well. “You too Kelly.”
TJ stood beside Kelly, his hand intertwining with hers. "Good night, everyone." He added as they prepared to enter their tent that was at least for now home.
Roman watched Vienna head off and wondered where she intended to sleep and with whom. He said nothing but instead, headed off to his own designated sleep spot, the other half of the tent filled by Edward.
Hale, with Ethan in tow, headed back to his own cabin; he slipped his boots off, with an audible sigh, started a fire in the massive, central fireplace and made sure they had a good supply laid in. It was the first time in days that the group hadn't literally been on top of each other and he welcomed the privacy. He said good-night and then walked up the stairs to the loft where his massive, king-sized bed awaited. He made the bed and took a chance on the shower. Even lukewarm, being clean was a blessing as was scrounging up a pair of clean, loose-fitting shorts that he could wear to bed.
Yawning mightily, he crawled into bed and lay for awhile staring up through the skylight at the stars overhead.