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Settling In

Posted on Wed Aug 21st, 2024 @ 2:17am by Survivor Timothy Reynolds & Survivor Edward Harrison Jr & Survivor René Rouen & Survivor Vienna Quinn & Survivor Ragnar Jørgensen & Survivor Timothy Cotton & Group Leader Serena Reynolds M.D. & Survivor Thea Matthews & Survivor Chloe Rouen & Survivor Kelly Cardona

1,422 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Road Ahead
Location: The Cabin
Timeline: September 7, 2010 - 10:00 a.m.

Ragnar pulled a chair up against one wall, leaning back in it so that its back rested against the wall and only two of its legs were on the ground and then he balanced in it, sliding his duffel bag under the other two feet after pulling out his charcoal pencil and his sketchbook and looking over some older designs and schematics that he had designed.

Kelly was sitting with TJ enjoying being back together again after so long apart, she offered a smile as she noted the fact that they had a pregnant woman amongst the group too, she could only imagine how hard that was given the current situation.

Thea nodded politely to the latest arrivals as she settled down with a drink in hand, the group was growing which made her feel safer.

Vienna gave Ragnar a curious look, she could see his sketchbook and wondered what he liked to draw. “Excuse me, I see you like to sketch, may I ask what kind of things you like to draw?”

TJ sat with Kelly as they sat together. He was happy that he and Kelly had found each other especially with the state the world was currently in. It gave him some peace to know they had each other. He looked at the others gathered around the cabin. There were young and not so young but by no means old. it looked to be a good group.

Ragnar looked up to Vienna and nodded. “Of course; in truth I am just studying some of my older designs and trying to think of ways I can improve some of them; most everything in the sketchbook concerns forging though; been doing it most of my life.” He flipped the pages back to the beginning of the book, to the first sketches which detailed the making of a medieval style stone or mud brick forge that was rather simple. “The work keeps me in good shape”

“Wow! These are amazing.” Vienna smiled warmly. “I wish I could draw and design the way you do.”

Ragnar chuckled lightly and softly, shrugging one shoulder. “Just many years of practice really; I’ve been travelling with the festivals both here and back home in Europe since I was a lad.”

“You must have plenty of interesting stories to tell” Vienna smiled warmly. “You’ll have to tell us all sometime.”

Timothy listened as he quietly rocked and fed PJ. Serena was sitting beside him as thy group rested up. Before they were going to head out in the morning, continuing their journey west, to Hale's land, in Wisconsin.

Ragnar glanced around the room, smiling a bit to see that there were children with them and deciding that he had made the right choice of people to throw in with. “I think just from what I am seeing here tonight I made the right choice today.”

René had been sitting with Henri and Chloé since the groups return from the hospital. He has spent the time telling them of his experience since the start of the State of Emergency. The field trip to Millinocket, the journey back to Bangor, fleeing Bangor just before the bombing and finally the incident at the car dealership and pharmacy. "Not exactly what I had expected when I applied to be an exchange student."

“None of us expected this” Vienna sighed. “Goes to show how quickly and easily everything changes.”

Chloé didn't say anything, she watched cautiously. She was curious about the situation between her brother and a girl he had known what? barely a month? It seemed... way too convenient for the girl. But she kept her own counsel.

Ragnar grimaced slightly. “Aye; that it does. Things change entirely too easily. Pardon me, I haven’t introduced myself…. Ragnar Jørgensen, Master Smith.”

Henri stepped forward and shook hands with Ragnar before gesturing to himself and his grandchildren. "Henri Rouen, my granddaughter Chloé and grandson René. Pleased to meet you sir."

“I’m Vienna Quinn” Vi smiled warmly as she walked over by René. “Can I get anyone a drink of anything? We do have enough supplies if you’d like a hot or cold drink.”

"Hot tea if you please." Henri gave Vienna an appreciative smile.

René smiled warmly at Vienna. "Nothing for me."

“I wouldn’t say no to some coffee,” came Ragnar’s reply as he looked between Henri and his grandchildren. “France? Some of my favorite festivals were there.”

René looked at Ragnar for a long moment before snapping his fingers. "That's where I've seen you before, the Chateau de Sedan Medieval Festival last May."

“That would be one of my mainstays, aye. Its a wonderful festival, I work the large forge there, though if you attend the fights you’ve also seen me in the tournaments” Ragnar grinned.

René nodded. "I did compete in the tournaments, saber competitions."

Vienna went to get the requested drinks, it wasn’t long before she returned. “One tea” She smiled as she placed Henri’s drink down. “Coffee for you” She offered Ragnar a warm smile.

Ragnar took the coffee gratefully and took a sip with a slight sigh. “Thank you, Vienna”

Vienna nodded before heading to get herself a drink, returning shortly afterwards with a hot chocolate. Sitting down beside René she offered him a warm smile. “How is your leg? Is it alright?”

René shrugged. "Sore, but on the mend. Four or five days and I will be right as rain." He took Vienna’s hand and gave a gentle squeeze.

Kelly was sitting looking at the diamond ring that now adorned her finger, she still couldn’t believe TJ had asked her to marry him. It was definitely a dream come true! “I can check your leg for you if you like?” She looked at René. “I’m a nurse, I’ve treated gunshot wounds before.”

René appreciated Kelly's offer. "Doctor Reynolds did the initial triage after I was shot. Not much more to do but change out the dressing on the wound. It's my upper thigh, which means taking off my pants. I would much rather one of the men help me out with that Mademoiselle Cardona."

“I am no nurse but I am far from new to changing bandages and I am fairly good at taking direction…” Ragnar volunteered, looking closer at René. “You preferred dark tanned medium leathers, aye? Fresian Saber wielded with a combination of the Calibri and Traditional French styles?”

"Merci." René gave Ragnar an appreciative nod. "Perhaps we can change the dressing before turning in and yes. I prefer the lighter armor styles of 17th Century France, specifically that of the King's Musketeers."

“Certainly a good idea; do you still have your saber??” Ragnar nodded as he thought through designs before he turned to the others in the room. “I don’t see modern armors protecting us properly against the threats we are most likely to encounter in this new world…. I can work with everyone to fit you more properly once we get to someplace stable.”

René gestured to his weapons belt leaned up against the hearth. "I was able to collect my Renaissance Faire garb, rapier and dirk when we reached Bangor. They serve me well against the Soulless...though...not so much against who ever shot me from hiding."

Ragnar glanced over to the weapons belt and then looked to René again. “I have some designs…. They are untested of course as I have never had the time or reason to fashion any but I suppose this world might give us reason if we can get ahold of the resources…” he paused as he thought then offered René his small sketchbook.

The page it was turned to was of reinforced hardened leather armour that had a thin layer of Kevlar layered between the pieces of leather that covered critical areas like the torso and groin.

René studied the design for a moment and nodded with approval. "It's very interesting Monsieur. Though I am unsure of the purpose for Kevlar. It is not particularly effective against blades."

Ragnar chuckled and motioned toward René's leg. "It won't be as good as say modern day armor but the thin layer of Kevlar will help prevent things such as that from occurring if we are dealing with other survivors while the leather will help against the dead that walk." He took a long draw of the coffee and grimaced slightly as the warmth hit the back of his throat.



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