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Home Sweet Home: Setting Up Camp

Posted on Tue Sep 24th, 2024 @ 8:09pm by Ethan Thompson & Lydia Dunham & Roman Quinn M.D. & Enrique Duarte Casal & Hale Stratton & René Rouen & Calista Sutton & Vienna Quinn & Reuben Baptiste & Timothy Reynolds & Ragnar Jørgensen & Timothy Cotton & Keola Malia & Serena Reynolds M.D. & Thea Matthews & Chloé Rouen & Kimberley Hathaway & Edward Harrison Jr & Joshua MacCallan & Kelly Cardona & Catalina   Baptiste

3,310 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: The Road Ahead
Location: Hale Homestead
Timeline: September 15, 2010 - 6:15 p.m.

Ethan walked over to Calista. Survival, he was coming to realized, meant have a skill set that he did not as yet possess. He'd made his ideas known to Hale and been promised a motorcycle as soon as they could find one for him; in the meantime, between shooting lessons and self-defense, he also intended to learn something about growing fruits and vegetables. His science teacher would be proud... if he was even around, that is.

"Would it be alright," Ethan said, "If I came with you? Maybe helped out a bit?"

"Sure, of course," Calista replied, quietly. "The company would be nice, and we can see what we can do with what we got, and then see what we can find, considering the circumstances."

Reuben nodded at Hale as he requested he guard those preparing the food. "I am on it." He looked down at Kenny "Guess we got guard duty buddy." With that he did a very low whistle getting his sister's attention.

CeeCee heard the whistle her brother gave and trotted over. "What's up?" she asked.

Reuben looked at her. "Give me the Winchester and you take the Coach gun and your pistols with you when you go into town with Hale. Play nice he is a former Spec Ops like me, which means he has issues with sass. See if you can convince Hale to get some canvas tents, if there are any, along with the stove kits. If he gives you a 'what the hell' look just tell him they are like GP Small tents. Remember, no sass, You may be quick on the draw, but he is combat hardened."

CeeCee smiled, "Sure Sandwich. I'll play nice, after all we have to hole up somewhere for the winter. I'll also see if I can find a HAM radio. Now go babysit your lady friend and the rest of them." She then looked down at Kenny, "Take good care of him till I get back, and I'll give you some jerky." Kenny wagged his tail enthusiastically and Reuben just shook his head.

Serena gathered Kimberly, Chloe and Joshua with a look. When they joined her she began to talk to them.

TJ waited as Kelly went to get her gun. When she returned he smiled at her. "Okay Kelly, let's go and see what we can see and give the perimeter a thorough once over and then report back to Major Hale." As the pair started off, TJ looked at her, "What you said about your home being where I am and liking it here. I wanted you to know my home is where you are, and I like it here as well."

Kelly nodded. “I’m glad TJ. With all hell breaking loose being together is what matters, and now we’re part of a community too. I’m looking forward to having a chance to live our lives together.”

Kimberly with Chloe in tow headed to gather food from the trailer she had hitched to her SUV.

Josh meanwhile moved his truck so it faced the way they came and made the first part of a makeshift wall, just in case.

Serena moved the Blazer so it was nose to the camper at the back of Josh's truck.

Then she and Josh gathered the rest of the food and cooking stuff and joined Thea, Kimberly, Lydia, and Chloe at the large fire pit.

“Do we have plenty of potatoes?” Thea looked towards the others. “I can start peeling some if we want to use them for dinner.”

Kimberly nodded. "We do for now. We will need to find a way to grow more soon."

Thea nodded. “There’s plenty of land here, we could make a vegetable patch to grow all kinds of foods. We’d just need to find seeds.”

As TJ and Kelly continued their patrol. TJ nodded at Kelly's reply. "So right Kelly. Being together is all important and now we also have a community we're a part of and have to take part in seeing they are safe as well."

Kelly nodded as she kept a watchful eye as they walked. “They’ve been good enough to take us in so it’s the least we can do. Besides this will give us a chance to settle down together.”

T.J.'s eyes swept over the perimeter as he and Kelly made their sweep. So far nothing out of the ordinary had been discovered. "You're right Kelly. They took us in and we can settle down together and continue to help the group."

“I’m looking forward to settling down, I just hope we won’t end up having to move again anytime soon.” Her attention turned to a nearby set of trees as there was a creaking and cracking of wood. She motioned to T.J. before cautiously making her way towards it. Reaching the tree she was about to hug the tree when a broken limb came tumbling down.

“That was close!” She examined the branch. “Looks like it’s rotted and dropped.”

T.J. nodded and smiled, "Better to be safe than sorry Kelly, especially when danger can be over every hill or every forest we come across."

As everyone started to break up into their assigned tasks, Edward walked over to Hale. "Excuse me, Major Hale, Sir? What can I do to help?" The big man looked down at the seasoned warrior, the look on his face that of an eager child, wanting to please. "I could come with you to town, help carry stuff?"

"Sure, Ed," Hale said. He returned Ed's smile with one of his own and gestured toward the vehicles. "I think that would be a fine idea."

Edward grinned happily, glad to be of use. One of the things his father had drilled into him as a boy was, a man who is of no use, is not only useless, but worthless. He reached into the back of his truck and pulled out his prybar. He then fell into step with Hale and his team.

With one group out scouting, and another getting ready to go into town for the first supply run, Serena looked around those remaining. She plucked PJ from Tim and settled him in his harness carrier which she had strapped so he was on her back.

She considered what they had. And who was doing what. Ragnar, Alonzo and Killian were on wood patrol, TJ and Kelly on Scout, and when they came back, TJ would join the group going into town. Callista and Ethan were inventorying the greenhouse, which would be helpful and with Hale, Tim, TJ, Keola, Ed, Catalina were heading into town that left a whole lot of people standing around doing nothing.

She took a breath and put on her time to move face. “Okay!” she called out, bringing everyone’s attention to her.

“With Thea and Kimberly and Chloé starting meal prep, the rest of us can start unloading stuff. Weapons, Fuel, into the barn, Food Supplies to be placed in the cabin,” She looked at those who were not going to town, cooking or collecting wood. “Personal belongings can stay in the vehicles for now”

“Reuben, can you make sure everything that goes into the barn is organized?”

Reuben smiled "Sure thing. Definitely want the fuel and ammo as far from each other as possible in the barn. I'll be able to direct things from the door and still be able to pull overwatch guard duty on those cooking. Come along Kenny." with that he and Kenny meandered over to the barn.

“Roman, the medical supplies can all be in the ambulance and there are some more in the back of the Blazer,” she pointed to the vehicle she and Tim drove.

"On it," Roman said. This at least was something he understood, something familiar in a sea of weird. He found the stuff in the back of Serena and Tim's ride and hauled it over to the ambulance. It would take a bit of time to inventory the contents and sort out all of the extras the thieves had dumped in the back -- not to mention what the group had gathered. He settled in to work, humming under his breath as he did so.

Reuben looked down at Kenny "Let's mosey over to the barn, I want to inspect it. Find out how it is set up, then determine how best to keep the fuel and ammo separated..." Suddenly Reuben got a far off look, often called the thousand yard stare, He was back in Iraq, in a FOB just before Operation Phantom Fury was to kick off, he and Ryan along with a few other Air Force Spec Ops personnel were being briefed on the upcoming mission. Suddenly the FOB came under mortar fire, the insurgents got lucky and hit the fuel depot causing a huge explosion and sparked a fire on the ammo dump... Kenny sensing something wrong began licking Reuben's hand as well as whining and pawing at him.

Thea’s attention turned to Kenny noting the behaviour the protective dog was displaying. Walking over to Reuben she gently reached out her hand. “Reuben...are you okay?”

Reuben instinctively reached out and grabbed Thea's hand at the same time spinning and dropping low. Kenny jumped between Rueben and Thea, taking the blow that Reuben was going to deliver. Kenny yelped as Reuben fell back. Reuben shook his head upon hearing Kenny yelp, and looked about, coming back to reality.

“What just happened?” Thea looked at Reuben concernedly, he was still holding onto her hand. “You just punched Kenny, he jumped between us..”

Reuben let go of Thea's hand and whistled softly to Kenny. Kenny came running up to Reuben and began licking his face. Quietly as he ran his hands over Kenny he whispered "Sorry buddy, didn't mean to do that, got lost in the bad places again." He then looked up at Thea, "I owe you an apology. I have been diagnosed with severe PTSD and on occasion it gets to me, hence the reason I have Kenny. He is my companion dog, helps with my PTSD as well as my vision issues." With that Reuben got up and began to lead Kenny away to the barn, deep shame obvious in his face.

“Please wait...” Thea caught Reuben up. “You’ve been nothing but kind to me since I joined all of you, I’d like to do what I can for you too.” She gently stroked Kenny giving him a fuss for obviously saving her from injury. “We can talk about it more when I’ve finished helping the others. I want to help, to be there for you too.”

Reuben stopped and looked back at Thea, a weak smile appeared on his haunted face, "Why Uncle Sugar gave me Kenny, but I would welcome the company of a beautiful lady." With that statement he turned and made his way to the barn, Kenny hugging close to his leg.

Thea couldn’t help but smile. “I’ll be there soon, I promise.” Walking away there was a slight pang of guilt, having lost the love of her life a few months earlier. She frowned before the thought crossed her mind that he wouldn’t want her to be alone. Smiling she headed to help the others as she’d promised.

[ Meanwhile]

Serena’s eyes fell on René, Vienna and Henri. “Henri, can you and Rene and Vienna organize the food into the Cabin please?”

René dropped his armload of kindling wood and nodded. He immediately headed for the cargo door on the back of the vehicle as Henri hit the button on the key fob to unlock the cargo door.

Henri turned to Vienna. "Mademoiselle Vienna would you be so kind as to assist René. I will catch up with you both in a few minutes.

“Of course” Vienna nodded and smiled. She needed to do more to help the group and this was a good way to get stuck in.

René took one end of a large container and with Vienna’s help got the food into the cabin. Once the food was put in a corner out of the way, he stepped up to Vienna and gave her a kiss. "I have been wanting to do that for days now.

Vienna smiled as she looked into René’s eyes. “You’re not the only one! It’s not like we’ve had much time alone lately.”

René nodded his head slowly as he pondered Vienna’s statement. While he cherished the few private moments they had shared together, he was also grateful for when those moments were interrupted. It was becoming more and more difficult to restrain his desire to explore their relationship even more. He was about to say something when one of those interruptions happened again.

Chloé meanwhile was with Kimberly helping by chopping carrots. She was silent as she did what she could to be helpful. She noted her brother was drooling over the girl again and rolled her eyes under her baseball cap.

[And again, Elsewhere]

“Enrique, Lydia, can you help Callista? Vienna’s cabin had the seed vault,” Serena pointed to a container which was in the back of the vehicle Vienna had gotten out of. “Callista and Ethan will be able to get this sorted.”

Lydia didn't see much that she could help with, given that the greenhouse was small, no more than eight feet in length with a narrow space between waist level beds that ran the length on both sides. Still, it was a way to help and, after making introductions, Enrique got the seed vault and together they went over to Callista to see what they could do.

"Welcome," Calista said, having taken stock of the small greenhouse and what they should try to prioritize for food. There wasn't anything in there except bare dirt, so they had their work cut out for them. "I think if we can maybe check the local farmers to see what they may have if they have survived, we might be able to diversify. It's going to be winter sooner rather than later."

"Even with all the seeds we have, they'll take time to grow which leaves us short for a long while," Lydia said.

[Elsewhere on the Homestead]

“We need to clear space for the tents and make sure all vehicles are set up as a temporary barricade. So, Josh, that’s your job.” She said to her brother.

Joshua nodded and went to look for a rake to rake the ground so they could pitch the tents.

Serena herself moved to begin unloading one of the Vehicles so that those who were doing the storing could access them easily enough. In his carrier on her back, PJ babbled and played with his mother’s hair.

In Keola's mind there were plenty of things that could go wrong going into town. Zombies were not as dangerous as Humans on their own but in packs they could be lethal. "What was the population of the town, Major? Be best to expect some of them to still be around whilst we're reconning it." he commented as he checked his weapons.

"You want a number," Hale asked. "I'm thinking less than thirty thousand, maybe. Never heard an actual count honestly. And I didn't spend a lot of time there in any case. Biggest forms of entertainment around here are hunting and fishing, so those that are still ... themselves ... well, they'll know which end of a weapon to point at you. Noah, that's my neighbor, he says there good folks by and large."

Keola nodded. "Good folks turned desperate and scared can be dangerous, but I don't need to tell you that." Given his experiences in the military and police force even the best of people with their backs against a wall could strike out at you, sometimes with an even worse reaction that those predisposed to act like that. Fear changes a person, and to live in constant fear wasn't a positive. "We'll see what we find. Hopefully some people willing to help and not too many biters." he said checking his weapons once over again.

Catalina took the Ithica 12-guage double-barreled Coach gun and its sheath, used some of her Piggin' String to make a shoulder sling. She then slung it over her shoulder and ensured she could easily draw it. She adjusted her gun belt, then her hat. Once she was satisfied she walked over to Hale, "Ready to go when you are, sir," a smirking smile on her face as she made the sir sound like cur.

Hale gaze flattened somewhat as much from the expression on her face as what she called him. "Hale will be just fine," he said, his tone neutral and controlled. "We'll give T.J. and Kelly another five minutes and then we'll go."

CeeCee smiled and laughed at Hale, "Sandwich is right about you. You and him are touched. I like you Hale. I was just seeing how you reacted, to judge you, so to say, I mean Reuben has been very touched since he was released from the Air Force. I want to be sure those he is associating with are not taking advantage of him. Call it the over protective sister syndrome." With that she put her hand out to Hale, "Thanks for looking after him, he is lost and trying to come to terms with his demons."

Hale accepted the handshake with a nod, unsure how he felt about her explanation. He left that thought for later and focused his attention on her for a moment. If he trusted her, which he did not, he would have spoken about the scars they all carried, some physical, some emotional but those were things he seldom spoke of unless it was with someone who had been there. So instead he said, "He hasn't let any of that get in the way of him doing the job. He's been a big help to us."

CeeCee nodded, "Sandwich has always been a good trooper, but the wars finally caught up to him. His last mission was pretty horrific. Military helped get Kenny for him; to help with the PTSD and his vision issues. Kenny is good for him, but I worry. So forgive me when I get protective of him. I am usually the introvert in the family, but he seems to have taken it over. Looks like the perimeter check is done."

Hale nodded. "Excuse me," he said. "But something to think about, I understand protective but there are limits to how far that goes." He headed off to check with the others.

Catalina again nodded at Hale in silent acknowledgement, she would keep an eye out and get the feel for things. She was concerned about her brother, but he seemed to have found something, what though she was not yet sure of. She would pray on it and reflect on it tonight.

TJ and Kelly were finishing up their patrol and heading back to camp. Their patrol had seen no sign of the undead nor any evidence of any being in the area. They came over a small crest and could see the camp in the near distance. "Well Kelly, that was a good patrol, no undead, or any sign of them. We'll make our report to the Major and then see if his previous plans for us are still go."

Kelly nodded. “Sounds good to me TJ, the sooner things are sorted the sooner we can start living our lives together.”

"I couldn't agree more Kelly. Let's make our report to Major Hale and go from there," TJ answered with a smile.


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